We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all. Thank you to current club officers, look for the full list on our website. We have leadership positions open for membership committee, foundation committee, president elect, president nominee, treasurer, and grants committee. Please let an officer know if you are interested. Sharon has volunteered to be president of Changemakers for the upcoming year - July 2025 through June 2026. She is asking for help co-chair the service committee, and someone to arrange monthly guest speakers for us. Please talk to Sharon about any opportunity for you to serve your club. We are always looking for new members. Spread the word to your contacts. Allison was the winner of our 50/50 raffle again. Congratulations Allison!  All are encouraged to contribute to the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund-SHARE. In order to be eligible for grants, we need to average $100 per person per year donations to the Rotary Foundation, in a program called Every Rotarian Every Year. The Rotary Rose Parade float won the Tournament Volunteer Trophy for the most outstanding floral presentation of the theme among float 35 feet and under.  The fourth Tuesday of the month is for committee meetings. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 28 at 5 pm. Join a committee and enhance your Rotary experience! If you are passionate about something that would help Rotary advance its mission, let a club officer know. Our Service Committee is still collecting funds for the District 6250 Ukrainian Refugee school, our district will match any donations 1:1. A check can be mailed to Rotary District 6250 Foundation, c/o Brian Watson, 4030 E. Stone Ridge Dr., Milton, WI 53563.  Rotary Magazines - you can receive these online or print. The default is online. To switch to print, email data@rotary.ort or call the circulation department 866-976-8279. Rotary International has begun charging the clubs for the magazines, and so we need to pass this along to our members. Quarterly dues will be $75 starting on January 1st, 2025. Sun Prairie East High School Interact is planning for the Spring term. They have collected money at sporting events for hygiene product boxes for Women for Women International. They also made and delivered holiday cards to send to seniors citizens. The Vibrant Club workshop second session will be in Madison on January 11th at First Supply Plumbing, 6800 Gisholt Drive. PETS training in Itasca Illinois will be February 28 through March 2nd; Sharon will be representing Changemakers. The required grant seminar will also be held in February.  Tricon will be April 25 - 26 in Brookfield Wisconsin. Registration is now open. The Rotary International Convention will be in Calgary Canada, June 21 through 25. Our February meeting will feature Paul Sukenik, member of the Madison South Rotary Club, and Vice-President of Community Services for Habitat for Humanity of Dane County.  Changemaker Cathy Statz shared with us 2025 International Year of Cooperatives. The United Nations has declared 2025 as the International year of Cooperatives. The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) serves as the global coordination, with the US activities managed by the National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA CLUSA International) The ICA has consultative alliance with United Nations. (They have sustainability goals, like Rotary)  A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. They exist more for service than for profit. People take to priority over the enterprise.  The Cooperative Principles include - Voluntary & Open Membership
- Democratic Member Control
- Members' Economic Participation
- Autonomy & Independence
- Education, Training and Information
- Cooperation among Cooperatives
- Concern for Community
 Cooperative Values include: - Self-help
- Self-responsibility
- Democracy
- Equality
- Equity
- Solidarity
 Ethical Values include: - Honesty
- Openness
- Social Responsibility
- Caring for Others
 Cathy travels a lot for cooperative education. She recently travelled to India for a global cooperative conference.