For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our February club meeting. We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all. We are looking for members of Service committee, if you are interested, let anyone on the board know, or just show up. Meetings are on the last Tuesday of the month at 5:00, and can be accessed from our website. We are also always looking for service projects, if you have any ideas, come to the service committee meeting or contact a board member. We are looking for more club members, if you know of anyone who may be interested, please get in touch. Welcome to new members Alison Lourash and Gayle Lunder. Happy to have you!!! Tri-Con (our Multi-District Conference) - will be April 18-20, 2024 in Green Bay. They are looking for volunteers, see the district website if you can help. Happy Hour is the third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. There will be a Friendship Exchange with Rotarians from District 6250 going to the Philippines May 17 - 22. They state that this is the Fun Zone! Check your email or the district website. A one-way Mini-Friendship Exchange with the Netherlands will take place the weekend of April 27. This is a Tulip viewing opportunity. See the district website for more details. Our 50/50 raffle winner was Valerie Wachuta If anyone is not getting a monthly club bulletin check your email Spam folder. Contact Val if you're not getting the bulletins and emails. District 6250, in collaboration with ESRAG, again became a supporter of Operation Pollination. They are having a FREE "Pollinator Conservation 101" training, which will be just 5 minutes on pollinator basics followed by a list of Things You Can Do to help pollinators. Training dates are March 6th and March 13th. Training is free but you must register to attend. See our website under Operation Pollination for links to register. Balancing Life Transitions in the Office & at Home is now available to view! Visit our website for the link to hear NAMI Wisconsin provide suggestions on how to best navigate changes in personal and professional life, wellness tips and tricks, statewide resources to utilize, and other suggestions on wellness best practices. Service Committee update: Contributing Supplies (think smart-boards) to a Budapest School for Ukrainian Students. There is a district grant, a joint effort between Changemakers and two other clubs. See our club website for more details and pictures. Sharon will spoke at three Rotary clubs this month, and has one more scheduled. The Global Grant being written by a club from Hungary for the actual school building will be available starting in February. Donations to this grant will count toward Paul Harris recognition. Judy Nagel and Howard Hauser of the Rotary Club of Green Bay spoke to us about Positive Peace, Pay-to-play Politics, and the American Promise: A call to Action for Rotarians. Positive Peace is increasing around the world, but declining in North America. Since Citizens United, undisclosed political spending has ballooned. Money drives access and influence. 76% of political spending comes from .1% of the population. With 547 plans, super PACs can put in as much money as they want, tax deductible. Our donations are not tax deductible. The law is interpreted to include foreign investors. If a politician goes against a major donor, the donor will support someone else in the primary. The more dollars, the better chance of good appointment on committee. Politicians are spending more time dialing for dollars than spending time with constituents. Americans now believe that government is run for a few big interests, rather than the benefit of all the people. Dark money supports the negative ads. Nation wide, 81% of Americans agree on limits on campaign spending. A 28th amendment is being pursued, the only way to overturn a supreme court decision, which will limit campaign donations and out-of-state money. We can volunteer, or write to our congressional representatives. The national website American Promise and our state American Promise Wisconsin both have additional ideas on how to limit campaign spending. We are all encouraged to pledge our support of the concept and sign up for the newsletter. The website Open Secrets is nonpartisan, independent and non-profit. It shows how much money our representatives receive, state and federal.