Changemakers Rotary Club

Club President Message November 2023
"Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." Melody Beattie
In November we celebrate Thanksgiving.  Thank You! Rotary members, for your service to our communities and our world. 
November is Foundation Month.  The Rotary Foundation is a non-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs. It is supported solely by voluntary contributions.  Donating to The Rotary Foundation enables the Foundation to support, through Rotary clubs, bigger and more impactful projects around the world. More lives are changed and society gains.  Tuesday, November 28 is Giving Tuesday.  The Rotary Foundation is looking for support. You can  donate to Annual Fund-SHARE on Giving Tuesday to support district and global grants.
New Member Orientation and Welcome will be November 29, 7:00 am and 7:00 pm. Hosted by PDG Karen Hebert.  Watch for a news article on the website or Facebook page with more details.
Happy surprise!  Our club received a banner from the Rotary Foundation for the second highest per capita annual giving in our district.  Woot Woot!!  Way to go team!
We have set up a memorial fund for Lisa McGrath.  It will work the same as the one for Cheryl.  Donations are tax deductible, and all proceeds will go toward our next service project.  More details below.  
Tri-Con, our Multi-District Conference, will be April 19-20, 2024, in Green Bay.
I am so grateful for all of you.  Together we can create hope in the world.

November Meeting Recap
For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our November club meeting.
We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all.
We are looking for members of Service committee, if you are interested, let anyone on the board know, or just show up.  Meetings are on the last Tuesday of the month at 5:00, and can be accessed from our website.
We are looking for a President-Elect for July 2024 - June 2025.  The election will be in December. The president-elect training,  PETS, will be in Itasca Illinois on March 1 - 3.

The vibrant Club Workshop will be in Tomah on November 4th.  Sharon will represent our club.

Tri-Con (our Multi-District Conference) - will be April 19-20, 2024 in Green Bay.

Rotary's International Convention will be May 25 - 29, 2024  in Singapore.

Guest past district governor Karen hosted our Happy Hour in October, an interesting social discussion of  "What makes a man - and how to welcome and celebrate masculinity".


  Once again, Sharon was the lucky winner of our 50/50 raffle.

Rather than a service project meeting this month, Sharon attended a meeting about a Budapest school for Ukrainian students.  They are looking for clubs to donate to get equipment.  She will share the slide deck with us at a later date.  This could possibly be an international project for us.

Erin Luken, District 6250 Foundation Committee Chair, had a very informative presentation on the Rotary Foundation.


Changemakers Foundation Award

Rotary Orientation

Our Rotary District is hosting new member orientation throughout 2023 on every fifth Wednesday at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.  It's time for our final set of one-hour orientations! The next chance to join is November 29.

This time together is designed to root Rotarians in our mission and values - to grow a sense of personal Rotary identity and sense of belonging in a global group of excellent friends. There is so much to learn about being a member of a Rotary Club, and this orientation is designed to complement that and to give you - the newer Rotarian -  a chance to spend time with Rotarians all around the District.
Our district clubs add over 200 new Rotarians every year. We - District 6250 - value you so much and want to serve you in a meaningful way.

 This is not a series, it is a single opportunity, offered four days a year, at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. each of the four days.

Remember! Fifth Wednesdays, 7 a.m. OR 7 p.m.

PDG Karen Hebert

Memorials for Lisa McGrath
Our club should be in good hands, with two members helping us from heaven. 
Lisa McGrath was an active member of our club.  She was excited about the service opportunities, the fellowship, and the international aspects of Rotary.  She  was looking into Rotary youth exchange before cancer sidelined her.
Anyone interested in making a donation in memory of Lisa can do so through the District 6250 Foundation.  The funds are tax deductible, and will be used toward our next service project.
Click on Donate Now, and then select Lisa McGrath Memorial - Changemakers.
By Check:
Rotary District 6250 Foundation
(memo Lisa McGrath Memorial -Changemakers )
c/o Treasurer Val Schroeder
1723 Chadbourne Ave
Madison, WI  53726

Madison Breakfast Rotary Supported Library Project in Ecuadorian Amazon
From Ellen Cook, Madison Breakfast Rotary
Hello Fellow Club Members and Books for the World Supporters,
Our club, through our Foundation Grants, has supported the building of a community library (Witoca Library) in the Ecuadorian Amazon. I'm sending this link to their GoFundMe page, not to solicit funds, but to allow you to watch the video by Lucia Chavez who many of you have met via zoom. You will be proud to hear that construction of the project is moving forward and building has begun. We have more videos from Lucia of the construction of the building frame and gathering of the thatch that we can share with the club at another time. On behalf of Lucia, Ana Garic and myself (via we thank Madison Breakfast Rotary Club for your support!
Warmest regards,
Ellen Cook
Ana Garic
Your invitation to two exclusive ShelterBox events
Greetings Rotary Club of Changemakers,
I would like to personally invite your club membership to two exclusive ShelterBox events: one is virtual, and the other in person (in Las Vegas)!
First, our annual Evening to Experience ShelterBox Virtual event is on November 16th 8PM Eastern / 5PM Pacific.  Join Kerri Murray, President of ShelterBox USA and member of the Montecito Rotary Club, along with our dedicated Response Team members online for an unforgettable evening. Prepare to be moved as we share inspiring stories of families rebuilding their lives, all thanks to your support.
To register for Evening to Experience ShelterBox , click on this link:
A poster for a shelter boxDescription automatically generated
Additionally, we are excited to be back in person for our 2023 ShelterBox USA Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada on December 1-3. We will take you through a true deep dive into the world of disaster response through the people who make it all happen, from fundraising efforts to implementation of our responses, to recording the impact and stories of those we serve. Keynote Speaker: ShelterBox CEO, Sanj Srikanthan plus more to be announced.
 To register for 2023 ShelterBox USA Conference, click on this link:
A group of people sitting togetherDescription automatically generated
Do not hesitate to reach out to me, Rotary Relations Manager Bill Tobin ( with any questions about either event. We would love to have your attendance and hope to see you soon.
Thank you,

ShelterBox USA
Bill Tobin
Rotary Relations Manager

d: 1 (805) 203-8668
m: (916) 616-6973
Member, Rotary Club of El Dorado Hills Ca. D5180

Volunteer Opportunity LCEC Food Pantry
Title:  LCEC Food Pantry
When: Recurring - Second Saturday of the month from 10:30-12:30 
Where: 55 N. Gammon, Madison
Contact: Brad Matthiesen    608-469-9555
Description:  We should be there by 10:30 a.m., and our shift ends at 12:30 pm.  The food pantry is now providing in-person shopping.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you can make it, and I’ll confirm with you.  
Changemakers Rotary Club
Jan 05, 2024 8:00 AM
District 6250 Governor
Feb 02, 2024
How to break down political polarization
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Upcoming Events
Service Project Committee
Nov 28, 2023
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
District Rotary Orientation
Nov 29, 2023 7:00 AM
District Rotary Orientation
Nov 29, 2023 7:00 PM
Club Meeting
Dec 01, 2023
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Board Meeting
Dec 12, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Happy Hour Social Time
Dec 21, 2023
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
View entire list
Executives & Directors
Immediate Past President
Public Relations/Social Media
Club Service Chair
Club Service Chair
The Rotary Foundation
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