President’s February Message

February is the month of Peace Building and Conflict Prevention for Rotary International.  The Changemakers Rotary Service Committee has chosen to focus on ShelterBox U.S.A. for our next fundraising project.  Fran Wargolet, a Kenosha Rotarian and ambassador to ShelterBox, U.S.A. was our guest speaker in July.   This partner organization of Rotary International offers shelter and supplies to people in natural disaster areas and to those in areas of conflict, sometimes before a peace settlement has been reached. The shelter comes in various forms and it might be a tent, a tarp, or other house repairs.  So, how can our members help?  We can tell our friends, families, and associates about this opportunity to make a difference by making a donation to the Changemakers Rotary District 6250 Foundation account.  You will find this by choosing “Foundation” in the menu at the top of the page on
You will find the Shelterbox-Changemakers Rotary Club on the foundation page.  Next, you click on the button “Donate Now” which takes you to the donation page.  You will need to select Shelterbox – Changemakers Rotary Club in the drop-down menu and to put in your donation amount. If you prefer, you can write a check to Rotary District 6250 Foundation and mail it directly to our treasurer:
Rotary District 6250 Foundation
c/o Brian Watson
4030 E. Stone Ridge Dr.
Milton, Wi 53563
We would like to wrap the ShelterBox project up by early June.
We are also continuing to collect donations for the Ukrainian-Hungarian Bilingual School in Budapest.
Additionally, we need to be aware of our club goal to donate $400 to the International Rotary Polio Plus.  As of the end of January our members have donated $130.  You will find a “donate” button on the web page, or set up easy monthly payments.
If you are looking for a way to do service in person, consider volunteering for Habitat for Humanity or search the websites of Rotary Clubs near you live and volunteer for their service projects.  You will be welcomed with open arms!
As your President-Elect for 2025-26, I am looking forward to attending the Midwest President-Elect Training Seminar later this month in Itasca, Illinois.  It is a great opportunity to hear inspiring speakers, network, and learn things that will improve my leadership skills.  Thank you for entrusting me with the presidency for one more year.  Please consider volunteering to be our President-Elect for 2026-2027.  It is a rewarding way to serve our Rotary Club!

President’s February Message  Sharon Bradish 2025-02-02 06:00:00Z 0

January Meeting Recap

Find a full recording of the January 3rd 2025 meeting here. January Meeting Link

We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all. 
Thank you to current club officers, look for the full list on our website.  We have leadership positions open for membership committee, foundation committee, president elect, president nominee, treasurer, and grants committee. Please let an officer know if you are interested.
Sharon has volunteered to be president of Changemakers for the upcoming year - July 2025 through June 2026.  She is asking for help co-chair the service committee, and someone to arrange monthly guest speakers for us.  Please talk to Sharon about any opportunity for you to serve your club.
We are always looking for new members.  Spread the word to your contacts.
Allison was the winner of our 50/50 raffle again.  Congratulations Allison!
All are encouraged to contribute to the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund-SHARE.  In order to be eligible for grants, we need to average $100 per person per year donations to the Rotary Foundation, in a program called Every Rotarian Every Year.
The Rotary Rose Parade float won the Tournament Volunteer Trophy for the most outstanding floral presentation of the theme among float 35 feet and under.
The fourth Tuesday of the month is for committee meetings.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 28 at 5 pm. Join a committee and enhance your Rotary experience!  If you are passionate about something that would help Rotary advance its mission, let a club officer know.
Our Service Committee is still collecting funds for the District 6250 Ukrainian Refugee school, our district will match any donations 1:1.  A check can be mailed to Rotary District 6250 Foundation, c/o Brian Watson, 4030 E. Stone Ridge Dr., Milton, WI 53563.
Operation Pollination's growing season is over.  A winter reading assignment is to visit the website
Rotary Magazines - you can receive these online or print.  The default is online.  To switch to print, email data@rotary.ort or call the circulation department 866-976-8279.  Rotary International has begun charging the clubs for the magazines, and so we need to pass this along to our members.  Quarterly dues will be $75 starting on January 1st, 2025.
Sun Prairie East High School Interact is planning for the Spring term. They have collected money at sporting events for hygiene product boxes for Women for Women International.  They also made and delivered holiday cards to send to seniors citizens.
The Vibrant Club workshop second session will be in Madison on  January 11th at First Supply Plumbing, 6800 Gisholt Drive. 
PETS training in Itasca Illinois will be February 28 through March 2nd; Sharon will be representing Changemakers.  The required grant seminar will also  be held in February.
Tricon will be April 25 - 26 in Brookfield Wisconsin.  Registration is now open.     The Rotary International Convention will be in Calgary Canada, June 21 through 25.  
Our February meeting will feature Paul Sukenik, member of the Madison South Rotary Club, and Vice-President of Community Services for Habitat for Humanity of Dane County.
Changemaker Cathy Statz shared with us 2025 International Year of Cooperatives.
The United Nations has declared 2025 as the International year of Cooperatives.  The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) serves as the global coordination, with the US activities managed by the National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA CLUSA International)  The ICA has consultative alliance with United Nations.  (They have sustainability goals, like Rotary)
A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.  They exist more for service than for profit.  People take to priority over the enterprise.
The Cooperative Principles include
  • Voluntary & Open Membership
  • Democratic Member Control
  • Members' Economic Participation
  • Autonomy & Independence
  • Education, Training and Information
  • Cooperation among Cooperatives
  • Concern for Community
Cooperative Values include:
  • Self-help
  • Self-responsibility
  • Democracy
  • Equality
  • Equity
  • Solidarity
Ethical Values include:
  • Honesty
  • Openness
  • Social Responsibility
  • Caring for Others
Cathy travels a lot for cooperative education.  She recently travelled to India for a global cooperative conference. 

January Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2025-01-03 06:00:00Z 0

Happy New Year, Changemakers Rotarians! President’s message for January, 2025

Many people reflect on the past year and think about what they can change in the new year. As Rotarians, let’s make a special effort to do our best in serving others. How many of you set goals for the new year? We are halfway through our 2024-2025 Rotary year and at our January board meeting we will be revisiting the goals we chose last June, checking on our progress, and making any changes as needed. You are all welcome to join us on Tuesday, January 14th at 5 pm. If you would like to see a copy of our goals, please send me an email,
Are you familiar with a Vision Board? I recently made my vision board for 2025 including the most important aspects of my life. I chose Inspiring as my theme word. Who and what inspire me and how do I inspire others. If you are a crafty person, you can make a paper creation or you can use the free app Canva. I am going to share my Vision Board with you and of course Rotary is one of my inspirations. I hope it is one of yours as well. If you make a vision board, please share it with me.
Congratulations to our fellow Changemaker LeRoy Kemnitz who inspires all of us. LeRoy just received his Paul Harris Fellow +2 award. He has a received a pin with two sapphire stones. To achieve this award, LeRoy has contributed $3,000 to the Annual Fund, Polio Plus, or an approved Foundation grant over his lifetime. LeRoy you are an inspiration and thank you for your service and loyalty to Rotary International.

Happy New Year, Changemakers Rotarians! President’s message for January, 2025  Sharon Bradish 2025-01-02 06:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow +2 Recipient: LeRoy Kemnitz

Congratulations to our own LeRoy Kemnitz for receiving the Paul Harris Fellow +2 award.  He has received a sapphire pin with two stones for level two.
The Paul Harris Fellow award is given to Rotary members who give a minimum contribution of $1000 to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or and approved Foundation grant over their lifetime.  Additional awards are:
  • Paul Harris Fellow +1: A contribution of $2,000
  • Paul Harris Fellow +2: A contribution of $3,000
  • Paul Harris Fellow +3: A contribution of $4,000
  • Paul Harris Fellow +4: A contribution of $5,000
  • Paul Harris Fellow +5: A contribution of $6,000
  • Paul Harris Fellow +6: A contribution of $7,000
  • Paul Harris Fellow +7: A contribution of $8,000
  • Paul Harris Fellow +8: A contribution of $9,000
Rotary established the recognition in 1957 to encourage and show appreciation for substantial contributions to what was then the Foundation’s only program, Rotary Foundation Fellowships for Advanced Study, the precursor to Ambassadorial Scholarships. 

Many notable figures have been named Paul Harris Fellows, including U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Russian President Boris Yeltsin, U.S. astronaut James Lovell, UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, and polio vaccine developer Jonas Salk.

The number of Paul Harris Fellows reached the 1 million mark in 2006.

Congratulations LeRoy!!!

Paul Harris Fellow +2 Recipient: LeRoy Kemnitz Valerie Wachuta 2025-01-01 06:00:00Z 0

Service Committee Date Change

We are moving the service committee meeting up one week this December to allow our Rotarians holiday time with their families.
The Service Committee Meeting will be Tuesday, December 17th at 5:00.
Join using the zoom link on the website.
Wishing everyone a blessed holiday season.

Service Committee Date Change Valerie Wachuta 2024-12-16 06:00:00Z 0

December Meeting Recap

Find a full recording of the December 6 meeting here.

We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all. 
Thank you to current club officers, look for the full list on our website.  We have leadership positions open for membership committee, foundation committee, president elect, president nominee, treasurer, and grants committee.
We are always looking for new members.  If you're not a member already, join us for a meeting.
All are encouraged to contribute to the Rotary foundation Annual Fund-SHARE.
Anyone wishing to find more about the Rose Parade Rotary Float can click here.
Committee meetings are usually the 4th Tuesday of the month.  With the holidays, December's meeting is being moved up one week to December 17th.  We encourage you to find your passion, enhance your Rotary experience, and join or create a Rotary committee.
Our Service Committee is still collecting funds for the District 6250 Ukrainian Refugee school, our district will match any donations 1:1.  We viewed several photos of happy students and their certificates printed in the Ukrainian language.
We have collected our pledged $500 for new dental equipment for the Kalibo Philippines Rotary club. Changemakers collaborated with the Rotary Club of Jefferson to make this possible. 
Operation Pollination's growing season is over.  You can still participate by being lazy and Leave the Leaves until next Spring, so the pollinators have shelter for the winter.  A winter reading assignment is to visit the website
Rotary Magazines - you can receive these online or print.  The default is online.  To switch to print, email data@rotary.ort or call the circulation department 866-976-8279.  Rotary International has begun charging the clubs for the magazines, and so we need to pass this along to our members.  Quarterly dues will be $75 starting on January 1st, 2025.
Sun Prairie East High School Interact is planning for the Spring term. They are collecting money at sporting events for hygiene product boxes for Women for Women International.  Send donations to Sharon Bradish via PayPal or Venmo - and she will make sure they get it.  They are also making cards to send to senior citizens.
Vibrant Club workshop second session will be in Madison on  January 11th at First Supply Plumbing, 6800 Gisholt Drive.
Tricon will be April 25 - 26 in Brookfield Wisconsin next Spring.  Registration opens December Ninth.  Grant seminar will be held in February 2025.   The RI Convention will be in Calgary, June 21 - 25.  
Sharon shared the video of her interview of Susan Holding of The Little French Bakery located between Baraboo and North Freedom. Susan demonstrated how to make a tart. Email to request the Pate Brissee and Pear tart recipe.   You can view the demonstration here.  
Friday, January 3rd Changemaker Cathy Statz will be sharing with us 2025 International Year of Cooperatives.

December Meeting Recap 2024-12-06 06:00:00Z 0

A message for December from Changemakers Rotary Club President Sharon Bradish

This is the time of year when we count our blessings and look for ways to share with others.  We also think about giving to charities by the end of December to get tax deductions.  There are many worthy causes; however, I would like to remind you of “Every Rotarian, Every Year”.  An annual campaign that encourages all members to donate to the Rotary Foundation.  The goal is for each club to average $100 per member per Rotary Year.  Our current year began on July 1st, 2024 and will end on June 30th, 2025. District and Global Grants for the 2025-2026 year will be awarded through the Rotary Foundation to those clubs who meet this goal.  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to anyone of our club officers.  I hope you all have a My Rotary account with the International Rotary site,  It is easy to set up and you are able to donate to the foundation online or to find information on how to mail a check.
I hope you can all join us for the December 6th monthly meeting starting with social time at 7:30 and business meeting from 8:00 – 9:00.  Our guest speaker is Susan Holding from The Little French Bakery between Baraboo and North Freedom.  I visited Susan at the bakery and we taped an interview. You will learn how she evolved from nurse to pastry chef and bakery owner.  Susan also will show you how to make a tart shell.  If you cannot make the meeting in person, Val will post a link and it will by on for you to view at your convenience.  You might want to have head phones or earbuds in order to hear the interview better over the bakery noises.
We are still accepting donations to the Ukrainian-Hungarian Bilingual School in Budapest.  You can give online at the 6250 District Foundation. 
At our board meeting on December 10th from 5:00 to 6:00 pm we will be discussing participating in a Rotary Global Grant project for the opening of new maternity wards in the Rhine-Sieg region of Germany.  All members are welcome to attend our board meeting.  The link is found on 
We were able to donate $500 to the Rotary Metro Club of Kalibo’s fundraising project for dental equipment.  Thanks to all our members who donated.
This is my sixth month as President of Changemakers Rotary Club.  My presidential year is flying by!  I want to be frank with you.  I cannot keep wearing all these hats, President, Service Club Co-chair, Interact liaison, and program chair.  I need other people to share some of these duties.  We still need a president-elect for 2025-26. 
The Midwest President-Elect Training will be from February 28th through March 2nd at the Westin Hotel Chicago Northeast near Schaumburg, Illinois.  For more information go to  Our club pays for your registration fee but not for your lodging.  I attended PETS last year and it was an incredibly  rewarding experience. We also are looking for a treasurer for next year.  Reach out to any board member for more information.
Wishing you all a wonderful December and holiday celebrations.

A message for December from Changemakers Rotary Club President Sharon Bradish  Sharon Bradish 2024-12-01 06:00:00Z 0

You are invited to "An Evening to Experience ShelterBox"

Greetings President and members of the Rotary Club of Changemakers,
I would like to personally invite you to “An Evening to Experience ShelterBox”, our annual virtual benefit that promises to be inspiring and unforgettable!
On November 14th, join us for an exclusive hour with Kerri Murray, our President, and member of Montecito Rotary Club, along with recently deployed members of our ShelterBox Response Team. Together, we’ll embark on a virtual journey to the core of our global relief efforts. Witness how your generous support is transforming lives—from providing emergency shelter to families displaced by violence in Gaza to delivering vital aid in the aftermath of catastrophic flooding in Bangladesh, Hurricane Beryl in Grenada, and Hurricanes Helene and Milton here in the United States.
This evening is more than an event; it’s a celebration of the hope and renewal you’ve helped bring to those in need. The powerful stories of resilience and recovery you’ll hear are a testament to the profound impact of your contributions. We’re eager for you to experience firsthand the difference you’re making and to deepen your connection with the life-changing work you support. If you are new to our organization, this event is a great introduction to ShelterBox. Founded by a Rotary Club in the year 2000, ShelterBox has now delivered aid to nearly 3 million people.
Don’t miss this special occasion to share in these incredible moments and to receive our heartfelt thanks for your unwavering support. We look forward to seeing you there!
2024 Annual Virtual Benefit, An Evening to Experience ShelterBox,
November 14th    5 - 6 PM PT / 8 – 9 PM ET       Hosted on PayBee
Register here:
I hope to see you on November 14th!
Thank you,
Bill Tobin

ShelterBox USA
Bill Tobin
Rotary Relations Manager
You are invited to "An Evening to Experience ShelterBox" Valerie Wachuta 2024-11-03 05:00:00Z 0

November Meeting Recap

With Sharon in Paris, Val lead the meeting.  We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all. 
Thank you to current club officers, look for the full list on our website.  We have leadership positions open for membership committee, foundation committee, president elect, president nominee, treasurer, and grants committee.
Peter spun the wheel and was the winner of the 50/50 raffle.
We are always looking for new members.  If you're not a member already, join us for a meeting.
We had our monthly encouragement for contributing to the Rotary foundation Annual Fund-SHARE.
Anyone wishing to find more about the Rose Parade Rotary Float can click here.
Committee meetings are the 4th Tuesday of the month, November 26th this month.  We encourage you to find your passion, enhance your Rotary experience, and join or create a Rotary committee.
Our Service Committee is still collecting funds for the District 6250 Ukrainian Refugee school, our district will match any donations 1:1.  We viewed several photos of happy students and their certificates printed in the Ukrainian language.
We are still collecting for new dental equipment for the Kalibo Philippines Rotary club.  Changemakers has pledged $500, and so far we have collected $135.  To help out, go to the District 6250 Foundation on  Click on Donate Now, and select the Kalibo Philippines Dental Clinic from the dropdown.
Operation Pollination's growing season is over.  You can still participate by being lazy and Leave the Leaves until next Spring, so the pollinators have shelter for the winter.  A winter reading assignment is to visit the website
Rotary Magazines - you can receive these online or print.  The default is online.  To switch to print, email data@rotary.ort or call the circulation department 866-976-8279.  Rotary International has begun charging the clubs for the magazines, and so we need to pass this along to our members.  Quarterly dues will be $75 starting on January 1st, 2025.
Sun Prairie East High School Interact is up and busy.  They will be doing Operation Christmas Child mid-November, packing Christmas shoeboxes for children in need.  As Changemakers is the Interact club's sponsor, it would be nice if our members could chip in on the cost of supplies.  Anyone wishing to help out, contact Sharon or venmo her, and she will see that they receive it.
Vibrant Club workshop is next Saturday, November 9th in Tomah.  There will be another session in Madison in January.
Tricon will be April 25 - 26 in Brookfield Wisconsin next Spring.  Registration opens December Ninth.
Next month's meeting will be Friday, December 7th.  Sharon will be with Susan Holding of the Little French Bakery.  Come and meet the Master Pastry Chef and get some ideas for holiday baking.
Erin Luken was our guest speaker, talking about things that our foundation is doing in the district and around the world.  She started with a Polio update, as October was Polio month.  The Foundation has already awarded nearly $70,000 to 12 district grants, and the money for this year is gone.  District grants are increasing in popularity, so they may require goals and prioritize requests in the future.  They are accepting applications for Graduate level Global Scholars and Peace Studies.
There is a new Service Project Center .  This will replace the project showcase, and any club member can add a project, or view what other clubs have done or how they did it. 
District Designated Funds, or DDF is going through some changes.  DDF funds will expire after five years, so the money must be spent or it goes back to International.  This is because other districts were holding onto large amounts of funds instead of spending it on projects.  Our district will implement solutions to spend down what is currently in D6250.  Keep an eye out for news in the District Dispatch.
The Rotary Foundation is launching a Million Dollar journey in November, to be completed at Trican 2026, about 18 months later.  Erin shared a slide of how a monetary gift can grow and produce more earnings than the original amount, funding more projects.
Coming up in D6250 - Vibrant Club Workshop in November, and again January 11th in Madison.  Grant seminar will be held in February 2025.  Tricon will be April 25 & 26.  The RI Convention will be in Calgary, June 21 - 25.  Someone from our club needs to attend the grant management seminar (2025).  Online training also available, cert needs to be sent to Erin.
The presentation ended with a request to support the Rotary Foundation.  DDF comes from the Annual Fund-SHARE.  Giving is easy using Rotary Direct.  Consider giving at the Paul Harris Society level.

November Meeting Recap 2024-11-03 05:00:00Z 0

A message for November from Changemakers Rotary Club President Sharon Bradish

We are Rotarians.  What makes us tick?  We believe in Service above self.  In the United States we will celebrate Thanksgiving later this month. Many people reflect about what makes them grateful in November.  I am so grateful for all of you Changemakers.  Who else will be thinking about our service and expressing their gratitude for the Changemakers Rotary Club?
But, I also, want to reflect on the opportunities I’ve had to make a difference since I joined Rotary on July 1st, 2023.  The easiest and fastest way was to donate to the Rotary Foundation and to Polio Plus.  I have visited several local Rotary Clubs asking them for financial support for the Ukrainian-Hungarian Bilingual School in Budapest that Rotary District 6250 is supporting. I made a display board about this school and brought it to TriCon to share in the House of Friendship aka the exhibit and vendor area. I hosted a Philippine Rotarian on a Friendship Exchange to the greater Madison area.  I have attended meetings as our club liaison to the Sun Prairie East High School Interact Club.  I agreed to become the president of this virtual club and attended PETS training.  Once a week during the 2023-24 school year I tutored a Rotary exchange student from Japan to help her improve her English proficiency.  My very first Rotary act of service was to visit Family Health La Clínica in Wautoma and to present the funds Changemakers had raised and the matching Local Grant. 
An article in the October Rotary Magazine caught my eye.  Entitled “Bring Rotary to work” by Bea Boccalandro who is the author of Do Good at Work:  How Simple Acts of Social Purpose Drive Success and Well-being.  This article made me think!  What do I do in my daily life that serves others?  I’m retired; but, that doesn’t exclude me.  I often bake bread for my neighbors and I tutor adults in Spanish conversation groups.   I started reading the author’s examples of doing good at work.  I will summarize some of her ideas.  A parking attendant who started noticing bald tires and kindly suggesting to his customers that for their safety they needed to get new tires. He put his phone down and started having multiple interactions every day and it made him feel good about his work.  In a city where there is lack of clean drinking water, a business offers a free water station for the public and shares its filtered water.  A bank invites nonprofits to use its parking lot during non-business hours for activities like car washes and health fairs.  A hair salon that offers a free haircut to veterans or to people looking for a job, the ideas are endless. A business could loan a conference room for community meetings or to display local art.  We can all invite colleagues, friends, and family to Rotary meetings and events.  Boccalandro, a member of the Rotary Club of San Clemente, California, states, “Even if your busy work schedule does not allow you to participate in service events, with a little creative thinking, you can serve.”
This month of reflecting on what we are thankful for should also be a time of reflecting on how we serve others in our daily life.  I am grateful for those who serve me and for all the opportunities in my daily life and through Rotary that I have been given to serve and share with others.

A message for November from Changemakers Rotary Club President Sharon Bradish  2024-11-03 05:00:00Z 0

October Meeting Recap

For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our October club meeting, held on October 4th.  The meeting recording is available here.  
We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all. 
Officers were named, with a call out for volunteers for additional positions.  We need a Membership Committee Chair and a Foundation Chair for this year and a President Elect, who will attend President Elect Training and be president for 2024-2025.
50/50 raffle:  Congratulations to Allison, our winner again!
Please remember that in order for our club to apply for district matching grants we need every member to donate $100 to the International Rotary Foundation. Donations to Polio Plus also count toward this.  You can make a donation or set up ongoing donations through My Rotary  
Anyone wishing to donate to the Rotary float in the Rose Bowl Parade can find out more at
We are always looking for new members. Please invite people you think might be interested to join us for a monthly meeting.
4th Tuesday of the month is our Committee Meeting time.  We encourage everyone to join a committee to enhance their Rotary experience, and are open to new ideas! Just let us know how you would like to serve our club. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 22nd at 5 pm via Zoom.  If there is something that you are passionate about that would help Rotary to advance its mission, let a club officer know, and form a committee and set a meeting time if the fourth Tuesday doesn't work.
We are continuing to fundraise for the Ukrainian Hungarian Bilingual School in Budapest. Our district will match any donations 1:1. Donations can be made directly to the District 6250 foundation on line,  or a check can be mailed to Rotary District 6250 Foundation c/o Brian Watson, 4030 E. Stone Ridge Dr, Milton, WI 53563.  The International Grant application is in-process. 
Operation Pollination: Pollinator season is drawing to a close, but remember that the insects over winter in sticks, leaves and garden refuse.  So you have an excuse to not clean out the garden until Spring.
Rotary Magazine and dues.  As of the current invoice for Rotary International, the magazine is no longer included in your RI dues.  Either the digital or print copy subscriptions are now $18 per year, charged back to Changemakers.  The executive board has voted to raise our quarterly dues to $75 starting on January 1st, 2025.  If you are only receiving the online version and would like to get the magazine mailed to you, email or call the circulation department at 866-976-8279.
The Sun Prairie Interact Club that we are sponsoring is active in the Sun Prairie area, contributing to International and local Rotary projects.  They have a Google classroom set up, and participated in the Sun Prairie Farmer's Market on September 21st.  
Rotarians from the Philippines District 3850 were here for two weeks in September.  They spent a couple days in Chicago, six days in the Madison area and another week in the La Crosse area.  This is the Exchange from our District 6250 trip in May.  Sharon hosted one of the guests in exchange for Cathy's trip last Spring.  Everyone had a great time and couldn't say enough about how great the Rotary Exchanges are.  District 3850 is the FUN district with a heart for SERVICE.
Next meeting: Friday November 1, our speaker will be Foundation Committee Chair Erin Luken.
District 6250 Governor, Todd Restel, spoke to our club. His advice is to be a great story teller and get people's heads nodding.  He spoke to us a lot about toilets.  For instance, Chicago had the first city sewer plumbing in the USA.  November 19th is World Toilet Day.  The World Toilet Organization - WTO - is working to provide clean, safe toilets around the world.  A lack of clean safe toilets keeps girls from attending school.  
Todd also spoke about Peace - that there are wars going on around the world except in North America.  Most of us lack the correct words to discuss peace.   District 6250 is a Peace Building district.  Rotary International website has lots of information on Peace.  Todd asked us all to take the two hour course "Rotary Positive Peace Academy" available for free online at
The power of Rotary comes through each Rotarian.  We should approach our community to make us simply irresistible to them.

October Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2024-10-17 05:00:00Z 0

President's October Message


I remember about sixty years ago, I went Trick or Treating for UNICEF in Waukesha, Wisconsin with my friend Lynn’s church.  What is UNICEF?  It is the United Nations Children’s Fund.  It was founded on December 11, 1946 to meet the emergency needs of children in post-war Europe and China.  Rotary International, Microsoft, George Harrison Foundation, and Johnson & Johnson Foundation are a few of the partners among many.

Currently, “UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to ensure that every child is healthy, educated protected, and respected.’’ “UNICEF is working with governments and other partners to implement lifesaving and life changing programs for children in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America and South America.”  You may have seen the polio vaccination in the Gaza Strip on the news.  UNICEF says, “Around 90 percent of children under 10 in the Gaza strip have received a dose of the polio vaccine following the first round of an emergency vaccination campaign conducted by UNICEF and partners in early September 2024.”

Rotary sets aside one day in October annually to increase awareness and raise funds for the eradication of polio.  At President-Elect training in March, I had the privilege of hearing Michael McGovern, Rotary International’s Polio Plus Committee Chair.  Michael has traveled all over the world visiting the workers who administer the vaccine. He has accompanied the workers into the homes of people, where they give the vaccine and record the date, names, and locations of all whom receive it.  Polio is 99.9 percent eradicated.  However, the laboratories supported by the campaign will still be there helping to diagnose and prevent other diseases. 

Rotary International, UNICEF, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and governments of the world are partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.

What can Rotarians do to help?


Get informed and help make polio a subject of conversation in your community.”  


Most people have heard of polio but few know that the disease still affects children around the world.  You can help by spreading the word.”  Share on social media and write a letter to a newspaper editor telling them why End Polio Now is so important.  


Every donation helps us to obtain the vaccines, transport and material needed in the fight against polio.”

Donate to end polio

End Polio Now   World Polio Day is October 24

From, “The eradication of polio is one of our longest standing and most significant efforts.  Along with our partners, we have helped immunize more than 2.5 billion children against polio in 122 countries.  We have reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent worldwide and we won’t stop until we end the disease for good.”

One Day. One Focus:  Ending Polio

World Polio Day is a time for Rotary members, public health advocates, and all who want a world free from polio to come together, recognize our progress in the fight to end polio, and talk about the actions we need to take in order to end polio for good.”

All donations are matched 2:1 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, tripling your impact.”

Please join me and your fellow Rotarians in donating this month to the PolioPlus Fund.  Make sure that you have a My Rotary account; go to, click on the DONATE tab, and choose Polio Plus Fund.  Thank you!




President's October Message Sharon Bradish 2024-10-02 05:00:00Z 0

September Meeting Recap

For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our September club meeting, held on September 6th.  New! The meeting was recorded, if you prefer to watch the link is here.  
Teegan Davis, our Speaker and the Sun Prairie East Interact Club president started the meeting off with a recap of her International youth exchange in July.  She had an exciting trip full of activities every day.  Watch the team meeting link to see all her exciting adventures.
After Teegan rushed off to school, we recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all. 
Officers were named, with a call out for volunteers for additional positions.  We need a Membership Committee Chair and a Foundation Chair for this year and a President Elect, who will attend President Elect Training and be president for 2024-2025.
50/50 raffle:  Congratulations to Allison, our winner!
Please remember that in order for our club to apply for district matching grants we need every member to donate $100 to the International Rotary Foundation. Donations to Polio Plus also count toward this.  You can make a donation or set up ongoing donations through My Rotary  
Congratulations us!  We were awarded the 2023-24 Rotary Citation for meeting the majority of our goals that the club set and worked towards last year.  
Did you know that Rotary has been sponsoring a float in the Rose Bowl Parade since 1980?  2025 will be the 45th consecutive Rose Parade Entry.  Find out more at
We are always looking for new members. Please invite people you think might be interested to join us for a monthly meeting.
4th Tuesday of the month is our Committee Meeting time.  We encourage everyone to join a committee to enhance their Rotary experience, and are open to new ideas! Just let us know how you would like to serve our club. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 24th at 5 pm via Zoom.  If there is something that you are passionate about that would help Rotary to advance its mission, let a club officer know, and form a committee and set a meeting time if the fourth Tuesday doesn't work.
We are continuing to fundraise for the Ukrainian Hungarian Bilingual School in Budapest. Our district will match any donations 1:1. Donations can be made directly to the District 6250 foundation on line,  or a check can be mailed to Rotary District 6250 Foundation c/o Brian Watson, 4030 E. Stone Ridge Dr, Milton, WI 53563.  The International Grant application is in-process.  The presidents of Hungary and Ukraine have made a joint announcement proclaiming the start of this school.
Our executive board has approved $500 for the project proposal from the Rotary Club of Metro Kalibo, Philippines for updated equipment for the dental clinic.  Meg Lunns, the 6250 District Administrator, is a member of this club.  Tax deductible donations can be made through the district website foundation page  Be sure to select Kalibo Philippines Dental Clinic from the dropdown when selecting the amount.
Operation Pollination: Our club has signed the pledge backed by Rotary District 6250 and we would like you to send any photos of what you are doing to promote pollinators in your yard or neighborhood to
The April District 6250 Friendship Exchange to the Philippines will be hosting Philippine Rotarians in September, one week in Madison and one week in La Crosse.  Sharon will be a Madison host, in Cathy's place.
Rotary Magazine and dues.  As of the current invoice for Rotary International, the magazine is no longer included in your RI dues.  Either the digital or print copy subscriptions are now $18 per year, charged back to Changemakers.  The executive board has voted to raise our quarterly dues to $75 starting on January 1st, 2025.  If you are only receiving the online version and would like to get the magazine mailed to you, email or call the circulation department at 866-976-8279.
Next meeting: Friday October 4, our speaker will be District 6250 Governor Todd Restel.

September Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2024-09-18 05:00:00Z 0
Sept 6 meeting 2024-09-10 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Projects

Share your pictures of other Rotary projects you run across on your travels.
Guess where Rita and Val are. 
The marker just says "Rotary International"
I hear there is a really nice Rotary project in this city, will need to go back and find it  :)

Rotary Projects Valerie Wachuta 2024-09-08 05:00:00Z 0

Operation Pollination August

Hard to believe we're into September already.  Here are a few August photos.
Purple Coneflower
Garlic Chives
Sharon's friend
Butterfly Weed
Cutleaf Coneflower
Obedient Plant
Send your photos to or

Operation Pollination August Valerie Wachuta 2024-09-03 05:00:00Z 0

Exciting Updates from the Ukrainian Refugee School Project in Budapest

From: Viktoria Vita Griessmüller <>
Date: Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 7:21 AM
Subject: Exciting Updates from the Ukrainian Refugee School Project in Budapest
Dear Rotarians and Friends,

Greetings from sunny Budapest!

I hope this message finds you well.

First and foremost, I want to share some powerful stories from the kids of the Ukrainian School we’re supporting in Budapest. The heartbreaking experiences of these children, whose lives have been profoundly impacted by the ongoing war, remind us why this project has been our focus for the past two years.

Thanks to your support, we’ve already made a meaningful impact on the lives of 200 children, bringing hope and delivering quality education to 130 Ukrainian refugee students (grades 5 to 11) and 60 enthusiast pre-schoolers.

The attached photos and video were taken during the end-of-year ceremony at our “small” Ukrainian School in Budapest:

During the 2023/2024 academic year, every one of these students passed their exams and tests, earning their Ukrainian certificates. Here are the key highlights:

  • Student Well-being: Our students are happy, motivated, and most importantly, they feel safe.
  • Academic Success: All students passed their exams, showing remarkable progress despite the challenges they face. Notably, four students finished the year with excellent grades, and many achieved outstanding results in academic competitions.
  • Improved Language Skills: The children have made significant strides in both Hungarian and English.
  • Collaborative Environment: A strong sense of community has developed among students and teachers, with teams working together towards shared goals.

Additionally, I’m delighted to announce that the documents for establishing the large Hungarian-Ukrainian Bilingual Primary and Secondary School have been accepted by Hungarian authorities. We’ve received the official registration number, and our new, larger school will be located at 1211 Budapest, II. Rákóczi Ferenc út 121-123.

Our Ukrainian school project has grown significantly over the past two years. From a modest initial budget of just $300, it now requires daily coordination and is expected to surpass a total budget of $500,000. To continue this work and truly capture the Magic of Rotary, we need your support.

I’m counting on your help and support to change lives of 700 Ukrainian refugee kids together. Please yes to this project and help us to make the large Ukrainian School a reality.

Enjoy Rotary!


Best regards,

Exciting Updates from the Ukrainian Refugee School Project in Budapest 2024-09-03 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary in Knoxville

Fellow Changemakers, as you travel around the globe be on the lookout for signs of Rotary wherever you are and share photos with all of us. Sharon Bradish found the Rotary Peace Garden in Knoxville, Tennessee on her recent trip.
The Rotary Peace Garden is part of the Knoxville Museum of Art and celebrates the 2015 one-hundredth anniversary of the Rotary Club of Knoxville. This club supported the museum’s renovation.
Did you know that Knoxville hosted a world’s fair in 1982? The museum is located on the site of the Knoxville World’s Fair Park and was the Japanese pavilion for the fair. The most iconic symbol of the fair is the Sunsphere where visitors can get a 360 degree view of Knoxville.

Rotary in Knoxville Sharon Bradish 2024-09-03 05:00:00Z 0

September message from Sharon Bradish, Changemakers Rotary Club President


I hope you have all received your September Rotary Magazine.  The first article I read was “The meaning of family” by our Rotary International President Stephanie A. Urchick.  Stepanie’s theme for this Rotary Year is The Magic of Rotary.  I was especially connected to this as I had described the journey that led me to join Rotary as magical.  Stephanie says, “The Magic of Rotary is belonging, and it’s a feeling that can appear when you least expect it.”  If you haven’t read this article yet, seek it out.  Her amazing connection to her Slovakian roots was made even richer through an experience on a Rotary visit through Europe.  Stephanie concludes the article by saying, “As members of Rotary, we have a unique opportunity to share the same magic with each other and the world.  I encourage you to consider how you can help spread that magic and ensure other members of your club – other members of our Rotary family – feel like they truly belong.”  And I would add that as Rotary members we need to be inviting others to visit and join our club.  Share our meeting information on your social media, wear your Rotary pin, tell people about the good work of Rotary.

Our speaker for our September 6th monthly meeting is our Interact President Teegan Davis.  Teegan will be sharing her experience with the Rotary Youth Exchange.  Teegan hosted Martina from Italy from June 16th - July 7th and then flew to Italy and spent three weeks with Martina’s family. I hope you can all be at the meeting to hear Teegan’s presentation. This will be her second one.  She also presented at our June meeting about her Interact Club and experiences at the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards as a camper and a counselor.

Last spring Changemakers Rotary Club began sponsoring the Sun Prairie East High School Interact Club.  I have attended several meetings including the packing of books for elementary children to take home at the end of the school year for their summer reading.  Teegan and I recently got together at the local coffee shop and she shared her plans for the coming school year.  Teegan has secured a spot for an informational table at the Sun Prairie Farmers’ market on Saturday, September 21st.  She will have a game and if any of you could donate to buy candy for it, please let me know.  Teegan is planning club activities to support the Ukrainian – Hungarian Budapest School that we and other District 6250 clubs are supporting.

Donations can be made at  Choose the foundation tab.  Next choose District 6250 Foundation.  Click on DONATE NOW.  Choose the Ukrainian-Hungarian Budapest School from the drop-down menu. Or send a check written to Rotary District 6250 Foundation, lnc. Memo Ukrainian – Hungarian Budapest School.  Mail check to:   Rotary District 6250  c/o Brian Watson, 4030 E. Stone Ridge Dr,      Milton, WI  53563.  

At our August executive board meeting, we voted to donate $500 to the Rotary Club of Kalibo Metro, the Philippines for the purchase of dental equipment.  You also can contribute to this worthy cause by donating at the District 6250 Foundation.

Let’s make 2024-25 a magical year and share the sense of belonging.



September message from Sharon Bradish, Changemakers Rotary Club President Sharon Bradish 2024-09-03 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Citation Award

Thanks to everyone in our club who helped us (knowingly or not) achieve our club goals this past year!
Membership Development

Dear 2023-24 Club President, 

Congratulations! Your club has earned the Rotary Citation, the most significant award a Rotary club can achieve, for 2023-24. This past year, your club demonstrated a commitment to achieve its goals, which ultimately helps strengthen Rotary and shape our future.

Once again, congratulations on a successful year as club president!

Gordon R. McInally
2023-24 RI President


Rotary Citation Award Valerie Wachuta 2024-08-26 05:00:00Z 0

ShelterBox All-Hands Rotary Roundup

As ShelterBox approaches our 25th year in global disaster relief, we would like to invite your members and associates to our “ShelterBox All-Hands Rotary Roundup”, on Wednesday August 28th at 12 pm PT / 3 pm ET via Zoom.

This 30-minute session will focus on the power of our partnership with Rotary and will feature ShelterBox USA President, Kerri Murray, a member of the Rotary Club of Montecito, Ca. and ShelterBox Response Team member, Brian Glenn, from the Rotary Club of Denton-Lake Cities, Texas.

Kerri and Brian will outline how Rotarians fill integral roles throughout the disaster response process. They will focus on the collaborative efforts of ShelterBox and Rotary in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Morocco. There will also be updates on our disaster relief efforts in the Caribbean and elsewhere.

From fundraising and networking to field support, our mission relies heavily on the dedication of Rotary members from all over the world. We hope you will join us to learn about the partnership and how you can be involved.

Please share this invitation widely.

To Register:

Unable to attend? Register anyway and after the event you will receive a link to the recording.

Thank you,

Libby Faus & Bill Tobin

ShelterBox All-Hands Rotary Roundup Valerie Wachuta 2024-08-26 05:00:00Z 0

August Meeting Recap

For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our August club meeting, held on August 2nd.
We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all.  (And is it fun)
We need a Membership Committee Chair and a Foundation Chair for this year and a President Elect, who will attend President Elect Training and be president for 2024-2025.
50/50 raffle:  Sharon was the winner, and is putting her winnings toward the club expenses.
Please remember that in order for our club to apply for district matching grants we need every member to donate $100 to the International Rotary Foundation. Donations to Polio Plus also count toward this.
We are always looking for new members. Please invite people you think might be interested to join us for a monthly meeting.
Rotary Magazine: Are you receiving the Rotary Magazine? It is part of your dues. Please let one of the officers know if you are not receiving it.
4th Tuesday of the month is our Committee Meeting time.  We encourage everyone to join a committee to enhance their Rotary experience, and are open to new ideas! Just let us know how you would like to serve our club. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 27th at 5 pm via Zoom.  If there is something that you are passionate about that would help Rotary to advance its mission, let a club officer know, and form a committee and set a meeting time if the fourth Tuesday doesn't work.
We are continuing to fundraise for the Ukrainian Hungarian Bilingual School in Budapest. Our district will match any donations 1:1. The International Grant application will be submitted as soon as the Hungarian government issues a license to the school.
The project proposal from the Rotary Club of Metro Kalibo, Philippines, will be presented at the next executive board meeting on August 14th at 5:00 pm.  All members are welcome to the board meetings.  Meg Lunns, the 6250 District Administrator, is a member of this club and has sent the proposal for our club to consider.
Operation Pollination: Our club has signed the pledge backed by Rotary District 6250 and we would like you to send any photos of what you are doing to promote pollinators in your yard or neighborhood to
Next meeting: Friday, September 6th,  Teegan Davis will be sharing her experiences on her recent Rotary Youth Exchange with Italy.
Cathy Statz, along with some of her fellow travelers, gave an excellent presentation on the Friendship Exchange to the Philippines in May.
Cathy spoke about what a friendship exchange is and how to become involved.  She shared her busy travel schedule prior to and following the exchange.   Rotary friendship exchange is a great way to travel because you are with friendly people. 
They visited a club whose project is related to growing white cacao, and then went into the fields to plant trees. Changemakers Rotary Club has a tree named for us.
  They did sightseeing and shared many meals with the hosts.  Another stop was Kalibo, where they saw a water and sanitation tank that was a project of several Wisconsin Rotary Clubs that is still going strong today.
The weather was hot, but they were all happy.  They visited the Ati, an indigenous group in the Philippines, who live on next to nothing.  Other Wisconsin clubs are looking into providing daily meals for them.
Cathy's work is with Cooperatives, so she visited the cooperatives a little further south at the end of the friendship exchange.  From there, at a school she saw sewing machines and funded by the Oshkosh Rotary club, and at another school equipment for a journalism class.  She was also a guest presenter at a conference on cooperative identity and inclusion.


August Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2024-08-05 05:00:00Z 0

August Message from President Sharon Bradish

Posted by Sharon Bradish
Service above self.  How can we, the members of Changemakers, fulfill this ideal?  I have some opportunities to share with you.
Changemakers Rotary got off to a great start to the new Rotary year with a July presentation by Fran Wargolet, a Kenosha Rotarian and ambassador to Shelter Box, U.S.A.  This partner organization of Rotary International offers shelter and supplies to people in natural disaster areas and to those in areas of conflict.  The shelter comes in various forms and it might be a tent, a tarp, or other house repairs.  Our service committee will be investigating how our club can raise funds for this very worthy cause.
Out district 6250 administrator Megs Lunn has shared a project proposal from the Rotary Club of Metro, Kalibo, Philippines.  Some of you may have met Megs when she was in Wisconsin this past spring.  Megs was at President Elect Training and at TriCon.  Our Changemakers member Dwight Heaney, who has served as our foundation and grants chair and service committee chair, met Megs on a Rotary 6250 Friendship Exchange with the Philippines.  So, Changemakers has a strong connection to Megs and her Rotary Club.  I will be sharing the project details at the next executive board meeting on August 13th at 5 pm. 
Recently all club presidents and I received an email from Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick and Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair Mark Maloney reminding us of our annual commitment of one hundred dollars per member to the Rotary International Foundation.  Stephanie and Mark have made their annual contributions and I have joined them.  You can easily give at  For Changemakers to apply for a foundation grant for 2025-26 we need to fulfill this commitment.
Changemakers Rotary Club is continuing to raise funds for the Ukrainian-Hungarian Bilingual School in Budapest.  The Rotary Club of Budapest-City founded this preschool through high school in September of 2023.  This school serves Ukrainian refugee students and employs Ukrainian refugee teachers who have fled their war torn homeland.  By sharing this message with other Rotarians, co-workers, friends, and family, we can make a difference.  Donations can be made at  Choose the foundation tab.  Next choose District 6250 Foundation.  Click on DONATE NOW and choose the Ukrainian-Hungarian School from the dropdown menu USE THIS DONATION FOR.
Or send a check to Rotary District 6250 Foundation, Inc.   Enter Ukrainian-Hungarian Budapest School in the memo line.  Mail check to:
Rotary District 6250
c/o Brian Watson
4030 E. Stone Ridge DR
Milton, WI  53563
All our club donations will be matched 1:1 by the district foundation.
Rotarians, our mission includes service.  Help Changemakers to make a difference.  Thank you!

August Message from President Sharon Bradish Sharon Bradish 2024-08-05 05:00:00Z 0

Pollinator Pics July

More pollinator pics from Sharon & Val.     Blazing Star.  Rattlesnake Master.  Red Milkweed - Black Eyed Susan - Rattlesnake Master - Hyssop.  Bridal Wreath with a butterfly.  Vegetation for shelter.
Pollinator Pics July Valerie Wachuta 2024-07-23 05:00:00Z 0

July Meeting Recap

For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our July club meeting, held on July 12th.
We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all.  (And is it fun)
Welcome to Rita Wachuta-Breckel, our newest member.
Thank you to 2023-2024 officers and committee chairs LeRoy Kemnitz, Treasurer and Membership ; Val Wachuta, President and Secretary, Peter Groth Public Relations/Social Media; Sharon Bradish, President-Elect, Service Committee Co chair, Interact Liaison; Cathy Statz Youth Protection Officer, Interact Liaison, Service Committee Co chair.


Chain Handing over ceremony: The 2024-25 Rotary Year has begun as of July 1. Officers are: LeRoy Kemnitz, Treasurer and Membership, Val Wachuta, Secretary, Peter Groth Public Relations/Social Media, Sharon Bradish, President, Service Committee Co chair, Interact Liaison; Cathy Statz, Youth Protection Office, Interact Liaison, Service Committee Co chair.
We need a Membership Committee Chair and a Foundation Chair for this year and a President Elect, who will attend President Elect Training and be president for 2024-2025.
50/50 raffle:  Gayle was the winner, and is putting her winnings toward a cause we are working for.
Please remember that in order for our club to apply for district matching grants we need every member to donate $100 to the International Rotary Foundation. Donations to Polio Plus also count toward this.
We are always looking for new members. Please invite people you think might be interested to join us for a monthly meeting.
4th Tuesday of the month is our Committee Meeting time. We would like all members to join the Service Committee or to form a new committee group around something you are passionate about and that would help Rotary to advance its mission. We need a membership committee and a Rotary foundation committee. We are open to new ideas! Just let us know how you would like to serve our club.
Rotary Magazine: Are you receiving the Rotary Magazine? It is part of your dues. Please let one of the officers know if you are not receiving it.
We are continuing to fundraise for the Ukrainian Hungarian Bilingual School in Budapest. Our district will match any donations 1:1. The International Grant application will be submitted as soon as the Hungarian government issues a license to the school.
Operation Pollination: Our club has signed the pledge backed by Rotary District 6250 and we would like you to send any photos of what you are doing to promote pollinators in your yard or neighborhood.
Next meeting: Friday, August 2 Cathy Statz will be sharing her experiences with the District 6250 Friendship to the Philippines.
A warm welcome to our speaker Fran Wargolet from ShelterBox U.S.A. Fran became a member of the Kenosha Rotary Club in July 2017 and she has served as secretary, treasurer of her club foundation, board member, and grant committee chair. Fran continues to be a member of the grant committee. Fran has been an ambassador with Shelter Box for over two years.
ShelterBox is an international disaster relief charity established in 2000 in Helston, Cornwall, UK, that provides emergency shelter and other aid items to families around the world who have lost their homes to disaster or conflict. In 2012, ShelterBox became Rotary International’s first Project Partner and remains the only disaster relief charity. Clubs can raise funds and become a Rotary Hero Club – awards (Certificates) exist for amounts donated, $1000 - $10,000.   
Find out more at   Currently ShelterBox is Deploying emergency team to Caribbean to assess the effects of Hurricane Beryl and determine need.  In Gaza, truckloads of items on the Egypt border ready to go in. Fran is participating in Stock the box fundraiser going on now, you can contribute at


July Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2024-07-13 05:00:00Z 0

President’s July message

Greetings, Changemakers Rotary Club. I am your new president for 2024-2025. I am looking forward to meeting each of you this year and I invite you to reflect on how you can serve others through Rotary.
On Wednesday, June 12th I had the pleasure and privilege of attending the Madison Downtown Rotary Club meeting with special guest 2023-24 Rotary International President Gordon McInally of Scotland. President McInally was very gracious and down to earth. He started by saying that in reflecting on his year as president his belief was affirmed that the work of Rotary is done by every club and member. He reminded us that Rotary has been offering service and hope since 1913. This past year’s theme chosen by President McInally was “Create Hope in the World”.
He talked about three individuals he met this year that were given hope and helped by Rotary. A man from Pakistan received the polio vaccine; a girl from India attended a school funded by a grant from the Rotary Foundation; and a 46-year old woman from a rural area in India who traveled to the big city for cataract surgery. Thanks to Rotary she can now see her grandchildren for the first time.  On a visit to the Genocide Memorial in Rwanda, President McInally was asked, “Is peace possible?” In 1994, a million people were killed in one hundred days. There are thousands of photos of the victims. President McInally visited a peace reconciled village sponsored by Rotary. He said, “Peace is indeed possible.”
President McInally said that there is so much to do in this world. We hold the future in our hands. It is up to us to continue hope in the world. There are 46,000 Rotary Clubs and it is our responsibility to make sure people know what Rotary is all about. We are people of action. Let’s make the Changemakers Rotary Club 2024-25 a year of action and creating hope in the world. We know that Rotarians are people of action and service.
What can each of us do? There are many opportunities in this club for service.
What can you do? We need a President-elect who will be President in 2025- 26, a President-nominee who will be President in 2026-27, a Treasurer, and a Foundation Chair, who would serve as liaison between Changemakers and the district 6250 Foundation. We presently have one committee The service committee meets virtually on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 5 to 6 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend or to join this committee. We are currently fundraising to support the Ukrainian Refugee School inaugurated in September of 2023 by the Rotary Club Budapest-City. We also need a Membership Committee Chair. The sky is the limit. If you have an interest and/or a skill that you would like to share and put into action, we encourage you to establish a new committee.
I look forward to seeing you all this year on Zoom. Our next monthly meeting will be on Friday, July 12. Social time starts at 7:30 am followed by our club meeting from 8 am until 9 am. Our speaker is Fran Wargolet from ShelterBox U.S.A. Shelter Box is an international disaster relief charity established in 2000 that became Rotary International’s first Project Partner in 2012.
I would like to thank all of our 2023-24 officers and chairs: Valerie Wachuta President and Secretary, LeRoy Kemnitz Treasurer and Past President, Peter Groth Public Relations and Social Media Chair, Cathy Statz and Sharon Bradish Service Committee co-chairs and Liaisons to Sun Prairie East High School Interact Club. Thank you to Gayle Lunder, District 6250 Interact Chair, for encouraging us to sponsor the new Sun Prairie East High School Interact Club and for helping us through the process. Thank you to Petra Roter for serving as Membership Chair and to Dwight Heaney for serving as Service Committee Chair and Foundation Chair.

President’s July message Sharon Bradish 2024-07-02 05:00:00Z 0

President's Message June 2024

" Friendliness knows no bounds; it surmounts all barriers; it navigates all seas." Paul Harris 
June is designated Rotary Fellowships Month to recognize the significance of fostering international fellowship and goodwill among Rotarians who share common recreational hobbies, professions, and interests.
Cathy is back from her Fellowship Exchange to the Philippines in May and will tell our club all about it during our August meeting.
In May we sponsored a student for RYLA, and the president of the Interact club we are sponsoring attended as a counsellor.  Hats off to our youth.
We have suspended the third Tuesday Happy Hour, please join us and be happy the fourth Tuesday at 5:00 as we discuss service projects.  We also have social time starting 7:30 am on regular meeting days.  Links to both meetings are on the club website.
The Ukrainian school project is still in-process.  We are still gathering funds in District 6250, and the global grant will now be in the next Rotary year.
Please send me pictures and stories of your pollinator plants and projects (including shelter and no-mow) to  I am gathering them to compile our club activities for Operation Pollination.
June is the end of the Rotary Year.  A year ago we set our annual goals, and we did pretty darn good.  For Service participation we were 5 members out of a goal of 5.  Social activities we met 12 of 12 times.  Leadership development participation, 2 of 2.  Use of official Rotary promotional materials – Yes.  District training participation – 2 of 2.  Annual fund contributions 2030 of 1000.  Service projects complete – 1 of 1.  PolioPlus Fund 310 of 400 (we still have until the end of the month to pull this up to 400).  Club membership 10 of 12.  Interact clubs – 1 of 1.  Media stories about club projects 0 of 1.  RYLA participation 1 0f 1.  Strategic Plan Yes.  Online presence Yes.  Update website and social media monthly 4 of 4.   Review club bylaws Y.  In other words, we met 13 of our 16 goals.  Way to go Changemakers!
As my year as president comes to a close, I would like to thank all of our members, especially LeRoy, Peter and Sharon for going above and beyond.  Also to Gayle for bringing up interact.  Sharon will be our president starting in July, lets help her out and wish her the best.  I’m sure she will do great.
The regular July meeting will be held on July 12th instead of the 5th so we can enjoy the holiday weekend with our families. 
It is an honor to create HOPE in our world together.
Valerie Wachuta
President, Changemakers Rotary 6250.

President's Message June 2024 Valerie Wachuta 2024-06-17 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary International President Gordan McInally Mega-Meeting

The Rotary Clubs Joint Online International Mega Meeting specially invites you to the MEGA MEETING  June 18th 2024.

Rotary International President 2023 – 2024.



Join us in one of the largest gatherings of Rotary Leaders, Rotarians, Friends of Rotary, Rotary Partners and Peace Builders around the world as we host the Rotary International President Gordon R. McInally in his last Mega Meeting for this Rotary Year.  He will share with us his journey in creating 

Hope in The World.


Join us to ask a question or send a goodwill message to the Rotary International President as he takes a bow for the 2023-2024 Rotary Year. 


Mega-meetings are an opportunity to Connect, Network, Engage and Build Goodwill and Better Friendship around the world.

ARTHUR KANEGIS, the President of Future WAVE, Inc., will introduce Gordon McInally.  As a Rotarian filmmaker, he directed with Martin Sheen, and produced "" narrated by Paul Newman.  He heads Future WAVE, a nonprofit organization dedicated to shifting our culture of violence to a culture of peace. A Podcast host, journalist and visionary writer, he is on a lifelong mission to use the power of film to help inspire the world toward a peaceful and positive future.

DATE: 18TH JUNE. 2024

 TIME:  4:30 Pm Edinburgh Scotland    10:30 Am  Chicago USA

Rotary International President Gordan McInally Mega-Meeting Valerie Wachuta 2024-06-17 05:00:00Z 0

Pollinator Pics

Who doesn't love flower and butterfly pics?  Please submit yours!   Primrose - LeRoy; Peonies - LeRoy; Lilly and Primrose - LeRoy; Assorted waiting for bloom - Val; Butterfly on Wild Blue Indigo - Val; 

Pollinator Pics Valerie Wachuta 2024-06-13 05:00:00Z 0

Operation Pollination Pledge

On May 14th, Changemakers signed the Operation Pollination Pollinator Resolution and Pollinator Activity Pledge.  These are through ESRAG - The Environment and Sustainability Rotary Action Group.  
We declare that it is our goal to support the goals of Operation Pollination, and to collaboratively and strategically protect and enhance pollinator species and their habitat on public and private lands throughout our geographic area.
Additionally, we pledge to maintain flower beds and potted plants on our private lands.  Our activity categories include 1) Plant or enhance   2) Value added features (nesting, no-mow etc.) and 3) Promote or publicize.
We're off and running with the project.  Several members are already growing pollinator plants.  Some of us have no-mow and nesting areas on our lands.  
In early May, Val installed two raised beds and filled them with native pollinating plants.  We are documenting and sharing their growth.  First, the area was cleared.  Next, the boxes were assembled and filled with dirt.  The abundance of rain this Spring has helped with keeping the soil moist.  Then plants were added.  The box on the left is mostly Ox-Eye Sunflower.  The box on the right has Black Eyed Susan, Rattlesnake Master and Red Milkweed.  Volunteer Lavender Hyssop is in both. 
Now in mid-June everything is still growing like crazy.  The Red Milkweed is getting ready to bloom. 
Click on the Read more... box to see the Pollinator Resolution, and look for another article about other pollinators in our yards.  Changemakers - submit your photos to!
Operation Pollination Pledge Valerie Wachuta 2024-06-13 05:00:00Z 0

Update on the Ukrainian School Project

Dear Rotarians and Friends,
I hope you all are doing great. Sorry for being silent for a while, but I had to solve dozens of tasks related to the Ukrainian school to ensure that we can make our ongoing Rotary project a reality.
Below you can find a link to a short video showcasing the currently operating school that was equipped with your help and support. Since September 2023, this school has served almost 200 Ukrainian refugee kids in Budapest: Video Link
Here are some key updates about our ongoing Ukrainian School Project:
  • Over the last few months, I have been working to engage new potential sponsors, and it looks promising that we might reach a total budget of $300,000.
  • The Rotary International President 2024/2025, Ms. Stephanie Urchick from Pennsylvania, USA, and the Rotary International Director, Mr. David Tanase from Romania, have visited the currently operating Ukrainian school and are enthusiastic about supporting our project. Please see attached some photos of their visit.
  • The organization of two summer camps in Sátoraljaújhely and Mórahalom (Hungary) for 30 Ukrainian refugee children, free of charge, is progressing well.
  • On Thursday, a trainer who might potentially hold smart board training for the Ukrainian refugee teachers will visit the school, and hopefully, we can finalize the structure of the training that is in line with the Global Grant requirements.
  • New sponsors to cover the salaries of the currently working teachers were secured.
  • Sponsors have been found to pay the two months' deposit and one month pre-payment for the larger building. The larger building contract was signed yesterday.
  • At the moment, we are waiting for the school license from the Hungarian Government.
To provide you with the latest status, we would like to kindly invite you to an online Zoom meeting on 4 June 2024, at 7:00 PM (Budapest time) to update you all about the progress and the current status.
Please find below the Zoom link: Zoom Link
  • Meeting ID: 842 0591 9953
  • Passcode: 295265
PS: The Rotary Club Budapest City will send a photo related to the Ukrainian School Project to the Moon, showcasing our mission of Peace on Earth. If you want to participate in this unique Rotarian project too, you can upload your photo or text related to our Ukrainian School project on too.
I am looking forward to seeing you all on 4 June at 7:00 PM (Budapest time).
Have a wonderful day!
Enjoy Rotary ☀️
Best regards,
Viktoria Vita Griessmüller

Update on the Ukrainian School Project Sharon Bradish 2024-06-03 05:00:00Z 0
RI President Gordon McInally to visit Madison Valerie Wachuta 2024-05-15 05:00:00Z 0

Verona Hometown Days Volunteer Opportunity

Spread the word to support the Verona Hometown Days event while having fun.  This event helps us provide scholarships, donations to local food pantries, and other local support.  We are looking for help on Saturday June 1st.  
The Fitchburg Verona Horizon Rotary Club has a weekend sign up going May 31st to June 2nd that we sell beverage tickets.  During Friday and Saturday evening there are music venues that require a cover charge.  We also sell the wristbands to enter the music/beer tent for the night.  On Friday and especially Saturday evening this can become busy and extra support is invaluable.   
This volunteer is in a Park Shelter that sells tickets and wristbands.  Verona Chamber has provided water and other beverages while volunteering.  
Parking is available for volunteers at the City Hall lot on Lincoln Street.   
Verona City Hall 
111 Lincoln St
Verona, WI 
Please use this link if you are interest in helping Saturday June 1st.  
Thanks for your consideration and let me know if you have any questions,

Tim Beuthien

Rotary Club of Fitchburg Verona Horizons President 2023-2024

Verona Hometown Days Volunteer Opportunity Valerie Wachuta 2024-05-15 05:00:00Z 0

Operation Pollination Project

Changemakers has signed the Operation Pollination Resolution and Pollinator Activity Pledge, sponsored by ESRAG – Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group. 
THEREFORE, we declare that it is our goal to support the goals of Operation Pollination, and to collaboratively and strategically protect and enhance pollinator species and their habitat on public and private lands throughout our geographic area.
Operation Pollination Goals
  1. Increase and improve pollinator habitat by identifying existing pockets of pollinator habitat and helping develop a nectar corridor for migratory and non-migratory pollinator species.
  2. Develop strategic partnerships for improving or creating habitat for pollinators and providing educational opportunities.
  3. Encourage action through voluntary, collaborative, and locally led conservation actions such as planting pollinator gardens, building bee blocks and avoiding or limiting pesticide use. 
  4. Provide education to those interested in increasing their knowledge of pollinators and improving pollinator habitat.
  5. Promote citizen science opportunities to track key pollinator species populations and share research and resources about restoring pollinator habitat. 
Our club is pledging to Plant or enhance pollinator friendly areas, maintain value added features such as nesting or no-mow areas, and promote or publicize what we are doing.    
This is something that I have been actively pursuing. I have been slowly adding pollinator friendly plants to her back yard, so this project is a perfect fit.
This Spring, I cleared an area, and killed the existing grass. 
Since the area is on a slope, raised beds were added to keep the “clean” dirt in. 
Next came the plants, ox-eye sunflower, rattlesnake master, red milkweed, lavender hyssop, and black-eyed susan.  A few wood violets were added for groundcover.  These plants were all transplanted from other areas of my yard, they were kept close to the house their first year for easier weed and water management.
A few objects were added to protect the plants from deer.
These plants will require maintenance until they are established. 
Additional projects include a nesting area, which will remain undisturbed so the insects can flourish, and an small unmowed open area for native plants to flourish.  More on that later.
Valerie Wachuta

Operation Pollination Project Valerie Wachuta 2024-05-15 05:00:00Z 0

President's Message - May 2024

“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”  Franklin D. Roosevelt
May is Rotary’s Youth Service Month, and our youth are living up to the challenge.
The Sun Prairie East Interact club that we are sponsoring is up and running, with president Teegan Davis and Changemakers liaison Sharon Bradish.  They held a Book Drive and sorted the books to give to grade school children over the summer months.  They will also be holding a bake sale in the near future with proceeds going toward our Ukrainian school supply project.  See the article on our website and in the current bulletin.
We are sponsoring a student, Reagan Loomis, also from Sun Prairie, to attend the district RYLA camp at Upham Woods May 17 – 19. Sharon Bradish and Gayle Lunder are our Changemakers RYLA contacts. RYLA participants experience a life changing weekend full of strong connections, inspiring activities, an introduction to Rotary and a weekend of memories. 
Scheduling announcements – Links to the meetings are on the club website, scroll down on the left side:
Our Happy Hour is moving again starting in May, back to the third Tuesday of the month at 5:00.  All are encouraged to attend.  Based on turnout, we may suspend the monthly happy hour.
The regular July meeting will be held on July 12th instead of the 5th so we can enjoy the holiday weekend with our families. 
The Service Project monthly meeting is moving from the last Tuesday of the month to the fourth Tuesday of the month, still at 5:00.  Come and see what our club members are working on.
District New Member Orientation will be held at 7:00 a.m. on May 29th.  See the related article on our website and in the current bulletin.
Work continues on the Ukrainian school supply project.  Our friendship table at Tricon last month promoting the project was successful.
Changemakers has signed the Operation Pollination – Pollinator Resolution and Pollinator Activity Pledge Form.   We have pledged to plant or enhance pollinator space, add value added features such as nesting, no-mow etc., and promote or publicize our project.  See the related article on our website and in the current bulletin.
It is an honor to create HOPE in our world together.
Valerie Wachuta
President, Changemakers Rotary 6250.

President's Message - May 2024 Valerie Wachuta 2024-05-15 05:00:00Z 0

New Member Orientation

District Rotary Orientation gatherings occur every fifth Wednesday. The next orientation is scheduled for May 29 at 7 a.m.
The district-sponsored orientation shares what all Rotarians, everywhere in the world, have in common: Who we all are, what we all do, and how we all do it. The time together gives new members a chance to learn with other 6250 Rotarians - a view outside of the individual club.
Anyone interested in attending should contact Karen Hebert prior to May 29 for the link to establish interest, connection, and ownership.

New Member Orientation Valerie Wachuta 2024-05-15 05:00:00Z 0

Sun Prairie East High School Interact Club Book Sorting

The Sun Prairie East High School Interact Club, sponsored by the District 6250  Changemakers Rotary Club, collected children’s books during the month of April.  An enthusiastic group led by Interact President Teegan Davis sorted the books by grade level. 
The books are headed for Northside Elementary School in Sun Prairie where students will receive a bag of books to take home for the summer. 

Sun Prairie East High School Interact Club Book Sorting Sharon Bradish 2024-05-15 05:00:00Z 0

May Meeting Recap

For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our May club meeting.
We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all.
We are looking for members of Service committee, if you are interested, let anyone on the board know, or just show up.  Meetings are on the last Tuesday of the month at 5:00, and can be accessed from our website.  We are also always looking for service projects, if you have any ideas, come to the service committee meeting or contact a board member. 
We are looking for more club members, if you know of anyone who may be interested, please get in touch.

Tri-Con (our Multi-District Conference) - was April 18-20, Sharon gave a short update, including the friendship table that they manned during breaks to spread the word about the Hungarian Ukrainian school project.

Happy Hour will be the third Tuesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. This is a change from the past few months of the third Thursdays at 5:30.

Reminder - For a Rotary club to be eligible for district grants, there is a requirement of an average $100 per capita to be given to the Rotary Foundation.

There will be a Friendship Exchange with Rotarians from District 6250 going to the Philippines May 17 - 22.   Cathy from our club is going.


Our 50/50 raffle winner was Peter Groth.

Sharon updated us on our current service project of supporting a Ukrainian-Hungarian Budapest school.  She will present to the Prairie du Chien club, and was at TriCon with a friendship table spreading the word to other clubs.

Our speaker was Valerie Wachuta, who spoke about the Operation Pollination project. 

District 6250 has partnered with nine other organizations for an Operation Pollination Partnership.  The Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) is leading the initiative for Rotary, and held webinars in March, which Val attended. ESRAG has two goals, habitat restoration and pollinator education.

In addition to ESRAG's discussion about what groups are currently doing, a bee-friendly gardening coordinator spoke on making areas bee and pollinator friendly.   This included taking care of nesting and overwintering, insect foraging, and integrated pest management. 

Preparing a site, methods of gardening, access to water, choosing plants and plant layout were all covered. 

Pollinator spaces are needed in all sizes, from container gardening to home garden, community gardens, or acres of restoration sites.  Back yards and patios help.    Ideas of things that can be done include

1.  Plant a pollinator garden

2. Hand out seed packets to school children

3. Stop/reduce pesticide use

4. No Mow May

5. Present educational programs in a community

6. Paint a mural

7. Help other organizations restore land

8. Support a pollinator organization.

Rotary clubs are encouraged to sign the Pollinator Pledge.  This is something that we can do, Val has been slowly adding pollinator friendly plants to her back yard, so this is pledging to do something she was going to do anyway.  Others are encouraged to help our pollinators.


May Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2024-05-14 05:00:00Z 0

July meeting date change

We are moving our July meeting from the 5th to the 12th so that everyone can celebrate the fourth of July weekend with their families.
See you on the 12th at 7:30 am, not the 5th.

July meeting date change Valerie Wachuta 2024-04-18 05:00:00Z 0
Happy Hour Time Change Starting in May Valerie Wachuta 2024-04-17 05:00:00Z 0

TriCon District 6250 challenge

Let's win the challenge for District 6250!
The Rotary Districts of Wisconsin (including Caledonia and La Crescent, MN) and Upper Michigan are holding their Tri-District Conference (Tri-Con 2024) in Green Bay from April 18th - 20th. During this event we will be raising money to fight polio by holding a Silent Auction, and a Pound the Pavement for Polio (PP4P) walk on the morning of April 20th.
District 6250 has set up this fundraising page to encourage the individuals and clubs of our district to raise money for PP4P. We are challenging the other two districts and the team raising the most money by the end of April will be declared the winner.
The prize  will be revealed at Tri-Con 2024.
Let's do our part to End Polio Now!
We have reduced cases by over 99.997% from 1985 levels, with only 12 cases in 2023.

TriCon District 6250 challenge Valerie Wachuta 2024-04-16 05:00:00Z 0

President's Message April 2024

“When enough people come together, change will come.  Together we can make anything happen.  So instead of looking for hope, start creating it.”
Greta Thunberg
April is Environment month for Rotary.  Rotary members understand that protecting the environment is a world-wide effort, everywhere, not just “over there”.  Our District 6250 has joined a partnership with Operation Pollination and the Rotary Clubs/communities along the Mississippi River.  The Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group is one of Rotary’s fastest-growing groups.  It inspires and empowers the family of Rotary to implement effective environmental projects. 
I attended an Operation Pollination webinar in March and will present information from it to our club in the coming months.  This is something that we can do as a club, and as individuals. 
The Sun Prairie East Interact club that we are sponsoring is up and running.  They are conducting a Book Drive for the month of April for children over the summer months.  They are also holding a bake sale, with proceeds going toward our Ukrainian school supply project.
We are sponsoring a student, also from Sun Prairie, to attend the district RYLA camp at Upham Woods in May.  RYLA participants experience a life changing weekend full of strong connections, inspiring activities, an introduction to Rotary and a weekend of memories.  They will also be introduced to the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group to encourage them to bring pollinator gardens to their communities.
Our Happy Hour is moving again starting in May, back to the third Tuesday of the month at 5:00.  April’s is right around the corner, this Thursday at 5:30. 
The final paperwork for our La Clinica service project has been submitted, and work continues on the Ukrainian school supply project.  We will have a friendship table at Tricon this weekend promoting the project.
It is an honor to create HOPE in our world together.
Valerie Wachuta
President, Changemakers Rotary 6250

President's Message April 2024 Valerie Wachuta 2024-04-16 05:00:00Z 0

April Meeting Recap

For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our April club meeting.
We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all.
We are looking for members of Service committee, if you are interested, let anyone on the board know, or just show up.  Meetings are on the last Tuesday of the month at 5:00, and can be accessed from our website.  We are also always looking for service projects, if you have any ideas, come to the service committee meeting or contact a board member. 
We are looking for more club members, if you know of anyone who may be interested, please get in touch.

Tri-Con (our Multi-District Conference) - will be April 18-20, 2024 in Green Bay.  

Happy Hour is the third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. 

Reminder - For a Rotary club to be eligible for district grants, there is a requirement of an average $100 per capita to be given to the Rotary Foundation.

Our new District Governor Elect  is Todd Restel from La Crosse.  He will be attending our October meeting.

There will be a Friendship Exchange with Rotarians from District 6250 going to the Philippines May 17 - 22.  They state that this is the Fun Zone!  Check your email or the district website.  Cathy is going, and there is still room.

A one-way Mini-Friendship Exchange with the Netherlands will take place the weekend of April 27.  This is a Tulip viewing opportunity.  See the district website for more details. 

Our speaker next month will be Srilekha Mundla - Power of Consciousness

Our 50/50 raffle winner was Peter Groth.

Sharon updated us on our current service project of supporting a Ukrainian-Hungarian Budapest school.  She will present to the Prairie du Chien club, and will be at TriCon with a friendship table spreading the word to other clubs.

Our speaker was Kim Groshek, who spoke about the Power of the Pause.

Kim is retired, but keeps very active.  She spoke to us about life shifts, having kids, they go to kindergarten, each grade, kids move out, retirement.  She detoxed from tech for a full year in 2015.  She started on computers at age 3.  Dad was computer programmer, on punchcards.  In college she didn’t have support system. It took several colleges and 7 or 8 years to finish college.  


Her first job was a computer system director.  When Facebook started, only universities could get in, she was an instructor, and encouraged her students to get on.

She was brought up to be quiet and respectful.  She realized in 2007 that electronics will take over our lives. About 10 years ago she paused social media accounts, it gave her more time to write and do other things.

Her methodology is concept > pilot > practice,  in a forward sprint.

She encourage us to each take a 15 minute pause every day.  Intention for pauses.  30 minutes talking about Abundance.  Every day take a minute to write what thankful for that day. Next month will be Intention.  She works with mastermind groups.  Intentional Integrity.  Consistency  >  Power.  The pause connects us with ourselves.

The shift happens when traumas come up.  Hiding emotions is bad.  We are savants.  Pausing helps our conscience ladder, it bridges a gap between what we know and what is new.  Her daughter is catalyst in her writings.  Facebook is also catalyst.  God guides her in her activities.  

Kim  has a podcast we were encouraged to listen to.

April Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2024-04-16 05:00:00Z 0

PETS Summary


Fellow Changemakers, I am writing to thank you for your financial support for the President Elect Training Seminar held March 1 – 3.  I assure you that this training was well worth the investment and support that you have given to it.  I learned so much and know that you all will help me through my year as president.  I also realized that PETS includes training for the President Nominee. Wouldn’t it be great if in 2025 Changemakers could send both the President Elect and the President Nominee!  I, of course, missed the chance to attend as President Nominee because I wasn’t even a Rotarian last year.  

I want to share with you about the General Session inspirational speakers.  I am hoping to find people to talk about these topics at our first Friday of the month Changemakers meetings.  Friday afternoon E. Michelle Bohreer from the Rotary Club of Houston Skyline, Texas gave us a rousing message about empowering girls.  She then talked about human trafficking.

Friday evening Jennifer Jones from the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario talked to us about her year as the first woman president of Rotary International in 2022-23.  She inspired us with stories and photos of her Rotary visits around the globe.  

Saturday morning, we were introduced to Her Excellency Vanessa Fraser, Ambassador of Malta and member of the United Nations Security Council.  We were all fascinated to hear about her story and her work at the UN.  By the way, she attended Luther College in Iowa and one of the governor elects was her classmate.

After lunch on Saturday, we were present for a dialog between one of the governor elects and Biskakone Greg Johnson, a member of the Lac du Flambeau band of Ojibwe in Wisconsin.  He is a cultural practitioner and teacher in the Anishinaabe tradition.  Sensitive topics like treaty rights, mascots, and the Indian children taken away from their families and placed in government schools were covered with grace, respect, and acknowledgment of how things could or could have been better.  Biskakone is an instructor at the North House Folk School teaching the skills and knowledge of his culture.  He makes baskets, moccasins, and canoes.

Saturday night’s speaker was Michael McGovern from the Rotary Club of South Portland-Cape Elizabeth, Main.  Michael is the Rotary International Polio Plus Committee Chair.  He spoke eloquently from the heart about this extremely important initiative of Rotary International.  The eradication of polio is near.  In 2023 there were 12 cases reported in the world, six in Pakistan and six in Afghanistan.  Michael has traveled all over the world visiting the workers and clinics who administer the vaccine.  He has accompanied the workers into the homes of people, where they give the vaccine and record the date, names, and locations of all who receive it.  When Polio is eradicated, the work will not be done.  The labs will be still there helping to diagnose and prevent other diseases.

On Sunday morning we heard from Nina Menis, Rotary Club of Naperville, Illinois and CEO of KidsMatter and Ryan Lauterwasser of Linden Oaks Hospital, Naperville, Illinois.  Ryan spoke to us about his work with high-risk youth and he is the Manager for the Adolescent Impatient and Adult Mental Health and Chemical Detox Units.  Ryan told us about the therapeutic model which includes strengthening relationships to promote balance and healthy engagement.  Nina’s message as CEO of Kidsmatter focused on prevention-based programs for youth and working collaboratively with other community organizations to promote social, emotional, and academic well-being of children.  

All of these General Session speakers have inspired me to share their stories and information with you Changemakers.  Let’s make 2024-2025 a year of learning, action, and change!

Sharon Bradish
President Elect

PETS Summary Sharon Bradish 2024-03-21 05:00:00Z 0

President's Message March 2024

“Water is life, and clean water means health”  Audrey Hepburn
Happy March everyone.  Days are getting longer and flower bulbs are shooting up out of the ground. Mine will need a little extra water though, after a dry winter.
In 1992, United Nations adopted a resolution that declared March 22 of each year World Day for Water.  March is clean water month in Rotary.  Through water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programs, Rotary's people of action mobilize resources, form partnerships, and invest in infrastructure and training that yield long-term change. Over the past several years, Rotary has shifted its focus to also emphasize education, collaboration, and sustainability in WASH.   It amazes me how many worthy causes Rotary supports.
This year’s Rotary International priority is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.  Check out the District 6250 Facebook page for smiles, joy and hope.
Also from our district:
Mental Health Focus:
Balancing Life Transitions in the Office & at Home is now available to view! Click HERE to hear NAMI Wisconsin provide suggestions on how to best navigate changes in your personal and professional life, wellness tips and tricks, statewide resources to utilize and other suggestions on wellness best practices.  Please share this with your club members!  I've had folks reaching out to me to find out where to view.
Tri-Con: April 18-20, 2024, Green Bay:
Please join us at Tri- Con!! Click HERE to register.   This conference is filled with incredible keynote speakers, breakout presenters, fellowship and SO MUCH MORE!  We are excited to see you in Green Bay this April.
Registration for our District RYLA Camp is open, as is our need for Rotarian staffers. RYLA or Rotary Youth Leadership Awards is a weekend youth leadership experience at Camp Upham Woods in Wisconsin Dells for sophomores in high school.  Each student registration is $250 and the experience they receive in return is a life changing one full of strong connections, inspiring activities, an introduction to Rotary and a weekend of memories. RYLA delegates make a great club program and are a great example of the awesome youth programs that are offered here in District 6250.
Check out our March Meeting Recap for other things going on in our club.
Rotary – creating hope in the world.

President's Message March 2024 Valerie Wachuta 2024-03-05 06:00:00Z 0

March Meeting Recap

For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our March club meeting.
We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all.
We are looking for members of Service committee, if you are interested, let anyone on the board know, or just show up.  Meetings are on the last Tuesday of the month at 5:00, and can be accessed from our website.  We are also always looking for service projects, if you have any ideas, come to the service committee meeting or contact a board member. 
We are looking for more club members, if you know of anyone who may be interested, please get in touch.

Tri-Con (our Multi-District Conference) - will be April 18-20, 2024 in Green Bay.  

Happy Hour is the third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. 


There will be a Friendship Exchange with Rotarians from District 6250 going to the Philippines May 17 - 22.  They state that this is the Fun Zone!  Check your email or the district website.  Cathy is going, and there is still room.

A one-way Mini-Friendship Exchange with the Netherlands will take place the weekend of April 27.  This is a Tulip viewing opportunity.  See the district website for more details. 

Our speaker next month will be Kim Groshek - Power of the Pause.

Our 50/50 raffle winner was guest Val Schroeder.

Sharon spoke on the friendship exchange she went on last year and our current service project of supporting a Ukrainian-Hungarian Budapest school.


March Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2024-03-04 06:00:00Z 0
International Women's Day 2024 Valerie Wachuta 2024-03-04 06:00:00Z 0

President's Message February 24

"It's not whether you get knocked DOWN, it's whether you get UP." 
"We would ACCOMPLISH many more things if we did not think of them as IMPOSSIBLE." 
Vince Lombardi, Green Bay Packers
Happy February everyone.  In deference to the Super Bowl, this article starts with a couple Vince Lombardi quotes.   
Its exciting to see that our club is growing.  Also, Changemakers is sponsoring an Interact club, and will sponsor a student for RYLA.  Woot Woot!
Work continues for the joint service project with Madison West Middleton and Mount Horeb for a Ukrainian-Hungarian Budapest School expansion.
Our February 2nd club meeting included a presentation on the American Promise, working to remove dark money in politics.
Check out our Facebook page for more posts on what our members are up to.
See additional articles about things going on in our district –
  • Mental Health Focus - Balancing Life Transitions in the Office & at Home is available on-line.
  • PETS – March 1-3, 2024, Itasca, IL
  • Pollinator Conservation 101 free sessions March 6th and 13th.
  • Tri-Con: April 18-20, 2024, Green Bay.
  • District New Member Orientation sessions continue the fifth Wednesday of each month.
  • Registration for our District RYLA Camp is open.
Thank you all, we are making a difference in the world.

President's Message February 24 Valerie Wachuta 2024-02-11 06:00:00Z 0

February Meeting Recap

For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our February club meeting.
We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all.
We are looking for members of Service committee, if you are interested, let anyone on the board know, or just show up.  Meetings are on the last Tuesday of the month at 5:00, and can be accessed from our website.  We are also always looking for service projects, if you have any ideas, come to the service committee meeting or contact a board member. 
We are looking for more club members, if you know of anyone who may be interested, please get in touch.
Welcome to new members Alison Lourash and Gayle Lunder.  Happy to have you!!!

Tri-Con (our Multi-District Conference) - will be April 18-20, 2024 in Green Bay.  They are looking for volunteers, see the district website if you can help. 

Happy Hour is the third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. 

There will be a Friendship Exchange with Rotarians from District 6250 going to the Philippines May 17 - 22.  They state that this is the Fun Zone!  Check your email or the district website.

A one-way Mini-Friendship Exchange with the Netherlands will take place the weekend of April 27.  This is a Tulip viewing opportunity.  See the district website for more details. 

Our 50/50 raffle winner was Valerie Wachuta

If anyone is not getting a monthly club bulletin check your email Spam folder. Contact Val if you're not getting the bulletins and emails. 

District 6250, in collaboration with ESRAG, again became a supporter of Operation Pollination.  They are having a FREE "Pollinator Conservation 101" training, which will be just 5 minutes on pollinator basics followed by a list of Things You Can Do to help pollinators.  Training dates are March 6th and March 13th.  Training is free but you must register to attend.  See our website under Operation Pollination for links to register.

Balancing Life Transitions in the Office & at Home is now available to view! Visit our website for the link to hear NAMI Wisconsin provide suggestions on how to best navigate changes in personal and professional life, wellness tips and tricks, statewide resources to utilize, and other suggestions on wellness best practices.


Service Committee update:   Contributing Supplies (think smart-boards) to a Budapest School for Ukrainian Students.  There is a district grant,  a joint effort between Changemakers and two other clubs.  See our club website for more details and pictures.  Sharon will spoke at three Rotary clubs this month, and has one more scheduled.  The Global Grant being written by a club from Hungary for the actual school building will be available starting in February.  Donations to this grant will count toward Paul Harris recognition.



Judy Nagel and Howard Hauser of the Rotary Club of Green Bay spoke to us about Positive Peace, Pay-to-play Politics, and the American Promise: A call to Action for Rotarians.

Positive Peace is increasing around the world, but declining in North America.  Since Citizens United, undisclosed political spending has ballooned.  Money drives access and influence. 76% of political spending comes from .1% of the population. With 547 plans, super PACs can put in as much money as they want, tax deductible.  Our donations are not tax deductible. The law is interpreted to include foreign investors. If a politician goes against a major donor, the donor will support someone else in the primary. The more dollars, the better chance of good appointment on committee.  Politicians are spending more time dialing for dollars than spending time with constituents.  Americans now believe that government is run for a few big interests, rather than the benefit of all the people. Dark money supports the negative ads.  Nation wide, 81% of Americans agree on limits on campaign spending. 

A 28th amendment is being pursued, the only way to overturn a supreme court decision, which will limit campaign donations and out-of-state money.  We can volunteer, or write to our congressional representatives.  The national website American Promise and our state American Promise Wisconsin both have additional ideas on how to limit campaign spending. We are all encouraged to pledge our support of the concept and sign up for the newsletter. The website Open Secrets is nonpartisan, independent and non-profit. It shows how much money our representatives receive, state and federal. 

February Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2024-02-06 06:00:00Z 0

Mental Health Focus – NAMI Wisconsin

Balancing Life Transitions in the Office & at Home is now available to view! Click HERE to hear NAMI Wisconsin provide suggestions on how to best navigate changes in your personal and professional life, wellness tips and tricks, statewide resources to utilize and other suggestions on wellness best practices.

Mental Health Focus – NAMI Wisconsin  Valerie Wachuta 2024-01-31 06:00:00Z 0

District 6250 and ESRAG support Operation Pollination

As you might know, District 6250, in collaboration with ESRAG, again became a supporter of Operation Pollination. We are working with Rotary Districts and environmental organizations around the Mississippi corridor to educate and support these efforts to protect our environment. The next step is for our clubs to sign the Operation Pollination Pledge and learn more about the project and how to get involved. In order to learn more about the project and what's in store, we invite you to click HERE to learn more and join us for an educational event around Operation Pollination.

This FREE "Pollinator Conservation 101" training will be just 5 minutes on pollinator basics followed by a list of Things You Can Do to help pollinators. Feel free to share this with your club and encourage members to join in as well. You must register to attend this webinar.

Thank you again for your continued leadership and willingness to support our efforts to lead the way in our environment. ESRAG was born out of District 6250 and this is a wonderful way to support their extraordinary efforts.

We hope to see you there!

Michelle McGrath & Chris Stein

Christopher E. Stein, Program Manager
National Heritage Areas and Community Conservation Partnerships
National Park Service, Interior Regions 3, 4, and 5
ESRAG Lead, Pollinator Task Force
Member, Twin Cities Rotary EcoClub

District 6250 and ESRAG support Operation Pollination Valerie Wachuta 2024-01-16 06:00:00Z 0

District Orientation

We're going again! Eight more orientation opportunities for new club members - opportunities  to consider how to BE a Rotarian and let the DOING flow naturally.  
Sessions held the fifth Wednesday of the month at 7:00 am and 7:00 pm (choose one)
Dates for 2024:
January 31, 
May 29,
July 31,
October 30
Yours in Fellowship and Service,
715 456-2900

District Orientation Valerie Wachuta 2024-01-16 06:00:00Z 0

Photo Contest -  "Everything we see on the face of the Earth is the work of women"

Dear Rotarians,

Hello, I am writing to you as the President of the Istanbul Suadiye Rotary Club to provide information about one of our activities and to request your participation.

Welcome to our 4th International Photography Competition.  Our theme is inspired by the immortal words of the founder of our Republic, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, "Everything we see on the face of the Earth is the work of women".

This year, we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of our Republic with enthusiasm and pride. On this meaningful anniversary, based on the words of Mustafa Kemal ATATURK, addressing worldwide woman and emphasizing their importance, we look forward to receive your unique photographs reflecting the women’s creativity and strength at their social role.

Competition Details: Theme: Women’s Creation - "Everything we see on the face of the Earth is the work of women"


  1. Color Open
  2. Monochrome Open
  3. Nature
  4. Theme: Women’s Creation

As the Istanbul Suadiye Rotary Club, we are actively involved in preparing our youth, especially our girls, for the future through education and health assistance. We provide educational scholarships to young individuals and conduct RYLA training sessions with them.

Additionally, we aim to protect our young girls from cancer in their future lives by providing them with the HPV vaccine.

By sharing this invitation message with your members and encouraging them  to participate; you can help more young girls to be vaccinated.

The participation donation for our competition is only 20 USD or 20 EUR. We sincerely hope for your club's wholehearted participation in our project.

ISTANBUL SUADIYE ROTARY CLUB  invites  you  to “Istanbul Suadiye Rotary Club – IFSAK 4th International Photo Contest”.

You can make your entry online by clicking to our website for full details.

With best regards,

Alev Mehmet OZGUL

2023-2024 President

Suadiye Rotary Club

Photo Contest - "Everything we see on the face of the Earth is the work of women" Valerie Wachuta 2024-01-09 06:00:00Z 0

Friendship Exchange - Philippines

Get ready to pack your bags and say "Mabuhay!" to the Philippines with the Rotary Friendship Exchange happening on May 17-27, 2024.

This program is the perfect way to spread love and happiness across borders, connecting Rotarians and their loved ones with other Rotary families worldwide. It's not just a cultural trip but a chance to make lifelong pals, learn new traditions, and peek into different professions.

And, guess what? The Philippine District 3850 is the FUN ZONE! They're famous for their warm hospitality, mouth-watering food, toe-tapping music, and gorgeous white beaches. So, expect a wild ride full of laughter, adventure, and fantastic memories with the Rotary gang!

For more details, please visit HERE

Or you may contact Edwin Bos at

Friendship Exchange - Philippines Valerie Wachuta 2024-01-09 06:00:00Z 0

Friendship Exchange - Brazil

Rotary Friendship Exchange between District 6250 (Wisconsin) and District 4640 (Brazil State of Parana) is now open to all District 6250 Rotarians. This exchange program includes home and hotel stays, meetings and tours with various Rotary Clubs and Rotarians in Brazil. The return leg will bring Brazilian Rotarians to our District.

The exchange is open to a maximum of 10 interested Rotarians, spouses, and/or family members. If there is an oversubscription or too much interest, we will rely on District 6250 RFE policy parameters to finalize the group. Please note that the policy favors RFE first-timers.

The District 6250 will travel to the 4640 State of Parana Brazil from April 2-12, and District 4640 will visit District 6250 from September 10-20, 2024.

See District 6250 website for more details.  If you are interested, kindly contact Mark Etrheim at

Friendship Exchange - Brazil Valerie Wachuta 2024-01-09 06:00:00Z 0

January Meeting Recap

For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our January club meeting.
We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all.
We are looking for members of Service committee, if you are interested, let anyone on the board know, or just show up.  Meetings are on the last Tuesday of the month at 5:00, and can be accessed from our website.  We are also always looking for service projects, if you have any ideas, come to the service committee meeting or contact a board member. 
The president-elect training for Sharon Bradish,  PETS, will be in Itaska Illinois on March 1 - 3.  

Tri-Con (our Multi-District Conference) - will be April 19-20, 2024 in Green Bay.

Petra is scheduled to lead our next social, to be held the third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. 

There will be a Friendship Exchange with Rotarians from District 6250 going to the Philippines May 17 - 22.  They state that this is the Fun Zone!  Check your email or the district website.

A one-way Mini-Friendship Exchange with the Netherlands will take place the weekend of April 27.  This is a Tulip viewing opportunity.  See the district website for more details. 

Our 50/50 raffle winner was our District President - Michelle McGrath.  Congratulations Michelle!

Service Committee update:  We are starting to work on fundraising for Contributing Supplies (think smart-boards) to a Budapest School for Ukrainian Students.  The district grant is a joint effort between the Mount Horeb Rotary club, Madison West Middleton, and Changemakers.  See our club website for more details and pictures.  Sharon will speak at four additional Rotary clubs in the next few weeks.  The Global Grant that is being written by a club from Hungary for the actual school building is still in-process.



Dr. Michelle McGrath presented to our club about the Rotary Action Plan, Creating Hope, her family, and mental health.  She showed us our district's focus this year.  She emphasized the RI Action Plan Pillar for Engage - SHOW UP, the RI Action Plan Pillar for Reach - SURROUND YOURSELF WITH GOOD PEOPLE, and the RI Action Plan Pillar for Adapt - SERVE YOURSELF AND OTHERS. She shared several inspirational stories with us regarding what Rotarians and RYLA can do for people.   She finished with a quote from past RI President Jennifer Jones "Silver linings rise out of the most challenging circumstances,  In order to live in the society you want, you have to help build it"





January Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2024-01-05 06:00:00Z 0

President Message January 2024

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.” —Nido Qubein
“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're doing something.” —Neil Gaiman
As we transition into 2024 this is a time of new beginnings and positive thoughts. We are pushing ourselves into doing good in our world.  Our Service Committee is off to a great start with a multi-club project for supplies for a Ukrainian school in Hungary – thank you Sharon!  That is evidence of the great things that can come from Rotary and the Friendship Exchange.
Other things to keep in mind this month –
Mental Health Focus:
Mark your calendars:  January 16, 2024, 11:30 - 12:30 PM - Virtual
Balancing Life Transitions in the Office & at Home - NAMI Wisconsin will provide suggestions on how to best navigate changes in your personal and professional life, wellness tips and tricks, statewide resources to utilize and other suggestions on wellness best practices.  Click HERE to join.
Tri-Con: April 18-20, 2024, Green Bay
Registration is now open!  Click HERE to register.  Tri-Con is a wonderful way to unite your club, educate new members, or re-energize experienced club members.  We are excited to see you in Green Bay this April.
District 6250 is also looking for some gracious members to become sponsors for Tri-Con.  We have a plethora of wonderful opportunities to support our mission, educate our members, and showcase your business/organization. Please reach out to me if you’d like to learn more!
“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.” —Hal Borland
I am so grateful for all of you.  Together we can create hope in the world.

President Message January 2024 Valerie Wachuta 2024-01-04 06:00:00Z 0

Service Committee Update:  Our 2023-2024 project

Cheryl Mader, Cathy Statz, and Sharon Bradish traveled to Budapest in April 2023 on a Rotary Friendship Exchange.  While there, they were hosted by 4 of the 10 Rotary Clubs in Budapest.  One of those clubs, The Rotary Club Budapest-City, has undertaken a tremendous initiative by opening a school for Ukrainian refugee children and hiring Ukrainian refugee teachers.  More details are in the narrative below.  Our club along with Madison West Middleton and Mount Horeb is spreading the word to raise funds for next year’s school expansion. 
Anyone can donate by going to and choosing the foundation tab.  On the foundation page is a tab that says Donate Now.  Then the donor can follow the directions on the donate page.  It is very important that in the box that says Use this donation for that the donor chooses Ukrainian-Hungarian Budapest School from the dropdown menu. 
Another way to donate is to send a check written to Rotary District 6250 Foundation, Inc., memo Ukrainian-Hungarian Budapest School mail to:
Rotary District 6250 Foundation
c/o Brian Watson
4030 E. Stone Ridge Dr
Milton, WI  53563
We believe that the writing of the global grant will be finished sometime in February and when it gets approval, Rotary Members who wish to get Paul Harris donation credit should donate at The Rotary Foundation. They can donate online using Global Grant GG2457939 or by completing The Rotary Foundation Contribution Form which includes the Global Grant# and mailing the form and check to:
The Rotary Foundation
14280 Collections Center Drive
Chicago, IL  60693
Imagine that you are a nine-year old child who has fled the war-torn area of Ukraine with your mother and siblings and very few possessions.  You are happy to leave the destruction behind and to head for safety.  You are sad because your father is staying behind to fight for your country’s right to exist.  Where will you live?  Where are you going?  You and your family are going to Budapest, the capital of the neighboring country of Hungary.  How will you manage?  You don’t know Hungarian, a language that is not at all similar to your native language.  After you get to your new home you will enroll in a Hungarian school or attempt to keep up your studies with an online Ukrainian school.  Both present problems.  Not knowing Hungarian is a big obstacle to progressing in your studies.  You won’t understand your teachers as you slowly try to acquire this strange, new language.  The Ukrainian remote schools are hampered by lack of electricity and the Internet.   Then you hear about a school in Budapest that is teaching Ukrainian refugee children in their language with the blessing of the Ukrainian Education Ministry and even has certified Ukrainian teachers who are also refugees.
This school has become a reality in Budapest.  The Rotary Club of Budapest- City opened a school in September 2023 for 130 Ukrainian children grades 5 – 11 and 60 preschoolers.  Sponsors for this school include Rotary District 1911, Rotary District 5420, Rotary Club of Budapest-City, Rotary Club of Budapest-Center, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Rotary Club of Scottsdale, Rotary Club of Moab, Rotary Club of Goodyear Pebble Creek, Rotary Club of Kingston, and the Rotaract Club of Budapest International. 
In January 2024 a second shift will be added in the current school building which will allow 120 more Ukrainian refugee students to attend this school. The classes will be taught in Ukrainian and there will be a Hungarian language class.
The Rotary Club of Budapest-City will be applying for a Rotary Global grant to expand the school to 700  students in September of 2024.  Funding will be supported by the Hungarian government and sponsors.  The school will be bilingual and all teacher and student data will be submitted to the Hungarian Ministry of Education.  The Rotary Club of Budapest is asking fellow Rotarians to provide funding for equipment for the new school.  What is needed?  Chalk boards, Smart Boards, desks, chairs, cabinets, kitchen equipment.  The budget for these items is estimated at $240,000 USD.  We are calling on all Rotarians and Rotary Clubs of District 6250 to embrace this service project sponsored by five of our clubs.  How did we get connected to this school?  In April of 2023 Rotary District 6250 sponsored a group of 11 on a Rotary Friendship Exchange.  The group was hosted by four of the Rotary Clubs in Budapest. The group had the privilege of meeting Viktoria Griessmüller, the president of The Rotary Club of Budapest-City Center. Viktoria is originally from Ukraine and this project is very important to her personally. 

Service Committee Update: Our 2023-2024 project Sharon Bradish 2024-01-04 06:00:00Z 0

A message from Sharon Bradish, President-Elect

Hello to all of the members and friends of District 6250 Changemakers Rotary Club.  

I am a Rotarian because of experiencing the magic of Rotary through the District 6250 Friendship Exchange to Budapest in April, 2023.  I met the most incredible, enthusiastic, caring people from Rotary District 6250 and from four of the ten Rotary Clubs in Budapest.  Cheryl Mader and Cathy Statz represented Changemakers and I fell in love with this virtual club. Cheryl invited me to attend my first meeting in May and I became a member on July 1st.  I wanted to be a part of the Service Project Committee and to learn from Cheryl how to be a Rotarian.  Cheryl was an integral part of this club as Co-chair of the Service Project Committee, Treasurer, President-Elect, and Scheduler of monthly guest speakers.  I am sure that she contributed in other ways of which I am not aware.  

This club has so many talented dedicated members.  I had the opportunity to meet with Dwight Heaney and wrap up the service project for Family Health La Clínica. We will miss his experience, wisdom, and friendship and wish him well as he focuses on his health.  A BIG thank you to LeRoy Kemnitz for assuming  the treasurer duties after serving as president. We are looking for someone to be our next treasurer.  Valerie Wachuta has been leading us as president and also keeping us informed by serving as secretary and webmaster; truly a feat of multitasking.  Peter Groth has shown great skill in moderating our meetings,  keeping the Facebook account current, and doing the member spotlights as Public Relations/Social Media Chair. Thank you to Petra Roter for serving as Membership Chair and to Petra and  Karen Hebert for leading our Happy Hours.  We also recognize the contributions of Lisa McGrath.  We greatly miss Lisa and Cheryl and I would urge you to make a donation to our club in honor of their efforts.  

I would have preferred to wait a year before becoming president-elect and to learn more about Rotary and what it does. I hope that with your help and understanding I can make a difference and be a good leader.  I am looking forward to the Midwest President-Elect training in March.  6250 Changemakers, let’s make it a goal to invite new members.  Recruiting members to a virtual club has its unique challenges.  After all, we do not have a geographical identity, nor a legacy to maintain as we are a very new club. I have been looking at the webpages of other clubs in our district and see that they do projects where they physically come together to benefit their communities.  Is there something similar that a virtual club could do?  On the other hand, being virtual has its advantages.  We don’t have to find a meeting place or be concerned about what food we will eat.  We do have to challenge ourselves to get to know each other and to commit to attending meetings and social hours.  

Let’s make Changemakers 6250 a vibrant and relevant club and to continue our commitment to service.


A message from Sharon Bradish, President-Elect Sharon Bradish 2023-12-14 06:00:00Z 0

President Message December 2023

“December is the time for remembering the past and reaching toward the future.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Hope, peace, and joy are sent your way as we enter this holiday season.  As we close out the calendar year, THANK YOU for all you are doing to create HOPE through Rotary; our world is a better place because of you. 
Exciting news – Sharon Bradish is our new President Elect!!!  Congratulations and a multitude of Thanks to Sharon.  Watch for another article from her.
Our club’s social hour will be Thursday, December 21st. Look for another article from Karen regarding the upcoming conversation and holiday objects. I hope to see you there.
Rotary International is focused on Mental Health this year.  In response, our district and NAMI Wisconsin will present Balancing Life Transitions in the Office & at Home, and provide suggestions on how to best navigate changes in your personal and professional life, wellness tips and tricks, statewide resources to utilize and other suggestions on wellness best practices. Mark your calendars:  January 16, 2024, 11:30 - 12:30 PM – Virtual.  More to come later.
PETS (President Elect Training) will be March 1-3, 2024 in Itasca, IL.  Seven districts will be represented at the conference.
Tri-Con, our Multi-District Conference, will be April 19-20, 2024, in Green Bay.
I am so grateful for all of you.  Together we can create hope in the world.

President Message December 2023 Valerie Wachuta 2023-12-14 06:00:00Z 0

December Meeting Recap

For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our December club meeting.
We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all.
Anyone wishing to donate in Lisa McGrath's name, or Cheryl Mader's, can by going to the district foundation webpage


Changemakers was awarded for being the #2 per capita giving to the Rotary Foundation.



We are looking for members of Service committee, if you are interested, let anyone on the board know, or just show up.  Meetings are on the last Tuesday of the month at 5:00, and can be accessed from our website.

Sharon Bradish was elected our next club president.  Yay!!!  Thank you Sharon!!!  The president-elect training,  PETS, will be in Itaska Illinois on March 1 - 3.  

Tri-Con (our Multi-District Conference) - will be April 19-20, 2024 in Green Bay.

Karen will lead our next social, to be held the third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m.  Look for another article explaining the December social and suggested advance reading/listening.  


Our 50/50 raffle winner was Peter.  Way to go Peter!


Next month's speaker will be our District President - Michelle McGrath.


We are looking at a new Service Project - Contributing to a Budapest School for Ukrainian Students.  They need to build a bigger school, and a club from Hungary is writing a global grant.  They are looking for money for supplies - smart boards etc. They have held a couple presentations regarding the project. We are discussing working with two other clubs in our district, and applying for a district grant.

The rest of the time was our holiday party.  We played Trivia, and Karen won, with nine out of ten correct.



December Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2023-12-07 06:00:00Z 0

Changemakers Social! December 21, 5:30 p.m.

At our December social we'll dive into a conversation about healthy giving. What are it's hallmarks? How do we correct errors of "too much" or "too little"? What roles do boundaries play?
(Also, bring a holiday decoration that reminds you of a story and tell us about it!)
The holiday season, this year's Rotary focus on mental health, a fresh year ahead, and our motto of Service Above Self inspire us to live fully and take action wisely. Join the conversation, grow, and help your fellow Rotarians grow along with you. There are even happier holidays ahead!
If you'd like to get your mind engaged before we gather, please read and consider these two articles.
See you December 21!
Yours in Fellowship and Service,

Karen Hebert
PDG "Serve to Change Lives"
District 6250
Empowered • Collaborative • Innovative
(715) 456-2900

Changemakers Social! December 21, 5:30 p.m. Valerie Wachuta 2023-11-27 06:00:00Z 0
Changemakers Foundation Award Valerie Wachuta 2023-11-21 06:00:00Z 0

Memorials for Lisa McGrath

Our club should be in good hands, with two members helping us from heaven. 
Lisa McGrath was an active member of our club.  She was excited about the service opportunities, the fellowship, and the international aspects of Rotary.  She  was looking into Rotary youth exchange before cancer sidelined her.
Anyone interested in making a donation in memory of Lisa can do so through the District 6250 Foundation.  The funds are tax deductible, and will be used toward our next service project.
Click on Donate Now, and then select Lisa McGrath Memorial - Changemakers.
By Check:
Rotary District 6250 Foundation
(memo Lisa McGrath Memorial -Changemakers )
c/o Treasurer Val Schroeder
1723 Chadbourne Ave
Madison, WI  53726

Memorials for Lisa McGrath Valerie Wachuta 2023-11-21 06:00:00Z 0

Madison Breakfast Rotary Supported Library Project in Ecuadorian Amazon

From Ellen Cook, Madison Breakfast Rotary
Hello Fellow Club Members and Books for the World Supporters,
Our club, through our Foundation Grants, has supported the building of a community library (Witoca Library) in the Ecuadorian Amazon. I'm sending this link to their GoFundMe page, not to solicit funds, but to allow you to watch the video by Lucia Chavez who many of you have met via zoom. You will be proud to hear that construction of the project is moving forward and building has begun. We have more videos from Lucia of the construction of the building frame and gathering of the thatch that we can share with the club at another time. On behalf of Lucia, Ana Garic and myself (via we thank Madison Breakfast Rotary Club for your support!
Warmest regards,
Ellen Cook
Ana Garic
Madison Breakfast Rotary Supported Library Project in Ecuadorian Amazon Valerie Wachuta 2023-11-16 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Orientation

Our Rotary District is hosting new member orientation throughout 2023 on every fifth Wednesday at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.  It's time for our final set of one-hour orientations! The next chance to join is November 29.

This time together is designed to root Rotarians in our mission and values - to grow a sense of personal Rotary identity and sense of belonging in a global group of excellent friends. There is so much to learn about being a member of a Rotary Club, and this orientation is designed to complement that and to give you - the newer Rotarian -  a chance to spend time with Rotarians all around the District.
Our district clubs add over 200 new Rotarians every year. We - District 6250 - value you so much and want to serve you in a meaningful way.

 This is not a series, it is a single opportunity, offered four days a year, at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. each of the four days.

Remember! Fifth Wednesdays, 7 a.m. OR 7 p.m.

PDG Karen Hebert

Rotary Orientation Valerie Wachuta 2023-11-16 06:00:00Z 0

Club President Message November 2023

"Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." Melody Beattie
In November we celebrate Thanksgiving.  Thank You! Rotary members, for your service to our communities and our world. 
November is Foundation Month.  The Rotary Foundation is a non-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs. It is supported solely by voluntary contributions.  Donating to The Rotary Foundation enables the Foundation to support, through Rotary clubs, bigger and more impactful projects around the world. More lives are changed and society gains.  Tuesday, November 28 is Giving Tuesday.  The Rotary Foundation is looking for support. You can  donate to Annual Fund-SHARE on Giving Tuesday to support district and global grants.
New Member Orientation and Welcome will be November 29, 7:00 am and 7:00 pm. Hosted by PDG Karen Hebert.  Watch for a news article on the website or Facebook page with more details.
Happy surprise!  Our club received a banner from the Rotary Foundation for the second highest per capita annual giving in our district.  Woot Woot!!  Way to go team!
We have set up a memorial fund for Lisa McGrath.  It will work the same as the one for Cheryl.  Donations are tax deductible, and all proceeds will go toward our next service project.  More details below.  
Tri-Con, our Multi-District Conference, will be April 19-20, 2024, in Green Bay.
I am so grateful for all of you.  Together we can create hope in the world.

Club President Message November 2023 Valerie Wachuta 2023-11-14 06:00:00Z 0

Invitation October 24: Ukrainian School Global Grant Initiative

Dear Esteemed Rotarians and Friends,
Greetings from rainy Budapest.
We cordially invite you to be a part of our upcoming online Zoom meeting scheduled for Tuesday, 24th October 2023, at 7:00 pm Budapest time. During this session, we will present you the Rotary Club Budapest-City's remarkable initiative, the Ukrainian School Global Grant project. Your unwavering support means the world to us, and we eagerly anticipate your presence at this event.
To join the meeting, please click on the Zoom link provided below:
·      Meeting ID: 893 7330 5043
·      Passcode: 231660
For your convenience, we have attached the latest version of the Ukrainian School project presentation for your reference.
Additionally, we kindly request your assistance in spreading the word about this event. We encourage you to act as a local advocate for our exceptional project by sharing this invitation with your friends, fellow Rotarians, and District Governors.
We look forward to welcoming you this coming Tuesday as we unite to make a positive impact.
Together, we create hope in the world.
Enjoy Rotary 🍀
Viktória Vita Griessmüller 
President 2023/24
Rotary Club Budapest-City
Note:  7 p.m. Budapest time is Noon Central time.

Invitation October 24: Ukrainian School Global Grant Initiative Sharon Bradish 2023-10-23 05:00:00Z 0

Vibrant Club Workshop

Join your fellow District 6250 Rotarians to *Learn-Share-Love* in beautiful Tomah, Wisconsin! All Rotarians that are looking for inspiration, whether to grow membership or to engage their communities, are encouraged to take part.
The Vibrant Club Workshop is all about how Membership, Public Image, and Humanitarian Service through The Rotary Foundation are connected and work together in Rotary.  This year’s Vibrant Club Workshop will incorporate RI President Gordon McInally’s theme, Create Hope in the World and the action priorities of Rotary’s Strategic Plan.
Those attending a Vibrant Club Workshop will jointly discover and develop creative ways to achieve and sustain membership growth and retention, to increase Rotary Foundation giving and project engagement, and to gain enhanced public image in their communities.   To visit the registration link, check HERE
***Please note that registration for the cranberry bog tour and museum tour are separate items. Go here to register for the cranberry bog tour and here for the museum tour.***

Cranberry Country Lodge  319 Wittig Rd.  Tomah, WI

Wetherby’s Cranberries ($10)  3365 Auger Rd.  Warrens, WI

Wisconsin Cranberry Discovery Center  & Cranberry Country Cafe (museum $5)  204 Main St. Warrens, WI

Vibrant Club Workshop Valerie Wachuta 2023-10-19 05:00:00Z 0

November Meeting Recap

For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our November club meeting.
We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all.
We are looking for members of Service committee, if you are interested, let anyone on the board know, or just show up.  Meetings are on the last Tuesday of the month at 5:00, and can be accessed from our website.
We are looking for a President-Elect for July 2024 - June 2025.  The election will be in December. The president-elect training,  PETS, will be in Itasca Illinois on March 1 - 3.

The vibrant Club Workshop will be in Tomah on November 4th.  Sharon will represent our club.

Tri-Con (our Multi-District Conference) - will be April 19-20, 2024 in Green Bay.

Rotary's International Convention will be May 25 - 29, 2024  in Singapore.

Guest past district governor Karen hosted our Happy Hour in October, an interesting social discussion of  "What makes a man - and how to welcome and celebrate masculinity".


  Once again, Sharon was the lucky winner of our 50/50 raffle.

Rather than a service project meeting this month, Sharon attended a meeting about a Budapest school for Ukrainian students.  They are looking for clubs to donate to get equipment.  She will share the slide deck with us at a later date.  This could possibly be an international project for us.

Erin Luken, District 6250 Foundation Committee Chair, had a very informative presentation on the Rotary Foundation.


November Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2023-10-11 05:00:00Z 0

October Meeting Recap

For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our October club meeting.
We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all.
We are looking for members of Service committee, if you are interested, let anyone on the board know, or just show up.  Meetings are on the last Tuesday of the month at 5:00, and can be accessed from our website.

We are looking for a President-Elect for July 2024 - June 2025.  The election will be in December. The president-elect training,  PETS, will be in Itaska Illinois on March 1 - 3.  (Club president duties are listed elsewhere in this issue)

The vibrant Club Workshop will be in Tomah on November 4th.  All members are encouraged to attend.

Tri-Con (our Multi-District Conference) - will be April 19-20, 2024 in Green Bay.

Rotary's International Convention will be May 25 - 29, 2024  in Singapore.

We have new hosts for Happy Hour.  Petra led the September event.  We had a fun scavenger hunt for normal objects in our home. 

Karen will lead our next social, to be held October 19th at 5:30 p.m.  Look for another article explaining the October social and suggested advance reading/listening.


Dwight gave a short presentation regarding Rotary's efforts to eradicate Polio.  Two bonuses to donating now - all donations are matched 2:1 by the Bill Gates Foundation, and any Changemaker that donates by October 31 will receive 100 Foundation Recognition Points.  Go to to make a donation.



We had a new twist with our 50/50 raffle.  It was divided up 33% to the club, 33% to the Polio foundation, and 34% to the winner.  Sharon was the lucky winner, and donated her winnings to the Polio foundation.



All of the funds collected for the La Clinica project are en-route to them, or already there.   Dwight will check in with them after the first of the year on how it is being put to use.  


Sharon gave an excellent presentation regarding the Rotary International Friendship Exchange between Wisconsin District 6250 and four southern Budapest Hungary Rotary clubs April 9th - 19th.


October Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2023-10-11 05:00:00Z 0

Club President Message October 2023

It's October, the leaves are changing color and falling off.  Gardening is pretty much done.  It's time to come indoors and enjoy soups and long evenings.  For Rotary, October focuses on mental health, eradicating polio, and the environment.  
District 6250 is involved with the Operation Pollination project.  The “Mississippi River Operation Pollination Partnership” is several organizations collaborating and engaging in pollinator education and restoration along the whole Mississippi River corridor from its Lake Itasca headwaters in Minnesota to its mouth at the Gulf of Mexico.  Check out the district website for more information.  We also have links to the Prairie Enthusiasts Seed Harvest on our club website.
October 24th is World Polio Day.  Check out the World Polio Day article and October Meeting Recap for more information on what Rotary is doing to eradicate polio, and how you can help.
Mental Health/Wellness is a priority this year for Rotary International.  Our district is working with NAMI (National Association for Mental Illness) this year.  They are sharing resources available to promote work life balance and best practices.  Visit the district website for more information.
Our club's Happy Hour in September was a scavenger hunt, and it was quite fun.  We all got to know each other better by discussing the items we scavenged.  October will be a Social, discussing a relevant topic.  Be sure to read the October Social article.  We have homework, although it is not required, it is very interesting.
I am so grateful for all of you.  Together we can create hope in the world.

Club President Message October 2023 Valerie Wachuta 2023-10-11 05:00:00Z 0

October Social

October Social      - October 19th, 5:30 PM  Zoom
During our October Social we will experiment with a deep dive into a relevant topic. If you have a moment, please watch this video by Celeste Healdee on great conversations. 
We'll discuss "What makes a man - and how to welcome and celebrate masculinity". For some current thinking, please watch this video conversation and explore further as you'd like!
Rotarians can deepen fellowship and grow understanding through more and better conversations. Let's start "at home" here during our October Social and see how we like it!
Yours in Fellowship and Service,
Karen Hebert
Past District Governor ("Serve to Change Lives" '21-22)
Rotary District 6250
Empowered Collaborative Innovative
1 (715) 456-2900

October Social Valerie Wachuta 2023-10-11 05:00:00Z 0

Mental Health Awareness D6250


On behalf of Governor Michelle, we appreciate your involvement in our recent NAMIWalks, a Mental Health Awareness Walkathon with our partner NAMI which is one of the few initiatives we have planned for this Rotary Year. We have raised a total of $1,400. Thanks again to the teamwork of D6250 Hope Squad, fellow Rotarians, students, and good friend Tom Farley.

If you missed last Oct 7 webinar, please listen to NAMI's important insights HERE

To promote mental health and wellness, various campaigns are scheduled and promoted through social media and our D6250 website. The goal is to raise awareness about mental health issues and encourage seeking help when needed. Sharing provided resources in your own page/website is encouraged to make a positive impact on mental health in the community. Follow us HERE

Thank you once again. Cheers!

Yours in Rotary Service,

Megs Lunn

D6250 Admin

Mental Health Awareness D6250 Valerie Wachuta 2023-10-11 05:00:00Z 0

Fitchburg Verona Horizons Silent Auction

Hello Rotarians. I am forwarding a link to everyone for the Fitchburg Verona Horizons Silent Auction that will be closing on October 29th.   The auction headlines with 100 level Wisconsin Badger Men's basketball season tickets (2 season tickets), 2nd row (#1 ranked) Wisconsin Badger Women's volleyball tickets for 1 game (4 tickets + parking to November game vs. Iowa), and a bottle of hard to find Stagg Jr Batch 2 Bourbon.  
Thanks for all you do!

Tim Beuthien

Rotary Club of Fitchburg Verona Horizons President 2023-2024


Fitchburg Verona Horizons Silent Auction Valerie Wachuta 2023-10-11 05:00:00Z 0

Prairie Enthusiasts Seed Harvest

Time to Harvest Prairie Seed!
Looking to start your seed-collecting journey? Now is the time! Work party leaders are eager to have you join and pass along this valuable skill. 
Collecting prairie seed is one of the most pleasurable and accessible volunteer activities. You make a considerable impact on restoration work with no previous training required while enjoying mild temperatures. Our chapters have several upcoming opportunities to join in on this rewarding activity.
Upcoming Seed Collecting Work Parties 


Saturday, September 30 – 9:00 a.m. to Noon 

Lulu Lake State Natural Area 



Saturday, October 1 – 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.   

Schurch-Thomson Prairie 

There are even more opportunities within this chapter! Check out our events calendar!  


Prairie Bluff 

Wednesday, October 11  

York Prairie State Natural Area 

Coulee Region 

Specifics are still being determined, but volunteers will start collecting mid-October through November. Updates will come through chapter emails soon. Not receiving Coulee Region Chapter emails? Send us a message!  

Other Exciting Events


Saturday, September 30 – 9:00 a.m. to Noon 

Field Trip: Wildlife, Unique Soils & Geology  

Join us at Weaver Dunes Scientific and Natural Area in Wabasha County for an early fall walk through a unique sand prairie. 



Saturday, October 1 – 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

Is Green Burial For You? 

With the interest in green burial growing across the country, we are excited to invite everyone to a presentation and an exploration of the Driftless Area’s very own certified green burial cemetery.  



Saturday, October 7 – 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 

Snakes & Stewardship 

ONLY A FEW SPOTS LEFT! We will learn about snakes native to Wisconsin and how to manage and monitor snake populations on your properties. We also will have a chance to get up close and personal with some of Dr. Rebecca Christoffel’s live snakes. 



Sunday, October 8 – 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.  

Chapter Meeting with The Prairie Enthusiasts President, Jim Rogala 

Enjoy a drink, snacks and conversation about the organization's initiatives and direction. All chapter members who want to learn more about The Prairie Enthusiasts and the chapter are welcome to attend.  



Saturday, October 14 – 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 

Brush Cutting Work Party 

There isn’t much seed to collect in the area due to the drought, so we’re doing brush work instead. 

Our Contact Information
The Prairie Enthusiasts
P.O. Box 824
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 676-0985

Prairie Enthusiasts Seed Harvest LeRoy Kemnitz 2023-09-27 05:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day 23.10.24

Rotary is an international community that brings together leaders who step up to take on the world’s toughest challenges, locally and globally. The eradication of polio is one of our longest standing and most significant efforts. Along with our partners, we have helped immunize more than 2.5 billion children against polio in 122 countries. We have reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent worldwide and we won't stop until we end the disease for good.
Polio is a debilitating disease that causes paralysis and death in children aged 5 and under. There is no cure. But vaccination can and does stop this disease from maintaining its foothold. It will be only the second time in human history that we eradicate a disease from the face of the earth.
Currently, only 7 cases of wild polio exist in the world - 5 in Afghanistan and 2 in Pakistan. In 1985, Rotary promised the children of the world we would eradicate this disease. We are so close and need to see this promise through.
October 24, 2023 is Rotary’s annual World Polio Day. It’s a reminder that working together as Rotarians and with our international partners, we can change the world to be a more peaceful and healthier place to live. Please do what you can to help us keep the promise to eradicate polio.
  • All donations are matched $2:$1 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • Changemakers is offering a special incentive: Donate any amount by October 31 and receive 100 Paul Harris Recognition Points. 
  • Polio Plus Society recognition for donating $100 or more during the year.
Get Involved & Create Awareness:           #EndPolioNow  #WorldPolioDay              
Thank you for participating in Rotary’s World Polio Day!

World Polio Day 23.10.24 Dwight Heaney 2023-09-26 05:00:00Z 0

Memorials for Cheryl

Cheryl is dearly missed, it's impossible to forget someone who gave so much.
Anyone interested in making a donation in memory of Cheryl can do so through the District 6250 Foundation.  The funds are tax deductible, and will be used toward our next service project, a cause which Cheryl was deeply involved with.
Click on Donate Now, and then select Cheryl Mader Memorial - Changemakers.
By Check:
Rotary District 6250 Foundation
(memo Cheryl Mader Memorial -Changemakers )
c/o Treasurer Val Schroeder
1723 Chadbourne Ave
Madison, WI  53726

Memorials for Cheryl Valerie Wachuta 2023-09-15 05:00:00Z 0

Corn Hole Challenge

Madison Breakfast Rotary Club would like to invite you to our Cornhole Challenge fundraiser to benefit our ongoing service projects supporting literacy and youth. This fun and free event on Saturday, September 30 from 11-3 at Wisconsin Brewing Co. in Verona will include a Cornhole competition (with prizes for the top 3 teams), live music by Dig Deep, food, beer and soft drinks for purchase, and a 50:50 raffle. Competition in the Cornhole Challenge is not required to attend, but we do have openings left for teams of two, so we would love to have some of you sign up. The QR code on the attached flyer will take you to the website where you can register (or go to The registration fee is $35/team. 

Corn Hole Challenge Valerie Wachuta 2023-09-13 05:00:00Z 0

Club President Message 2023-09-14

Hi team,
I hope you all had a good summer.  I have really been noticing lately that the days are getting shorter, and the nights cooler.  As we slide into and through September, I learned that this is Basic Education and Literacy Month. Yay for all the Rotary projects that address this topic.
Speaking of Service Projects – the service committee is looking for new members.  We meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 5:00.  Join in when you can.  The link is on the club website on the left, club website is here.  Check out the website, it gets updated regularly.  Browse the Member Spotlight (further down on the left) to learn about your fellow members.
We’re rolling out our new Happy Hour this month. It is going to be on the third Thursday of the month starting at 5:30. Petra and Karen will take turns hosting. Petra has a parlor game planned this month that will allow us the opportunity to get know each other a little better.  As always, the link is on our website, September link is here
October is World Polio Month, and Oct 24th is World Polio Day.  In recognition, at our next club meeting on 10/6, we will learn a little bit about what Rotary is doing to end polio, and our 50/50 raffle will be 33/33/34, with the Polio foundation getting 34%.
As we ease into Fall, we need to keep an eye on next year.  Before winter is done, we need a president-elect for the next Rotary year.  The PETS – President Elects Training Seminar will be in-person only next March.  Please think about serving this club through leadership.
District events are designed to make the Rotary experience more fun and more successful for the Rotary clubs and their members.  Upcoming events in our district include:
  • Music in the Mills –September 23rd, Lake Mills - Click HERE for more and join us for some fun.
  • Mental Wellness/Leadership Series: October 5th   See the September District Dispatch for more details.
  • Join our District 6250 Hope Squad for the annual NAMI (National Association for Mental Illness) Walk – Saturday, October 7, 2023, Madison WI.  Click HERE to join our team
  • World Polio Day – October 24th  - Don’t forget our 50/50 raffle change at our October meeting.
  • UPDATED Vibrant Club Workshop:  November 4th – Virtual and in Tomah - Detail coming soon!
  • PETS: March 1-3, 2024 - Itasca, IL – For our new President Elect.
  • Tri-Con (our Multi-District Conference) - April 19-20, 2024, Green Bay

Club President Message 2023-09-14 Valerie Wachuta 2023-09-13 05:00:00Z 0

September Meeting Recap

For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our September club meeting.
We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all.
Our Happy Hour will resume in September.  Petra will have a parlor game for us to play at 5:30 on Thursday, September 21.  Watch for our club bulletin and Facebook page with more details.
Cathy Statz talked about her walking tour across England.  Kudos to Cathy for completing the walk, and for the presentation.  

September Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2023-09-12 05:00:00Z 0
Tour to India around 2024 Rotary International Valerie Wachuta 2023-09-12 05:00:00Z 0

RAGBRAI Race Across Iowa

This August, our own LeRoy Kemnitz participated in RAGBRAI 2023 on the Rotary team. 
He is a member of the Rotary Cycling Fellowship group.  You can find out more about that group here.
RAGBRAI, Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, is more than just a bike ride, it is an epic eight-day rolling festival of bicycles, music, food, camaraderie, and community. It is the oldest, largest, and longest multi-day bicycle touring event in the world, covering 500 miles. Learn more about RAGBRAI here
Ask LeRoy about the fun he had at RAGBRAI with the Rotary Cycling Fellowship group.

RAGBRAI Race Across Iowa Valerie Wachuta 2023-09-12 05:00:00Z 0

Ride for Rotary in India - January 2024

Dear Rotarian,

Greetings from RID 3181!

As you might be aware, RID 3181 organizes an International Motorcycle Ride / Drive event - Ride for Rotary, in India. The aim of the event is to promote International fellowship and exchange of Rotary views.

The last 7 editions of the event have been an overwhelming success. More than 150 participants from 18 different countries have attended the event and have had wonderful experiences to take back home.

The proceeds from this event go to The Rotary Foundation. We have contributed close to $150,000 to TRF from the last 7 editions.

This year’s event will be held from 5th to 20th January, 2024. The 15 days event will start-off from Udaipur (India) and can either be a motorcycle ride, or a four wheeler drive.

The ride will cover multiple Rotary Districts and many Rotary Clubs. Route map will be - Udaipur - Ahmedabad - Statue of Unity - Surat - Nashik - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa - Mysore

Below are the Event Highlights:

  • "Ride for Rotary" is an event involving motorcycle riding and four-wheeler driving across India.
  • This initiative is organized by Rotary District 3181 to support and strengthen The Rotary Foundation while celebrating Rotary Fellowship.
  • The journey will encompass visits to various Rotary Clubs, insights into Rotary Projects, enjoyable fellowships, and opportunities to meet new people.
  • Participants will have the chance to experience diverse cultures, cuisines, and lifestyles along the route.
  • Cultural activities and a Gala Dinner will be featured throughout the journey.
  • Accommodation will be provided in 3-star hotels or higher.
  • The meticulously planned route will showcase diverse landscapes, including palaces, beaches, hill stations, temples, and churches, covering approximately 1600 km across 5 Indian states.
  • The ride will be supported by medical staff, helpers, mechanics, and support vehicles.
  • A MiniBus will transport participants' luggage.
  • The bike and four-wheeler convoy will be under the guidance of experienced crew members.
  • Participant food and accommodation will be covered only from January 5th to January 20th, 2024 
  • We have already have 40 registered participants as of 12 October, 2023 from 13 Countries

Participation Fee:

  • For Individual: 4000 USD + 18% Tax
  • For Couple: 6000 USD + 18% Tax
  • Participation Fee includes:
  • For Motorcycle: Food, Stay, Riding gears, Motorcycle with fuel, Flight Ticket (From Goa to Mysore)
  • For 4 Wheeler: Food, Stay, Vehicle with fuel, Flight Ticket (From Goa to Mysore)

We request you to register for this event and make the event a greater success. Please visit our website: for more details

November 10, 2023 will be the last date to Register


Team Ride for Rotary 8

Ride for Rotary in India - January 2024 Valerie Wachuta 2023-09-11 05:00:00Z 0

Special Grant-Writing In-Service

Changemakers - District 6250 is offering a grant writing workshop on Sept. 19. If you are interested in learning about The Rotary Foundation's grant writing requirement or think you might enjoy this role with our club one day, feel free to sign up. There is a live (Madison) and virtual option.
Dwight Heaney
Club Rotary Foundation Chair  
Hello D6250 Rotary,
As mentioned in the recent issue of the District Dispatch, I am pleased to announce an upcoming event featuring our Regional Grants Manager, Ms. Cecelia Walter. Ms. Walter serves as an invaluable resource at Rotary International in Evanston, Illinois, and possesses extensive expertise in the field of grant writing.
This event will be conducted in a hybrid format, offering both in-person and virtual attendance options. The in-person session will be held on the west side of Madison, with limited availability—only ten spots are available, so prompt registration is recommended. Additionally, for the convenience of those located at a distance, the event will also be broadcast via Zoom.

Details: Tuesday, September 19 12:15-1:45 pm

402 Gammon Place #110, Madison, WI

Sign up here for in-person

Sign up here for Zoom

The recording will be available afterwards. I hope that all clubs that are writing grants, or interested in writing grants, will be able to take advantage of this opportunity.

Yours in service,

Erin Luken
Rotary Club of Madison-After Hours

D6250 Rotary Foundation Committee Chair

Special Grant-Writing In-Service Valerie Wachuta 2023-09-11 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation International Conference

At this summer’s Rotary International Conference, John Hewko, Rotary International General Secretary and CEO, reported the following accomplishments by The Rotary Foundation. 
We extended our fundraising partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation toward ending polio and committed to raising US$50 million per year over the next three years, with each Rotary dollar matched by two additional dollars from the Gates Foundation. Global support for polio eradication reached new heights at the World Health Summit in October, when Rotary, international partners, and donors pledged a combined US$2.6 billion towards polio eradication.
On World Polio Day (24 October), Rotary clubs in 118 countries hosted an event in their community and members donated US$750,000 to PolioPlus. Members also helped raise awareness about polio eradication on social media, with our content on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter reaching more than 31 million people.
During World Immunization Week, 24-30 April, we used our global platforms to highlight the importance of vaccines. Vaccinations have made it possible for polio cases to decline by 99.9% worldwide and to save an estimated 20 million children from becoming paralyzed by polio.
To learn more, visit
Rotarians Donate
The Rotary Foundation continually demonstrates our members' commitment to making a difference in local and global communities. We've raised US$262.2 million as of 1 February and are well on our way to meeting this year's goal of US$430 million.
Among our successes in fundraising: Donors gave more than US$1.1 million to The Rotary Foundation on Giving Tuesday (29 November).
Gifts to Rotary's Endowment continue to ensure that future members will have the resources they need to design and implement sustainable projects year after year. The fund has currently raised US$1.544 billion, and we're on target to reach our goal of raising US$2.025 billion by 2025.
Disaster Response Fund
Due to the unprecedented flooding in Pakistan and the ongoing war in Ukraine, we established the Pakistan Flood Response Fund and the Ukraine Response Fund. Donors can give directly to relief efforts led by Rotary members through 31 December.
When Turkey and Syria were struck by devastating earthquakes earlier this year, all donations to the Disaster Response Fund between 6 February and 31 March were used to aid earthquake relief projects.
As of 1 March, US$2.4 million had been donated this year to The Rotary Foundation's Disaster Response Fund. The fund has distributed more than US$11.4 million in 2023, supporting over 230 disaster response grants that provided humanitarian aid and helped communities around the world.
When we work together, our ability to make long-lasting, positive change has no limits. As we approach a new Rotary year, we look forward to continuing to increase our impact, enhance the participant experience, increase our ability to adapt, and expand our reach.
Thank you to each of our Changemaker Rotarians for supporting “Our” Rotary Foundation. Every dollar you give for any Rotary purpose makes a significant and lasting difference in the lives of people around the world!

Rotary Foundation International Conference Valerie Wachuta 2023-09-11 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary-Peace Corps Week Sept 11-22 2023


As your club is active in service projects and activities, we wanted to send you a personal invitation to participate in this year’s Rotary-Peace Corps Week, 18-22 September. This week is an opportunity for members of both organizations to collaborate, share their resources, and co-create projects that will have an even greater impact. It is hosted by Partnering for Peace, a group of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers who are also Rotary and Rotaract members and are passionate about the impact we can all make together through the official Rotary-Peace Corps partnership.

The week’s theme is Celebrating Our Connections and starts on Monday, 18 September with a panel webinar on Peace through Service, Action and Diversity, including:

  • Jody Olsen, Former Peace Corps Director
  • Pat Merryweather-Arges, Rotary International Vice President
The week’s other events include:
  • Tuesday, 19 September – How to Make the Rotary-Peace Corps Connection Work (Webinar | 20:00-21:00 EDT)
  • Wednesday, 20 September – Connecting in-country Rotary Clubs and Peace Corps Posts (Panel | 09:00-10:30 EDT)
  • Thursday, 21 September – Successful Examples of Joint Rotary Peace Corps Projects (Panel | 14:00-15:15 EDT)
  • Friday, 22 September – Rotary + Peace Corps: A Global Force for Peace (Discussion | 14:00-15:15 EDT)
You can register for events here.

How else can your Rotary community participate in this week-long grassroots initiative? Although opportunities vary by country and geographic region, consider the ideas below.
  • Invite a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV) to speak about their service at your club meeting. Find a speaker here.
  • Participate in a joint service project or social event with members of the Peace Corps community by connecting with your local RPCV group.
  • Promote the Rotary-Peace Corps partnership by sharing successful partnership projects with the Partnership Manager (contact information below), district newsletters or local media.
  • Attend the Rotary-Peace Corps Week events. Register for them here.

For more information, email events@partneringforpeace.orgor visit 

We encourage you to consider participating in this week of events and to extend this invitation to your club members.

Best wishes,

Carrie Golden
Partnership Manager
Programs and Services | Service and Engagement

On behalf of Partnering for Peace, an affiliate group in support of the Rotary-Peace Corps partnership:
Partnering for Peace
7970 South Vincennes Way
Centennial CO 80112
United States

Rotary-Peace Corps Week Sept 11-22 2023 Valerie Wachuta 2023-09-11 05:00:00Z 0

Artificial Intelligence - Dave Schroeder

At our last club meeting, we had several requests for the AI presentation.  Here is the recording of our meeting, including the presentation by Dave Schroeder, MS, MA, CISSP, CEH with the University of Wisconsin - Madison, regarding Artificial Intelligence – what it is, where it is, and why we should care. 
His presentation starts at minute 16 on the MP4 20230804-Meeting_DaveSchroeder_AI.

Artificial Intelligence - Dave Schroeder Valerie Wachuta 2023-08-23 05:00:00Z 0

August Meeting Recap

For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our August club meeting.
We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all.
Dwight spoke on our Rotary Foundation – Doing Good in the World.  He spoke of where Rotary Foundation’s expenditures go, and how it is distributed over a three-year plan.  He showed us how easy it is to set up Rotary Direct, where we can individually set giving amounts and frequency.
               Register in My Rotary if you haven't already done so, and go to to set up your foundation deposits. 
The Guatemala Service Project trip may still be looking for volunteers, check our club and the district website for more details.
The Friendship Exchange to Croatia is taking place in early September, they will be here sometime in 2024.  See the 6250 District website for more details.
Our Happy Hour is still on summer pause.  Anyone wishing to co-host please contact Peter.
LeRoy was the lucky winner of our 50-50 raffle.  Congratulations LeRoy!
Dave Schroeder, MS, MA, CISSP, CEH with the University of Wisconsin - Madison,  gave a very informative presentation on Artificial Intelligence – what it is, where it is, and why we should care.  Thank you Dave!  Be sure to check out the recording on our website

August Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2023-08-21 05:00:00Z 0

Club President Message 2023-08-21

As we are more than halfway through August, I am overdue on updating our website.  Things have been busy for me, with a week-long trip through Michigan late July, my son getting married and me gaining a wonderful daughter-in-law really late in July, a trip to Minnesota’s International Falls and Voyageurs National Park earlier this month, and now packing for a week in Yellowstone National Park leading up to Labor Day.  Oh, and two new adorable kittens.  It’s been a busy summer. 
Focusing on Rotary, August is a month of building the Rotary Team; club, district, and beyond.  In our club, exciting news – we are working on updating our happy hour with different hosts and time.  More to follow when all the details have been worked out.   Also, LeRoy has graciously stepped up to take over Treasurer responsibilities.  THANK YOU LeRoy!    
Our Service Project with Family Health LaClinica is winding to a close.  Sharon attended their Patient Appreciation Day earlier this month to meet with their employees and make a presentation.  LaClinica and our Service Committee are interested in continuing collaboration on other projects.  Stay tuned.
 In our district, they are looking to fill some leadership positions, including Membership Chair, DEI Chair, Tri-Con Vice Chair among others.  If you want to put your incredible leadership talents to use, see a more extensive list here.
Upcoming district events include:
Mental Wellness/Leadership Series:  Coming Soon
UPDATED Vibrant Club Workshop:  November 4th – Virtual and in person options
World Polio Day – October 24, 2023
Tri-Con (our Multi-District Conference) - April 19-20, 2024, Green Bay
Enjoy the rest of summer!

Club President Message 2023-08-21 Valerie Wachuta 2023-08-21 05:00:00Z 0

Club President Message 2023-07-13

Hello, and welcome to the ’23-’24 Rotary Year. As with Rotary’s theme for the year, I look forward to creating hope in our world TOGETHER with you this upcoming year.  We got off to a rough start this year with Cheryl’s untimely death, but she would want us to carry on.
I plan to keep you updated monthly with highlights of our club’s and our district’s key initiatives for the month.  District events are designed to make the Rotary experience more fun and more successful for club leaders and members.  So far, from the district, we have:
Mental Wellness/Leadership Series:  Coming Soon
Vibrant Club Workshop:  October 28th – Virtual and in person option. Location TBD
World Polio Day – October 24
Tri-Con (our Multi-District Conference) - April 19-20, 2024, Green Bay
This Spring, our club executive committee set goals for the upcoming year, which I am sharing with you.  I’m a very goal-oriented person, and like to know where I’m ultimately headed, although sometimes the route to get there can be an adventure.  You may note the 14 social activities, having fun is a goal 😊
I am so very grateful for you, my fellow Changemakers.  TOGETHER we can create hope in our world.

Club President Message 2023-07-13 Valerie Wachuta 2023-07-12 05:00:00Z 0

July Meeting Recap

For those of you on vacation or otherwise unable to attend, here is a recap of our July club meeting.
We started off with a remembrance for Cheryl.  She was very active in our club as a service committee co-chair, treasurer, and lining up speakers.  She was well known throughout Wisconsin.  She will be greatly missed.
We recited the four way test to remind us of our Rotary ethics of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and beneficial to all.
 As of the first of July, the start of the Rotary year, Val will be president.  A huge thanks to LeRoy for his service in getting the club up and running.
Check the district website for information on the Friendship Exchange to Croatia coming in September.
Dwight presented on the LaClinica service project.  We have reached our goal and received a district grant.  A huge thanks to those who donated.  We received money from clubs inside and outside of our district.  The money will go to diabetes blood glucose monitors.  August 12th is the tentative Children's Day at the LaClinica headquarters.  There are plans in the works to present the check to them at that event.  Anyone wishing to participate, please contact Dwight.
Our assistant governor, Toni, from the Sun Prairie Rotary Club announced that August 3rd will be the annual golf tournament sponsored by Sun Prairie Rotary Club.  Their club received a district grant for raised platform viewing area and memorial wall for their marsh, in memory of Bill Wambach. Check out their golf outing webpage.
Lisa was the winner of our 50/50 raffle.  Way to go Lisa!  Easy money.
Our speaker was Gary Muldoon from Madison Breakfast Rotary Club.  He had two topics - Rotary Books for the World - Wisconsin Operations, and Portable Cabinet Libraries in Guatemala.  
They need to relocate their packing facility, and are searching for a place in the greater Madison area.  Currently they have 10,000 square feet, they may only need half that much.  More info to come.
For the libraries, we can help by collecting gently used Spanish or Bilingual Spanish/English library books, sponsor a computer, some books, a cabinet or a fully-stocked library, or pledge our club's support an a contributing club for a future district grant.

July Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2023-07-11 05:00:00Z 0

OUR Rotary Foundation – The Gift of Hope

The Rotary Foundation is one of the primary tools for Rotarians to achieve peace in our world. The support we give to The Rotary Foundation provides grants that improve health, well-being, environment, and peacebuilding through humanitarian service across the globe. The Changemakers Diabetes Support Project with Family Health La Clinica is our own example of The Rotary Foundation at work.

We qualified for a District Grant because of our personal giving. That made it possible to nearly double the amount we raised using donations from District 6250 Rotarians.

As we begin a new Rotary year, please consider making your commitment to supporting The Rotary Foundation’s Annual Fund. Your support will be combined with that of over 1.3 million Rotarians around the world to achieve this year’s goal of $500 million. That total includes funding for District Grants, Global Grants, Polio Eradication, Disaster Response Grants, and much more.

Giving is easiest by going online and donating when you sign in at My If you would like to budget your giving, Rotary Direct allows you to designate the amount, frequency, and use of your donations. I like to give monthly. It brings a smile with each credit card statement!

If you have questions about supporting Our Rotary Foundation, I would be happy to walk you through the options that align with your goals for supporting Rotary. OUR donations to support the work of Rotarians around the world bring hope for a brighter future to people and communities around the world.

Dwight Heaney

Changemakers Club Rotary Foundation Chair

OUR Rotary Foundation – The Gift of Hope Dwight Heaney 2023-07-11 05:00:00Z 0

Changemakers Happy Hour Summer Pause

Summers are super busy.  Our Changemakers club will be taking a pause from the 6 pm third Tuesday Happy Hour for the months of July and August.  Happy Hour will start up again in September.
We are looking for a co-host for the happy hour starting in September.  It only takes one hour a month, and you get to pick the games and make the rules!  If this sounds like a fun way for you to volunteer, please contact any of the club executives.

Changemakers Happy Hour Summer Pause Valerie Wachuta 2023-07-11 05:00:00Z 0

Volunteer Opportunities - Sauk County Prairie Enthusiasts

Title:  The Prairie Enthusiasts - Empire Sauk Chapter
When: June 17 - July 1
Where: Various Sauk County locations
Enjoy the Prairie and Lend a Helping Hand
  • Saturday, June 17 - Butterflies and Wildflowers of Pleasant Valley Conservancy
  • Sunday, June 18 – Sedge Identification Workshop (Registration required)
  • Monday, June 19 – Introduction to Grassland Birds
  • Sunday, June 25 – Twinkle Hill Prairie (Central Iowa) – on the way to this year’s North American Prairie Conference
  • Saturday, July 1 – Butterfly Workshop (Registration required)

Volunteer Opportunities - Sauk County Prairie Enthusiasts Valerie Wachuta 2023-06-15 05:00:00Z 0

Club President Message June 16

Club -
Hopefully everyone is enjoying their summer so far!  I am biking and training for my next RAGBRAI adventure in July!
As my final days as your club president come to a close, this causes me to reflect on the previous year.  We have come a long way and we have done amazing things in our first year as a club!  I am proud of the work that we have accomplished!  I wanted to thank a few people for their extra hard work in making this year happen.  
Thanks to Cheryl and Dwight for picking up the reins of our Service Project committee and running with it!  We are close to completing our first major fundraising effort.  We have been able to surpass our fundraising goal and we will be changing lives with our efforts!  Thanks for your hard work in getting us organized and getting the word out to the other clubs and attending the conference.  They have been able to pull this off regardless of their life and challenges outside of the club!  Simply amazing!
Thanks to Peter and Val for all of their hard work on our behalf in creating and maintaining our online presence via Facebook and our website with their marketing skills!  With their weekly postings, our club has been able to stay active in the news feed for the District and various other clubs.  They are getting our club out there and keeping people informed about what we are doing.  They, also, have been able to do this even though they have a life outside of the club with challenges and setbacks.  Impressive!
Thanks to Will and John Locke for the assistance in getting our club created and helping me get through the Vision and Mission process!  Without their assistance, we wouldn't be the club that we are today.  We had a lot of different ideas about our club but we were able to come together and create the club. And also, thanks to John for coming to me with this idea for the club.  With my busy schedule, I had written off belonging to the Rotary - but John changed that for me!  Thanks to you both!!
Personally, I want to thank Karen Hebert for her guidance, encouragement,  and support in this first year!  I had a learning curve to get up to speed.  Karen was there for me at several points and provided me with answers when they were needed.  I can't thank you enough Karen!
And finally, thanks to everyone else that has taken on more duties than necessary to get this club up and running!  I know that this first year wasn't easy, but we made it!  I know that I have made some lasting friendships already because of this club!  The Fellowship is what bonds this club together long term!  And thanks to everyone who is a part of our club in any way.
I look forward to our next year with Val as our new President!  We have more work to do but we are on our way.
I am proud to consider myself a Changemaker - we are changing lives together!!
Thanks again - Looking forward to seeing everyone at our Happy Hour next week, and see you all at the next meeting!

Club President Message June 16 LeRoy Kemnitz 2023-06-15 05:00:00Z 0

Books for the World Needs New Home

Books for the World needs to vacate the space they have been utilizing at MATC for the past nine years.  Please see the attached video for a Wisconsin State Journal interview with Gary Muldoon.  
In light of the recent front page article in WSJ, Ellen Cook wanted everyone to have the link to the United Way Volunteer page through which people can sign up for book packing. When they select the volunteer opportunity, they will have an option to choose dates. Thanks to you all.

Books for the World Needs New Home Valerie Wachuta 2023-06-13 05:00:00Z 0

June Meeting Recap

In case you were not able to attend in person, or 8 am is a little early for remembering things, here is a recap of our June meeting.
We started the meeting with Rotary's Four Way Test.  This test, adopted by Rotary in 1943, is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships.  The test has been translated into more than 100 languages, and Rotarians recite it at club meetings:

Of the things we think, say or do

1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Friendship Exchange - Next is Croatia Sept 7 - 18 of this year.  Check out the district website for more information.  Several past Friendship Exchange participants were present at the June meeting.
Prairie du Chien is hosting a Wings Over PdC Fly-In on Saturday, July 8, with a steak and egg breakfast.  This could be a group social event for us.  Cheryl will be there.  Check out Prairie du Chien Rotary Club Facebook page, or contact Cheryl for more information.
Welcome to Sharon Bradish, who will be joining our club in July.   Welcome Sharon, glad to have you in our club!
July is New Leadership month.  With that, Val Wachuta will become the new president.  A HUGE THANK YOU to LeRoy Kemnitz for the past two years of leadership and chartering the club.  Additional leadership roles are: Club meeting lead - Peter Groth
Guest Speakers - Cheryl Mader
Third Tuesday Happy Hour - Peter Groth.
Membership - Petra Roter
Public Relations / Social Media - Peter Groth
Club Service Chairs - Dwight Heaney and Cheryl Mader
The Rotary Foundation - Dwight Heaney
Secretary and Web Master - Valerie Wachuta
Treasurer - Cheryl Mader
If You would like a role, we would love to have you.  Contact any of our club executives.

Service Project - Cheryl reported that our grant will be part of the 23/24 cycle.  We will make a presentation to LaClinica at the end of July at Wautoma.  We will be meeting our goal, we are finishing up making sure all things are done.  A HUGE thank you to Cheryl and Dwight.  Cheryl stated that the table at Tricon was very helpful. Using it, we showed we are working with other clubs and outside the district.


Our speaker for the month was Mary Van Hout of the Madison West Middleton Rotary Club.  She spoke about the Oliveros Scholarship Fund.  It started with an idea after working on the Guatemala Medical Resource Project.  The medical clinic lasts 4-1/2 days, in a school facility.  Rotarians working there found that public schooling only goes through sixth grade.  One member started a scholarship fun for three children to go to school.  Each year the project grew as demand grew.  A process was put in place and adjusted to select the students with better grades and attendance.  A local businessman and his daughter help on the Guatemala end, distributing the funds as needed.  100% of the donations go to scholarships, so the Rotary club provides monies for additional costs, i.e. wifi to interview applicants.  Currently there are 55 students in middle and high school, and 16 university students. 

They are in need of people skilled in medical fields, the GMRP application just went out for next January.  The scholarship fund is looking for donations and support.  They spend $20,000 - $25,000 each year on scholarships.

For more information, see, or


Happy Hour will be June 20th at 6 pm.





June Meeting Recap Valerie Wachuta 2023-06-12 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Recognition

Congratulations to LeRoy Kemnitz and Cheryl Mader on receiving the prestigious Paul Harris Recognition awards for their donations to the Rotary Foundation.  

Paul Harris Recognition Valerie Wachuta 2023-04-30 05:00:00Z 0

Changemakers at TriCon

TriCon23 in La Crosse.  Cheryl Mader is explaining how a virtual club works, while Val Wachuta watches the table and Lisa McGrath does photography.  The presentations are great, and fellowship and meeting others in-person is super.  LeRoy Kemnitz and Petra Roter joined us for Saturday afternoon activities.  Later we had lunch and Paul Harris Fellow Recognition Pins were awarded.

Changemakers at TriCon Valerie Wachuta 2023-04-28 05:00:00Z 0

In Case You Missed It

In case you missed our April club meeting, here’s a recap. 
TriCon will be April 27 – 29 in La Crosse. Several members of our club will be in attendance.  Our club will have a booth in House of Friendship explaining how a virtual club works, and our LaClinica project. Changemakers will have our own fun social event at the end of the conference on Saturday.  TriCon Tickets are still available if you want to go. 
Cheryl is on the Budapest friendship exchange, and Cathy will join the exchange for part of the time. 
The Croatia exchange is in September.  
Rotarians from Poland will be in our district this summer.  
Check out the district website for more information.
Dwight updated us on our service projects.  We are at $9,800 of our $11,000 goal, with a couple more donations on the way.  We hope to spread the word and get a few more contributions at TriCon.   Even more exciting – other Rotary clubs in LaClinica’s service area are considering other projects that they can work on together.  Talk about setting things in motion.  Yay service project committee!!!
Our speaker was Dean Ryerson.  He recently was on a friendship exchange to Poland, and they focused on helping the Ukrainians.  The topic of our meeting was Refugee Resettlement.  He was inspired by the Polish people housing Ukrainians.
Dean is assisting with the US Refugee Resettlement Program.  The Jewish Social Services (JSS) of Madison is the South Central Wisconsin NGO that the US program works with.  JSS had heard, through Rotary connections, that Dean had housed international exchange Rotarians before, and asked if he would be willing to help their cause.  All of the refugees are fully vetted before they come to the US.
Two refugees from Afghanistan and one from Rwanda have been Dean’s guests, all at different times.  All three of them have had varied needs and abilities. One had never seen a car wash, a fast food drive up, or bank drive through. Besides providing housing, Dean helps them get set up, look for a job, and become self-sufficient.    Dean does it because Rotarians help people, one person at a time.  The presentation was very moving.
Don’t forget about our Happy Hour Tuesday the 18th at 6 pm central.  The winner gets $25.

In Case You Missed It Valerie Wachuta 2023-04-12 05:00:00Z 0


Super active club member Dwight Heaney is well known throughout the district by many Rotarians. He  has ongoing health concerns, and has shared his CaringBridge site with us.  He will be posting updates there going forward. Follow the link below to his site. You can choose to get updates by choosing to "Follow". He promises not to overwhelm you with posts. 
CaringBridge link:  Lets all send Dwight happy thoughts.

Dwight Valerie Wachuta 2023-04-12 05:00:00Z 0

Peter Groth

Tell us about yourself (career, family, hobbies):
I am married with one child.  Professionally, I am the founder and CEO of Dyslexia Connect Online Tutoring.  I love learning new things and traveling.  I write and record music at home.
What is your proudest accomplishment?  Why? 
I have a hard time choosing.  I am grateful for the opportunities that I have had in my life, and grateful to have many things in my life that make it feel meaningful.
What would you sing at karaoke night?
"Once In A Lifetime" by Talking Heads.  I actually did sing this song at karaoke some years ago!
What was your first job?
Working at Fast Forward Skate Center.  Absolutely loved it!
If you could travel to a place that you haven’t been to, where would it be? 
I absolutely love to travel! I haven’t been to Italy yet, and I would love to go there.
What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?
Best would be New Order at Milwaukee Summerfest in 2014. For the worst, I don’t think I’ve been to one that was really bad.
Peter Groth Valerie Wachuta 2023-04-05 05:00:00Z 0

Service News

Changemakers Rotary is currently celebrating our founding with a service project to benefit the patients of Family Health La Clinica.  These are largely migrant farm workers in 10 central Wisconsin counties who are unable to afford the life saving supplies required to monitor their diabetes.  We are in the midst of a campaign to raise $10,000 to supply blood glucose monitors and testing strips to these important people whose work puts the food on our tables.
D6250 has approved matching District Designated Funds up to $5,000, so any contributions from Rotarians or Rotary Clubs will be matched dollar for dollar!  Double your gift by making your contribution by April 30!

Service News Cheryl Mader 2023-03-29 05:00:00Z 0

How to Give 2024 - 2025

Changemakers Rotary Club                          Club ID 224620                                   District 6250
We have a new check mailing address. 
 Make Check Payable to:
       Changemakers Rotary Club
      Contact a Club Executive/Director for mailing address.
We also have a new Venmo address for online payments.  We kindly suggest adding an extra $2 when paying through Venmo to offset processing fees. 
Changemakers Rotary@Changemaker_Rotary

Donate to our District 6250 Foundation online or by mail.  Here you can find projects in-process in our district that are taking donations.  
Rotary District 6250 Foundation
c/o Brian Watson
4030 E. Stone Ridge Dr.
Milton, WI 53563

Donate to the Rotary Foundation through Rotary Direct.    Note - You must be logged into My Rotary to access Rotary Direct.
Changemakers Club ID 224620

How to Give 2024 - 2025 Valerie Wachuta 2023-03-21 05:00:00Z 0

Volunteer - Book Packing 2023

Title:  Book packing event
When: July 22, August 5, August 19 and September 9  10 am - 12:30 pm 
Where:  Madison College 1849 Wright St., Madison 53704
Contact: Ellen Cook -  
or go to United Way using this link:
Happy almost summer! As most of you know by now, we have been notified by Madison College that they need the space that we occupy by September. We have ceased accepting donations until we find a new space and we are looking to finish packing the rest of our inventory. We recently sent a truckload down to Houston and we will be sending another one shortly, so we are making great progress but there are still plenty of books!
I've set the following dates going forward at the usual Saturday 10-12:30 time: June 24, July 8, July 22, and August 5. We've had such good turnouts through United Way with several group sign-ups which have been fun! If we can keep up this pace, we'll get it done.
We're exploring options for a new space, so please contact Gary and myself if you have any ideas. 
As a reminder, we have a packing scheduled this Saturday, June 3. In the last week we've had 8 United Way volunteers sign up. Several have Epic emails so I'm thinking it's a group from there. However, we have plenty of room for more volunteers! 
Please respond to Ellen Cook - if you can make it on any of these dates. It helps to know ahead of time if we will have enough volunteers.  
See links to a document describing what to expect at a book packing with directions to the warehouse  documents/en-us/5cfbc2a8-ac61-4dce-bdb3-781c15257446/1  
and the liability waiver (which will also be available at the warehouse) documents/en-us/baad8da3-4e73-41e2-af5a-f0ac3e71be17/1
Thanks and regards to all,
Ellen Cook
Book Packing Coordinator
Rotary Books for the World-Wisconsin
Madison Breakfast Rotary Club

Volunteer - Book Packing 2023 2023-03-15 05:00:00Z 0

New Club Structure this upcoming year


We have all heard the proverb "many hands make light the work" and our Changemakers Rotary Club is no exception.  Starting in July, you will notice some changes in our roles.  

Our first Friday of the month club meetings will be led by Peter Groth.

Cheryl Mader will be in charge of lining up the guest speakers.

Third Tuesday Happy Hour and other social events will be led by John Lock.

President / Primary Contact for the club will be Valerie Wachuta.

Officers/Offices continuing into the next year:

Membership - Petra Roter

Public Relations / Social Media - Peter Groth

Club Service Chair - Dwight Heaney

Club Service Chair - Cheryl Mader

The Rotary Foundation - Dwight Heaney

Secretary and Web Master - Valerie Wachuta

Treasurer - Cheryl Mader

Congratulations and Thank You to the entire team, your efforts are greatly appreciated. 

If anyone else wants to be more involved, please contact a member of the executive team.

New Club Structure this upcoming year Valerie Wachuta 2023-03-07 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Orientation

Our Rotary District will be hosting new member orientation throughout 2023 on every fifth Wednesday at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.  It's time for our third set of one-hour orientations! The next chance to join is August 30.

This time together is designed to root Rotarians in our mission and values - to grow a sense of their own Rotary identity and sense of belonging in a global group of excellent friends. There is so much to learn about being a member of a Rotary Club and this orientation is designed to complement that and to give you - the newer Rotarian -  a chance to spend time with Rotarians all around the District.
Our district clubs add over 200 new Rotarians every year. We - District 6250 - value you so much and want to serve you in a meaningful way.

 This is not a series, it is a single opportunity, offered four days a year, at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. each of the four days.

Remember! Fifth Wednesdays, 7 a.m. OR 7 p.m.

PDG Karen Hebert

Rotary Orientation Valerie Wachuta 2023-02-27 06:00:00Z 0

2024 Rotary Peace Fellowships

Help Rotary recruit peace and development leaders

Applications for the 2024 Rotary Peace Fellowships are now available!
You can help promote peace in the world by encouraging peace and development leaders in your community to apply for the Rotary Peace Fellowship.

Each year, Rotary awards fully funded fellowships for peacebuilders from diverse backgrounds to study at one of our peace centers located at premier universities around the world. This year, we’ll select 50 peace fellows to study in our master’s degree programs and 40 fellows to earn a professional development certificate.

Rotary Peace Fellows use their training to amplify their work at the local, regional, or global level. Clubs and districts can partner with them on peacebuilding initiatives before, during, and after their fellowships.

But we need your help finding candidates. Rotary and Rotaract members can get involved by:Candidates have until 15 May to submit applications to The Rotary Foundation.

Thanks to generous support from donors and the dedicated participation of Rotary members, the peace fellowship program has more than 1,600 alumni working to make positive change in more than 140 countries.

To learn more about how you can recruit the next generation of peace fellows, contact your district Rotary Peace Fellowship subcommittee chair or write to

2024 Rotary Peace Fellowships 2023-02-09 06:00:00Z 0

Lisa McGrath

Tell us about yourself (career, family, hobbies):
I retired about a year ago after 30 years as a Data Specialist. I’m widowed but have been in a long distance relationship for several years with my partner in Northern Ireland. I also have two great kids and five wonderful grandchildren. In the warmer months I like to spend lots of time outdoors – geocaching, hiking, biking, and camping, all with the dog (well maybe not the biking). In the winter I still try to get out, but more likely I’m playing board games. I also love to travel and will use any excuse for a road trip with the pup.
What is your proudest accomplishment?  Why? 
Besides raising great kids, my proudest accomplishment would be pulling for the USA in the World Championships for Tug of War. It took a lot of determination and grit to get there, and although we never won a medal it provided many international friendships.
What would you sing at karaoke night?
“I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor. Although my circumstances have nothing to do with a bad boyfriend the song still resonates with me in many ways.
What was your first job?
Working in an apple orchard picking and packing the fruit.
If you could travel to a place that you haven’t been to, where would it be? 
This is a tough question because there are so many places I’d love to visit. Since I’ve already been to five of the continents I’d have to narrow this down to Australia/New Zealand or Antarctica to get me closer to my goal of visiting all seven.
What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?
Trans Siberian Orchestra in Madison a few years ago, but I’m really not much of a concert goer.
Lisa McGrath Valerie Wachuta 2023-02-09 06:00:00Z 0

Congratulations Peter on new son

Congratulations to Peter Groth and his wife Sammi on the birth of their son.
Name: Robert Peter Groth
Weight: 7 pounds, 7 ounces
Height: 20 inches
This is the proud parent's first child.  We wish them the best!

Congratulations Peter on new son 2023-02-09 06:00:00Z 0

From the District Governor Feb 2023

Hello Changemakers,
TriCon begins in 80 days! We're so excited to feature a great times, great food and a great lineup of speakers! I hope you and your clubs are gearing up to send members for an event full of inspiration and opportunity for connection. Attached is a slide deck that you can use to help promote TriCon. All members are encouraged to be there. 


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion:
Several clubs have DEI initiatives started or implemented and wherever you might be on that journey, there is always an opportunity to learn. Speaking of learning, a great resource for any Rotarian, or any club trying to make an impact through DEI work would benefit from this course in the Rotary Learning Center. Feel free to share with your clubs. You need a My Rotary account to log in but Rotarians would benefit from having one anyway.



Support for Ukraine:
The people of Ukraine are continually challenged with uncertainty and incredibly challenging times. Many 6250 clubs have supported Ukraine and others continue to do so. If you're looking for a way to support Ukraine, here are two of many opportunities:

Rotary Friendship Exchange:
District 6250 has a very active Rotary Friendship Exchange program (with a group in India as I type this message)! There are 2 more Friendship Exchange opportunities on the Horizon. Please share these life-changing opportunities with your clubs:

Presidents Leadership Series:
Register for the remaining series sessions!

In service and gratitude,

Ben Bauer
District Governor (2022-2023), Rotary District 6250

From the District Governor Feb 2023 LeRoy Kemnitz 2023-02-09 06:00:00Z 0

TriCon 2023

Join Rotarians from Districts 6220, 6250 & 6270

SAVE THE DATE: April 28 - 29, 2023, LaCrosse, Wisconsin

The Rotary Western Great Lakes District Conference, intended for any Rotarian, not just leadership, is set for Friday April 28 and Saturday April 29, 2023. Attendance will be in person at The La Crosse Center, La Crosse, WI. Attendees from Districts 6220, 6250 and 6270 will have the opportunity to gain useful skills that can be used in their Rotary club, and inspiration that will motivate them to embrace Rotary even more.

Internationally-known featured speakers will provide keen insights about their passion projects during the addresses on both days.

TriCon 2023 2023-02-08 06:00:00Z 0

Service Project Committee 02-06-23

Service Update
La Clinica Project
Our Family Health La Clinica (FHLC) project to raise $11,000 for supplies for monitoring diabetes is off and running.  We have already received gifts from Changemakers Rotarians, Past District Governors as well as from our friends and family networks.  So far we have raised approximately $1,633, of which $1,593 will be matched by the district, resulting in over $3,200 raised so far!  We have three in person presentations to Rotary clubs on the calendar for February and March, and are hoping to get another five.    Next week we'll be emailing templates to Changemaker Rotarians to use in emailing your family and friends--people who you think will be interested in supporting this appeal.  Please be thinking about those people you know who love to give, and who will respond to an appeal to help the people who put the food on our tables!  This is an important project and will make a terrific difference in many lives.  Let's do this!  As always, let me know if you have questions.
P.S.  Congrats to Service Committee member Peter Groth and his wife Sammi on the birth of their new baby boy!!  

Service Project Committee 02-06-23 Cheryl Mader 2023-02-08 06:00:00Z 0

Club President Duties

Have you ever wondered what a Rotary club president does?  Well, here is the answer for inquiring minds.
As president, you lead and motivate your club, ensuring that club members feel valuable, inspired, and connected to each other.  You also need to be mindful of the club vision and make sure that the club actions align with the vision.
Duties can be divided among other members.  Currently we have several members doing assorted tasks listed below.

1. Preside over the club, happy hour, and  board meetings
       a. Create agendas
       b. Run meetings
       c. Find speakers for meetings
               1. Communicate to Public Relations and Web Master
                2. Follow up with speakers for schedules
       d. Decide on topics for the meetings
       e. Find new online games for happy hours
2. Appoint committee chairs and members
       a. Meet with new chairs to share vision and plans for the role
       b. Touch base with chairs to see if they need help
       c.  Assist with providing help
       d. Follow thru with reaching out and asking people 
       e. Motivate chairs to complete tasks on time and completely
       f.  Check out and approve any public notice about the club

3. Conduct club assemblies
       a. Create agenda
       b. Decide when to have an assembly 

4. Create a budget and manage club finances, including an annual audit
       a. Sign/co-account owner of bank accounts
       b. Follow up with finance planning/budgeting

5. Develop a safe environment for youth participants
      a. Advocate for more communications with the club members
      b. Show/share enthusiasm for the club and for the club activities, build excitement with club members
6. Work with your district governor and assistant governor
7.  Be the point of contact for the club online
President duties can be divided between different members.  For example, someone can lead the regular club meetings, and someone else can prepare and lead the social events/happy hour.  Lining up speakers can be by committee.
This is 99% of the things that a club president does.  It has excellent opportunities for networking and broadening the horizons.

Club President Duties LeRoy Kemnitz 2023-01-24 06:00:00Z 0

Guatemala Travel Opportunities

Upcoming opportunities for travel to Guatemala with Jennifer Demar!  Maybe you or someone else might be interested?
You would get to experience the delivery of water filters exactly like the ones Rotarians funded last year, as well as have a wonderful week of service experiencing many other things too!

The next trip is from March 25 - April 2nd.

The other two this year will be July 8-16 and October 28 - November 5th.
Anyone with an interest in considering it to reach out to Jennifer by email or by phone/text.
Jennifer Demar
Guatemala Service Projects

Guatemala Travel Opportunities Valerie Wachuta 2023-01-24 06:00:00Z 0

Leadership Fundamentals

Online program allows leaders to build their skills
The new Leadership Fundamentals program can help Rotary and Rotaract members build the skills they'll need to take on leadership roles. This online program presents key leadership skills and is available through Rotary's Learning Center only for members. 

In this program, members will learn to:
  • Lead and motivate others
  • Create a positive team environment
  • Delegate responsibilities
  • Build consensus and inclusive environments
  • Recognize the strengths in others
  • Understand, manage, and resolve conflict
  • Create and deliver effective speeches and presentations
This program also features questions that participants can discuss in a community forum and assignments that let them apply what they've learned. Participants identify their leadership strengths, then learn how to use them to be more effective. 

We encourage you to share the sign-up link for this free leadership program with members in your club. 
Key Dates
  • Registration closes: 6 February 2023
  • Program begins: 20 February 2023
  • Program ends: 12 June 2023

Leadership Fundamentals LeRoy Kemnitz 2023-01-24 06:00:00Z 0

Service Project Committee 01-12-23

Service Update
La Clinica Project
We have exciting news, Changemaker Rotarians!  Our application to D6250 for $5,000 in matching funds for our Family Health LaClinica appeal has been approved!  That means that every dollar contributed by a member or club from District 6250 (our district) will be doubled.  If you made a contribution of $20, it will be matched by another $20, resulting in $40 of blood monitoring supplies, doubling the impact on the lives of folks who badly need those life saving supplies. As of today, 10 club members have given $1,116!  If you haven't given yet, I hope you'll take the opportunity to do so at your earliest convenience.  All gifts from our members will be matched!
Our appeal will continue with outreach to Rotary clubs in the service area of Family Health La Clinica, as well as requests from Past District Governors and all clubs in D6250.  If any club wishes, we're willing to make a presentation to them about the project, virtually or in person.  And you'll be able to invite family and friends you think may be interested as well.  We're on our way to success in our first big project!  Nice job Rotarians!

International Project
John Locke is the subcommittee chair for International Service.  He maintains contact with a group of Rotaracters from Morocco who are working to clean up their city.  We are in a supporting role at this time as the group gets its feet on the ground.  
Service Continues
John is also working on identifying a project we can collaborate on in conjunction with the TRICON in La Crosse April 28-29.  We're heard from many of you that fellowship is one of your primary interests in Rotary, so this effort will include a social time for us to get together IN PERSON!  I can't wait!  Stay tuned for more information on this.
Please  feel free to let me know if you become aware of any service project, in our communities or international, that you think we might put on the list! 
Thanks to you all for your efforts to provide Service Above Self!
Cheryl Mader, Service Committee Co-Chair

Service Project Committee 01-12-23 Cheryl Mader 2023-01-11 06:00:00Z 0

Club President Message Jan 12

Everyone - 
At our last meeting, we didn't have a speaker.  We all enjoyed getting to know each other better and having a few laughs!  It was fun!  We also started to do a 50/50 Raffle!  We had a great response to it and Dwight won $87!!  Woo Hoo!!
For our next meeting, we will be hearing from Mary Van Hout.  She will be telling us about the Guatemala Oliveras Scholarship Fund.  I am looking forward to it!!
Reminder - if you want to get more involved with our club - we have room for you!  Send me an email and we can chat about it!
In the coming weeks, you will be receiving a member survey from our new Membership Chair, Petra.  We want to hear your feedback about what is important to you.
If you want to be featured in our Member Spotlight for a month, let us know!  You can answer a couple of questions and we will post them online so people can get to know you and you will be able to share the page with your friends!  
Remember - We are gaining 2 min a day of more sunlight each day!  There is always something to be thankful for!!
Looking forward to seeing everyone at our Happy Hour next week!

Club President Message Jan 12 LeRoy Kemnitz 2023-01-11 06:00:00Z 0

Friendship Exchange to Budapest Hungary

The District 6250 RFE committee would like to announce a new Friendship Exchange to Budapest Hungary, from April 9 to the 19th of 2023.  Up to 10 team members. 
Probably staying in a central Hotel in Budapest, some homestays possible.
9 Rotary clubs in Budapest will be taking turns showing us the city and important historical Stories and locations.  10 maximum team members.
The cost will be Airfare, probably hotel, meals, and incidentals.  We would coordinate the flights with the team members if possible, so if you are a bit nervous don’t be, the team will take care of you!
If you have not been on one of these they are an amazing experience of seeing the sights, experiencing local culture and making real Rotarian friends
Group Leader will be Mark Etrheim,, 608-769-7200.  Any questions, please contact me directly.

Friendship Exchange to Budapest Hungary 2023-01-09 06:00:00Z 0
Vibrant Club Workshop District 6250 2022-12-15 06:00:00Z 0

Service Project Committee 12-15-22

Service Update
Family Health La Clinica
Thanks to many of you, our effort to help people who badly need diabetes testing supplies is already underway.  $945 has been given already.  Thank you!  Our goal is that every Changemaker Rotarian makes a contribution, large or small, to this effort to raise $10,000. Plans are underway to expand the giving pool, and we're in the process of applying to D6250 for matching funds.  We'll keep you up to date on our progress!  If you haven't yet contributed please consider sending a check, or give through our Venmo account.  Thanks Rotarians!  Happy Holidays!  🌲
Service Project Committee 12-15-22 Cheryl Mader 2022-12-14 06:00:00Z 0
In this Issue - Early November 2022-11-08 06:00:00Z 0
Now taking applications! 2022-11-08 06:00:00Z 0

Club President Message Nov 10

Club Members -
Hope everyone is enjoying this Fall season!  I am not ready for this cold weather, just yet.
Reminder - Nominations are open for the next Club President.  This will be open until our Dec regular meeting.  If you or someone that you know, would like to take on this opportunity to help us shape this club - please send an email and we will add your name to the ballot.  The winner will be announced in Dec 2022.  Any questions, let me know.
At our last meeting, we heard from Dwight about the Rotary Foundation.  November is Rotary Foundation month.  Make plans for your yearly giving with the Foundation in mind!
Club dues are also due!  If you have already paid your dues - Thank you!.  If you still need to pay your dues, feel free to reach out to me or to Chris to help you get set up.  Your prompt attention to this is very much appreciated.  We are a new club and we have lots of demands upon our finances.
We are into our 3rd month now of doing our Member Spotlight, where we feature one of our Club Members on our Facebook page.  We are encouraging people to submit their info and a pic to Peter so we each can take a turn and get to know each other.  You can also get the 'word out' about your business!  We may offer a prize at the end of the year for the Member Spotlight that gets the most 'Likes' for the year!!  Can't win if you don't play!
Don't forget to buy a PowerBall ticket this week!!  Good luck, since I already bought the winning ticket!

Club President Message Nov 10 LeRoy Kemnitz 2022-11-08 06:00:00Z 0

Volunteer Opportunities November Book Packing

Title:  Book packing events    
When: Nov 5  10:00 - 12:30
WhereAlpha Omega Distributors, 1849 Wright Street, Madison, WI  53704
Contact: Ellen Cook -
We have a busy and exciting book packing planned this coming Saturday! We are hosting Alpha Phi Omega again, as well as UW Grad Students from the Physics Department. We'll also have a few of our regular United Way volunteers. This is likely the last event of the year because in spite of these unseasonably warm days, the warehouse is still pretty cold. It would be great to get a good turn out from the club and we can definitely use some extra help. 
We had a very successful year as we were able to make two shipments to Houston (in spite of the truck shortage). Last week we sent a 5 pallet shipment of desks, chairs, books to Engineers Without Borders in Chicago. We have about 40 pallets wrapped and packed (a few are desks and chairs), so it's possible that we could get one more truckload out yet this year. 
Thanks to everyone who was able to volunteer. Let me know if you can make it this Saturday. We'll bring some special snacks!
Volunteer Opportunities November Book Packing Valerie Wachuta 2022-11-04 05:00:00Z 0
In this Issue - Late October 2022-10-26 05:00:00Z 0

Club President Message Oct 13

Club Members -
At our last meeting, we heard from Ben Bauer, our new District Governor and his vision for the upcoming year!  We had lots to talk about but ran out of time!  
We have been working hard on our club website.  Come check it out and let us know what you think!!  We are adding new sections all the time.  We have info on places for members to get involved and ways for people to donate and give back!  Take a look and let us know what you think.
We have started to feature one member each month on our Facebook page and the website.  If you want to be featured and let people know about your business/life, reach out to Peter and he will get you on the schedule for the coming months.
We are seeing a decreasing number of members attending meetings and getting involved with the club.  We want to get more people involved with this club and become a 'Change Maker' in your community and the District!
We want to hear from you about barriers that are keeping you from becoming more involved.  Does the time or schedule of meetings conflict with your schedule?  Do you have ideas about speakers that could make meetings more interesting for everyone?  Do you have an idea about a Social event that we could set up?  Are there topics for speakers that would interest you?  We are a new club so we can do whatever we want - we are flexible.  Let's overcome the barriers.
Feel free to reach out and let us know your thoughts!!  We want to hear from you!
Thanks everyone for all that you do!

Club President Message Oct 13 LeRoy Kemnitz 2022-10-11 05:00:00Z 0

Member Spotlight - LeRoy Kemnitz

We are excited to present our September Changemakers Member Spotlight!
The member we are highlighting this month is our club president, LeRoy.
Tell us about yourself (career, family, hobbies):
"I am a Database Administrator for the University of Wisconsin. I have been doing this for 24 years! I am a single Dad with 2 sons - Tyler and Collin. I have 4 grandkids, so far. My hobbies - bicycling, traveling locally and internationally, hiking, camping, helping people, spending time with friends and family, live music events, the Rotary, and craft beer!"
What is your proudest accomplishment? Why?:
"Most recently, I completed the RAGBRAI 2022. I biked 488 miles across the state of Iowa in 7 days! I didn’t think I could do it!"
What would you sing at karaoke night?:
"Tequila - by Pee Wee Herman! I can’t carry a tune, so this song with only one word fits perfectly! Lol"
What was your first job?:
"I was hired as a waiter in an upscale restaurant at 17 years old. Ha. I was completely unprepared for that opportunity!"
If you could travel to a place that you haven’t been to, where would it be?:
"I would love to go to China and walk on the Great Wall!"
What’s the best/worst concert you’ve ever been to?:
"Mannheim Steamroller - the only concert that I fell asleep during!! Ha"
Member Spotlight - LeRoy Kemnitz 2022-09-29 05:00:00Z 0

Club President Message - Sept 29

Attention everyone -
Our next club meeting on October 7, 2022 will be a Club Assembly meeting. 
We will plan to start the nomination process for a new club president. I encourage everyone to think about who they would like to nominate to become our next club president. We will be accepting nominations until Dec 2022. We will hold online voting in December and announce the winner. This will give the next president time to get up to speed and learn about Rotary and set goals for the new year that starts in July!  This an opportunity to get involved and make a difference!  Send me an email about who you want to nominate and we will take it from there. 
Our guest speaker is Ben Bauer, District Governor!  Join us to hear about his plans for his year as Governor 
As part of this meeting, we plan to have a portion of the meeting dedicated to hearing from Ben, a portion dedicated to ‘What is Rotary’ for the people that are new to Rotary, share plans for the future of the Service Projects that we are working on, and engage in a discussion about making plans for future membership engagement. 
I am hoping that everyone will join this meeting and share your thoughts about how you can get more involved!
See you all soon!

Club President Message - Sept 29 LeRoy Kemnitz 2022-09-28 05:00:00Z 0

Ride for Rotary in India - 2023

Dear Rotarian,

Greetings from RID 3181!

As you might be aware, RID 3181 organizes an International Motorcycle Ride / Drive event - Ride for Rotary, in India. The aim of the event is to promote International fellowship and exchange of Rotary views. The last 6 editions of the event have been an overwhelming success. More than 100 participants from 15 different countries have attended the event and have had wonderful experiences to take back home.

The funds raised through this event go to The Rotary Foundation. We have contributed close to $100,000 to TRF from the last 6 editions.

This year’s event will be held from 13th to 28th January, 2023. The 15 days event will start-off from Mahabalipuram (India) and can either be a motorcycle ride, or a four wheeler drive.

The ride will cover multiple Rotary Districts and many Rotary Clubs. Route map will be - Mahabalipuram - Pondicherry - Thanjavur - Madurai - Coimbatore - Ooty - Mysore - Madikeri - Mangalore

Below are the Event Highlights:

  • Motorcycle participants will be provided with a motorcycle, fuel, riding jackets, gloves and knee guards.
  • Participants are required to carry their own helmets, as it ensures better fit and comfort.
  • Four wheeler participants will be provided with a Mahindra Scorpio or an equivalent car, along with fuel, on sharing basis.
  • Stay accommodations will be in 3 Star+ Hotels / Resorts.
  • Food will be served in clean, sanitized places. The menu will feature a combination of both continental & local delicacies.
  • The route is well planned and will cover varied landscapes like world famous Beaches, Hill stations, World Heritage Sites, Temples, Churches, Tea Plantations, Reserve Forests, Palaces, etc.
  • Folk music, dance and other cultural activities will be arranged to showcase Indian culture & heritage during the evening meets.
  • Various Rotary Clubs & service projects will be involved & showcased to exchange Rotary views & vision.
  • A Qualified Medical Assistant will be a part of the crew with 24×7 medical assistance available throughout the event.
  • Experienced Mechanics will be a part of the crew.

Participation Fee:

  • For Individual: 3000 USD + 18% Tax
  • For Couple: 5000 USD + 18% Tax
  • Participation Fee includes:
  • For Motorcycle: Food, Stay, Riding gears, Motorcycle with fuel
  • For 4 Wheeler: Food, Stay, Vehicle with fuel

We request you to register for this event and make the event a greater success. Please visit our website: for more details


Team Ride for Rotary 5

Ride for Rotary in India - 2023 2022-09-28 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Exchange

From the District 6250 Outbound Co-Coordinator:
I'm pleased to announce that we're are accepting applications for outbound Rotary Youth Exchange students for the 2023-24 school year. Students who are interested in being outbound exchange students should complete the preliminary application right away. We would ask that you please direct any students that you know of that are interested to do so. You can also refer them to our outbound program page.
Student interviews at the district level will take place on Saturday, November 5, 2022. The overall application deadline is November 15, 2022. More information is available here about the application process.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions 
Thank you,
John Holevoet
Outbound Co-Coordinator, District 6250 
Rotary Club of Sun Prairie 

Rotary Youth Exchange 2022-09-28 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary-Peace Corps Week: September 19-23 2022 Hosted by Partnering for Peace

As your club is active in service projects and activities, we wanted to send you a personal invitation to participate in this year’s Rotary-Peace Corps Week, 19-23 September! This week is an opportunity for members of both organizations to collaborate, share their resources, and co-create projects that will have an even greater impact. It is hosted by Partnering for Peace, a group of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers who are also Rotary members and are passionate about the impact we can all make together through the official Rotary-Peace Corps partnership.

The week’s theme is Peacebuilding on the Ground and starts on Monday, 19 September with a panel webinar including:

  • Chief Financial Officer of Open Doors Asheville, Keevon Baten, who is a Founding Rotaractor Club President, and Returned Peace Corps Volunteer;
  • President Emeritus of the National Peace Corps Association and Former President of the Alliance for Peacebuilding, Charles Dambach, who was nominated for the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize and received the 2017 Institute for Economics and Peace Leadership and Service for Peace Award;
  • Past Rotary International Director Peter Kyle who has been an active peace builder and former chair of the Rotary Peace Center Committee; and,
  • U.S. Representative for Frontline Defenders, Ana Patel, who is a Rotary Peace Fellow, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, and a Rotary Representative to UN Women.

Rotary-Peace Corps Week: September 19-23 2022 Hosted by Partnering for Peace Valerie Wachuta 2022-09-06 05:00:00Z 0

Joint service week with Kiwanis International, Lions Clubs International, and Optimist International 

Dear Rotarians,

Our joint service week with Kiwanis International, Lions Clubs International, and Optimist International was so successful last year, we’re doing it again!

During the week of 11-17 September, we’re encouraging Rotary and Rotaract clubs to partner with local Kiwanis, Lions, and Optimist clubs on a service project that will have a long-term impact in your community. (Use the club finder tools to locate KiwanisLions, and Optimist clubs near you.) To get started, work with a local social service organization or with local government officials to learn what your community needs and how you can plan the most effective project.

We can do more when we work together. Let’s harness the collective power of our four organizations’ 3.4 million members and Celebrate Community together.

John Hewko
General Secretary
Rotary International

Joint service week with Kiwanis International, Lions Clubs International, and Optimist International LeRoy Kemnitz 2022-08-23 05:00:00Z 0

Club Messages August 25th

Club Members -
It's end-of-summer vacation time so this bulletin is the stripped down version.
A few announcements:
1.  The September meeting is cancelled due to the Labor Day Holiday!  Enjoy the Weekend! 
2.  We will be hosting a Club Assembly day for our October regular meeting instead of having a guest speaker.  We will be discussing our club future and what you want/hope to see in our future for the club.  An open discussion.  Please plan on attending and having your thoughts heard!
3.  Your Board is also working on assembling a committee to put together an Orientation for our membership.  We intend to share with our 'new to Rotary' members - what is Rotary and what is possible for you being a part of this club! 
4.  We will be working on a Changemakers Spotlight - to highlight one of our members each month.  Please watch your email for fun questions about yourselves, and be sure to reply.
Everyone should attend the October Meeting for Club Assembly This is an opportunity to say what you want/hope to see in our future for the club.

Club Messages August 25th LeRoy Kemnitz vjw 2022-08-23 05:00:00Z 0

Volunteer Opportunities September - November Book Packing

Title:  Book packing events    
When: Sept 24, Oct. 8, Oct 22, Nov 5  10:00 - 12:30
WhereAlpha Omega Distributors, 1849 Wright Street, Madison, WI  53704
Contact: Ellen Cook -
We've got SO many books, which is a good problem to have! So I'm scheduling 3 more dates into fall. They are Saturdays, Oct 8, 22 and Nov 5 from 10-12:30 as usual. We may add more dates as we get a sense of the weather temperature. Please let me know if you can help out.
Also, I'm cancelling the Sept. 10 event because of Ironman and also because weonly had 2 volunteers. In addition, I'd like to see if I can get a few more volunteers on Sept. 24 to help out with the peripheral work like breaking down boxes and facilitating packers. 
We have 10 volunteers coming as a group through United Way. 
Thank you all so much,
Volunteer Opportunities September - November Book Packing Valerie Wachuta 2022-08-23 05:00:00Z 0

Club President Message August 11th

Club Members -
Hope everyone is enjoying the last few weeks of summer!  I am enjoying the cooler weather lately....I can get outside and bicycle without drinking my weight in water!  Ha.
Has everyone received their 'Welcome to Rotary!' email from Brian King at Rotary International?  Please take some to read the email and log into your online accounts and verify your information.  This is a great opportunity to check out Rotary and see what events are coming up to get involved.
A few announcements:
1.  The September meeting is cancelled due to the Labor Day Holiday!  Enjoy the Weekend!  We will be hosting a Club Assembly day for our October Regular meeting instead of having a guest speaker.  We will be discussing our club future and what you want/hope to see in our future for the club.  An open discussion.  Please plan on attending and having your thoughts heard!
2.  Your Board is also working on assembling a committee to put together an Orientation for our membership.  We intend to share with our 'new to Rotary' members - what is Rotary and what is possible for you being a part of this club!  Everyone will be invited to join.  I am looking forward to learning more and having some fun too!  
If anyone wants to get more involved in our club, feel free to reach out to me!
See everyone at the Oct meeting for Club Assembly!  

Club President Message August 11th LeRoy Kemnitz 2022-08-11 05:00:00Z 0

Service Project Committee 07-28-22

Service Update
We're excited to kick off our first service project as a newly chartered Rotary Club: Changemakers Rotary Health and Hygiene Appeal Benefitting Family Health La Clinica.   The overall goal of the project is to raise $10,000 through various means, (including a D6250 Designated Funds Grant) to supply personal hygiene and medical products for people in need.   Complete information about the project can be found here:  Service project to benefit La Clinica Family Health .  The funds will be raised in steps.  Our first step is to get the support of every Changemakers Rotary member through a contribution, small or large, to the project.  In the coming weeks we expect to have our online giving systems developed.  We'll let you know as they get rolled out.   In the meantime, please help get the ball rolling by sending your check to:  
Changemakers Rotary Club
Please email Chris Parizo ( for address information.
Take a few minutes to make your contribution soon.  We'll send weekly updates to let you know how we're doing.
Cheers to Changemakers Rotary Club, and to the change we are about to make in the lives of people in Central Wisconsin!
Cheryl Mader
"There is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it"

Service Project Committee 07-28-22 Cheryl Madder 2022-07-28 05:00:00Z 0

Club President Message July 28th

Hello Club Members!  (Feels good to say that!!!)
Rotary International will be sending out an official notification to each of you welcoming you to Rotary by mid-August.  Your membership has been added to Rotary International membership and we are working to transfer records to our club in the coming weeks.  If you are transferring, be sure to let the Treasurer of your old club know about this change so you are not invoiced for dues at the old club.
Your club board members are working on revamping our club website to be more focused on our members and the Service projects that we are working on and new opportunities to get involved.  If you want to help out with this effort, please let us know - we could use the help/expertise!  
At our next meeting, our guest speaker is Karen Walkowski.  Karen will be joining us from Edina, MN.  Karen has been instrumental in getting her virtual cause based club started and growing.  We will learn about how they are doing it and what is working for them!  Please attend with your list of questions for her so we can have an open discussion with another virtual club!
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the next meeting on August 5, 2022!!

Club President Message July 28th LeRoy Kemnitz 2022-07-28 05:00:00Z 0

Jennifer Jones


2022-23 President Jennifer Jones is eager to advance Rotary’s narrative
By Diana Schoberg
Photography by Monika Lozinska

Jennifer Jones Diana Schoberg 2022-07-25 05:00:00Z 0

Mediterranean Project

Changemakers Rotary Club is teaming with a club in the Mediterranean area for a service project.  More information to be coming soon.

Mediterranean Project Cheryl Mader 2022-07-22 05:00:00Z 0

Club President Message July 14

Welcome to the Changemakers Club!
Over the next year, each of you will get an email asking you a few questions about yourself.  We plan to do a member spotlight on our website and Facebook page, including a face pic.  I think this is a great opportunity for each of you to 'brag' about yourselves!  Tell us about your life and what you are up to.  I want to get to know each of you better.  
In the coming weeks, expect to see an official email from Rotary International about each of us becoming a member.  When they get us setup, we should receive a 'Welcoming' email.  It is up to each club member that is transferring to Changemakers - to notify the treasurer of your old club of your transfer.  This will inform the club of the change and you will no longer be invoiced by your club.  The rest of the membership transfer will happen in the background.
We will also be sending out invoices in the coming weeks for club dues.  We all knew this day was coming!  Ha.  We are planning on having an option to pay these dues online with little effort from the club members.
See you all soon for the Happy hour!!

Club President Message July 14 LeRoy Kemnitz 2022-07-11 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation

Rotary is dedicated to doing good together! One of the things that Rotarians love is the sense of community that doing good with like-minded individuals provides.

Rotary Foundation 2022-07-06 05:00:00Z 0

Upcoming District Events

Upcoming Events/Dates:
District events are designed to make the Rotary experience more fun and more successful for you and your club leaders and members. Please add these opportunities to your calendar.
  • Vibrant Club Workshop / One Rotary Summit (Presidents and Chairs, engaged club members) - Fall (exact date/time(s) TBD)
  • World Polio Day - October 24th. Lots of clubs fundraise for Polio in October.
  • Grant Management Seminars - Winter/Spring
  • Save the Date TriCon 2023 (our Multi-District Conference) - April 27-29 - La Crosse, Wisconsin - more info coming soon, feel free to check in for more at

Upcoming District Events LeRoy Kemnitz 2022-06-29 05:00:00Z 0

Club President Message June 30th

After many months of work, we are finally able to celebrate the fact of our club becoming Chartered!  Woo Hoo!!  Thanks to our 20 founding members for their commitment and involvement!!  We couldn't have done it without you!!!
We have put together an event where we will share our plans for the next year for our new club.  We will hear from our Membership chair, Service Project chair, and our Social Media chair.  Feel free to come prepared with questions for each of them and learn about the exciting things that are being planned!
The link to this meeting is posted on our website - - July Regular meeting link, happening July 1, 7:30 a.m. social and 8:00 a.m. meeting.
Hope to see you there!!!

Club President Message June 30th LeRoy Kemnitz 2022-06-20 05:00:00Z 0

Service Project Committee 06-30-22

Service Central
The Changemakers Rotary Service Committee has been working on our first project!  As we develop our relationship with Family Health La Clinica our first project will be a 30 day pilot program to provide requested personal and other items to La Clinica's patients.  La Clinica indicated to us that many of their patients are unable to afford the most basic items required for personal care.  So from July 1 to 31, club members will make a difference by selecting from a list of requested items, and then forwarding either the items or the cash to a central location.  The list of items will be available in the coming days.  Our goal is to have ALL members participate in some way, large or small.  We're also hoping to be able to give members an opportunity to do hands-on service by helping to distribute the items.  More on that in the next week.
With success in this small pilot program under our belts, we will hope to proceed to planning the next longer term project to support La Clinica, focused on assisting in the purchase of Blood Glucose Monitors which are desperately needed.  This project will require us to leverage our Rotary contacts and experience and may even involve our first District grant.
On the international level, an important opportunity is being offered by our own D6250 Foundation:  $30,000 in 30 Days  Here's some information about it:
Nila is a refugee. Nila left behind soldiers and neighbors in Zaporizhzhia and attends Rotary Club meetings in her temporary home of Olstyn, Poland. There she met Irma, a fellow Rotarian and friend of D6250.  Together, Nila and Irma are leading efforts to do the most good in the best way for the people and soldiers in Zaporizhzhia. Devastated by battles, without access to medical care, in desperate need of intensive humanitarian aid, Rotary Club of Olstyn Varnia, plans to send first aid kits in two sizes. The small kit will be designed to strap to a belt and the large kit will fill a backpack. The kits are intended for use not only by medics, but also by other people in the conflict area who are able to provide emergency first aid, saving health and life. The kits have been conceived and designed in consultation with military and medical leaders serving on the front line. Few opportunities to serve are so immediately necessary. Few opportunities will connect you so intimately with lives saved and tended. Will you help?
We hope to raise $30,000 in 30 days – half of the project’s total cost. Gifts can be sent to our D6250 Foundation via the link below. Whether or not you have given to help Ukraine, we hope it will be your pleasure to help again. No gift is too small. Join other Rotarians from D6250, including some from the Changemakers Rotary by
Our service is also welcome at neighboring Rotary Clubs in their service projects.  Many hands make light the work; we encourage you to reach out your hand to make a difference in your community. 
And of course, random acts of kindness are always welcome!
Cheryl Mader
"There is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it"

Service Project Committee 06-30-22 Cheryl Madder 2022-06-20 05:00:00Z 0

Volunteer Opportunities July through September Book Packing

Title:  Book packing events    
When: July 23, August 6 & 20, Sept 10 & 24  10:00 - 12:30 ;  August 3 from 9-11:30 and  August 4 from 12:30-2:30
WhereAlpha Omega Distributors, 1849 Wright Street, Madison, WI  53704
Contact: Ellen Cook -
Description: We have good news that we are getting more and more books donated every  week! So that means we have to get busy packing.  The new dates are as follows and they are all on Saturdays from 10-12:30 except August 3 & 4, times above.  - daily leader in parentheses: 
July 23 (Thom and/or Ellen)  Epic Groups to meet us
August 3  Baker Tilly volunteers to meet us
August 4  Baker Tilly volunteers to meet us
Aug 6 (Betsy)  
Aug 20 (Gary and/or Ellen)
Sept 10 (Betsy)
Sept 24 (Ellen)
I will also be posting these on the United Way website and I'll add them to our club calendar. Please respond to me if you can attend on any of these dates and enjoy summer! 
Thanks to all,
Volunteer Opportunities July through September Book Packing Valerie Wachuta 2022-06-16 05:00:00Z 0

Club President Message June 16th

We have our 20 founding members!  Time to celebrate!!!
Please Welcome our newest member - Sharon Deminsky!  She plans to attend meetings and happy hour events when her schedule allows.  When you see her join us, be sure to say - Hi! - and make her feel welcome.
Club News:
On July 1, 2022, we are planning on having our Charter celebration during our regularly scheduled meeting for the month.  I encourage everyone to attend.  We will share our plans for the club for the upcoming year and award the $50 gift card to the member that brought in the most new club members.  We will also find out about our upcoming service projects for the next year.
Please join us and help us celebrate our latest achievement!!  The link to the meeting is posted on our website.
Heads up - We will be sending out a copy of the proposed By-laws for our club in the next two weeks.  We do need members to vote on whether or not the By-laws can be adopted or provide feedback.  This will give us guidance going forward.
Did anyone attend the Rotary International convention in Houston?  If so, please share your pics and stories of your experiences!
Random acts of kindness are always appreciated!

Club President Message June 16th LeRoy Kemnitz 2022-06-16 05:00:00Z 0

Message from the Club President

We have gained a new member, Dan Deslover.  He plans to join us for our regular meetings/socials as his schedule allows.  Be sure to say - Hi! - when you see him to make him feel welcome!
We now only need 1 more person to join us!  WE ARE SO CLOSE!!!  I am confident that we can do this!!  
Club News:
We are tentatively planning on having a Chartering event at our July 1, 2022 regular meeting.  We will share our plans for the next year for the club around the direction of the club and future plans for the Service projects.
Over the next month, we will be sending out our club by-laws.  Each member will need to review these by-laws, provide feedback, and cast a vote on the by-laws.  The hope is that we can complete this review/vote process by our July 1 meeting.
We do need to fill 2 more positions in our club:
1.  Membership Chair
2.  Social Chair
If you would like to get more involved in our club and help us navigate this new era, then let me know!  Even if you could co-chair one of these positions, it would help!  There are lots of ideas for the future for fun and making a difference!
Remember - Any random act of kindness is too small!  
Thanks everyone for all that you do for our club!  

Message from the Club President LeRoy Kemnitz 2022-05-23 05:00:00Z 0

Service Project Committee 05-12-22

         Service Central
Our currently small committee (Dwight and Cheryl) is continuing to make small steps toward offering our members service opportunities.  We presented the following information at our regular meeting on Friday, May 6.
1.  As a virtual Rotary club, one of our challenges will be to figure out how to do service, service projects, and make a difference in a virtual way.  It may not always be pretty, but we will determine how to be effective in our service.  And we will get there by...
2.  Starting to do service projects.  Let's start small, and build on our success.
3.  On Friday we got some additional information from club member Liz Parizo who is the COO of Family Health La Clinica, a community health organization in central Wisconsin.  Liz has previously presented on this topic, and the club seems ready to continue to go in the direction of supporting La Clinica as a signature project.  As we continue to build the relationship between La Clinica and Changemakers Rotary, we propose to do a small project:  La Clinica has a need for personal care items for the population it serves.  We propose to build a small project around this, perhaps a personal fundraising effort by club members as well as a wider effort to leverage our connections to increase the impact of the project.
We need your help!!  We need  2-3 club members to join our Service Committee for this project.  All volunteers are welcome, especially YOU!  And if you have experience or are willing to get experienced on a Go Fund Me page, that could be valuable.  We'll be having a 30 minute meeting next week, at a time that works for everyone who is  interested.  
We are starting with a smaller scale and very manageable service project. By participating on the committee, you can help determine how we accomplish a meaningful goal with efficient use of time by our committee and club members. Thank you for raising your hand. It's the Rotary way.
Please contact Cheryl or Dwight to indicate your willingness to serve on the committee to get Changemaker service started!  This is the first test for us...hopefully we pass with flying colors!

We are excited to announce that we  have an opportunity to get involved in an international service project.  LeRoy and Cheryl were able to view five live presentations by Roteractors from the Mediterranean area.  The project was sponsored by  Mediterranean Environment Academy in an effort to increase collaboration between Roteract and Rotary clubs.
After 8 full weeks of training and mentorship - led by professional coaches and mentors - five Rotaract Teams were able to develop their environmental projects ideas, each one to be accomplished with less than $,8000.   Here's a link to a recording of the presentations. Project Presentations  .   Have a look.  Our first thought is to perhaps sponsor one of the smaller projects...maybe the Clean Up Day, with a price tag of $1,000.  These projects will be supported by District Designated Funds which would make the cost to us much lower.
We're just getting started on this project, and look forward to hearing what you all think about participating.

Service Project Committee 05-12-22 Cheryl Madder 2022-05-11 05:00:00Z 0

Service Project Committee

We know how important service is to our members., and Dwight and Cheryl are currently working on developing several opportunities for service.  Please feel free to comment, or join the committee!! 
  • The Changemakers Rotary Club is beginning to explore a keystone relationship with Family Health La Clinica, a Wautoma non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the health and well-being of all people in communities they serve, primarily in Central Wisconsin, by providing primary medical, dental, mental health, and addiction services designed to meet health needs and improve access to care. Rotarian Liz Parizo is affiliated with the organization and is facilitating this investigation. While we continue to find the most meaningful ways to support this organization,  let's start by leveraging our Rotary contacts for a Diaper Drive, which Liz suggested as a need.  We're thinking of using social media, a Go Fund Me and D6250 District Dispatch to round up as many diapers as we can.  Find out more at our meeting on May 6.
  • We're challenging all Changemakers to reach out to nearby Rotary clubs, to let them know about us and to offer volunteer assistance in their service projects and support for their fundraisers.  
  • Build a Rotary Bulletin Board of service opportunities.  How would this work??  We're not sure...perhaps you have some ideas.
  • As Changemaker Rotarians, we likely are frequently guilty of doing Random Acts of Kindness.  Let's document those in word or picture and get the word out to others.  It's a good way to invite others to do the same. We can send information to Changemaker Rotarian Peter Groth.  He'll publish our acts of kindness on Facebook.  Perhaps a challenge is in order??
These are a few ideas to get us started.  We're looking for feedback.  Contact Dwight or Cheryl with questions, comments, suggestions.
Service Project Committee VJW 2022-05-10 05:00:00Z 0

Message from the Club President

We only need 4 more people so we can charter as a club!  Only 4!  We are so close.  Be sure to think about asking friends, co-workers, and spouses.
On April 29 and 30, 2022, we will be part of the Tricon District conference.  Feel free to join us for the day or for the weekend!  We can learn about what is going on in our District, as well as, learn about what our neighbors are doing in the surrounding Districts.  There are lots of opportunities to get involved.  We are a Service organization - let's get involved!
Be sure to join us for our next regular meeting on May 6, 2022 - we will learn more about an opportunity for us to partner with a Wisconsin company so we can help people.  Join us so we can learn more and give your voice to the project so we can help more and more people!   
Enjoy the warmer weather!  See everyone next week!
Message from the Club President vjw 2022-05-10 05:00:00Z 0

Volunteer Opportunity Guatemala Service Projects

Title: Guatemala Trip January 2023
When: January 12-22
Where:   Guatemala
Contact: Ellen Cook -
Description: A trip to Guatemala next year to get to know our fellow Rotarians and their families, do service projects, see the sights and have some fun!
As many of you know, we are planning a trip to Guatemala next year to get to know our fellow Rotarians and their families, do service projects, see the sights and have some fun! Gary and Ana and I met with Alvaro and Patrick over zoom last week and together we planned a tentative  itinerary for January 12-22 that Patrick has attached here. Patrick has included a breakdown of the cost per person for the amazing trip he has planned for us that you'll find at the end of the attached itinerary. We priced air travel costs at around $500/person, but obviously that can vary. Please look over the itinerary carefully because there are lots of options included to facilitate designing your trip for your comfort level. What we would like to know at this planning stage is how many of you feel interested in going on this trip. No commitment required just yet
Volunteer Opportunity Guatemala Service Projects Valerie Wachuta 2022-05-10 05:00:00Z 0

Volunteer Opportunity May 21 Book Packing

Title:  Book packing event
When: Saturday, May 21 from 12-2:30 
WhereAlpha Omega Distributors, 1849 Wright Street, Madison, WI  53704
Contact: Ellen Cook -
Description: Thanks to those of you who volunteered for book packing on Saturday, May 7, but American Printing has rescheduled for Saturday, May 21 from 12-2:30pm. Please respond to this email address if you can be available to help out on that day. Gary will be leading, as I will be out of town. Just to be clear, the May 7 book packing is cancelled.  We are excited about getting started again and especially about all of the interest from businesses and groups in the community.  It always helps to have plenty of experienced packers on hand.
Warmest regards to all,
Volunteer Opportunity May 21 Book Packing LeRoy Kemnitz 2022-04-20 05:00:00Z 0

Volunteer Opportunity:  April 26 - 28 Book Packing

Title:  Book packing event
When: April 26, 27, 28 (Tues-Thu)
Where:  American Girl in Middleton
Contact: Ellen Cook -
Description:  As most of you already know, American Girl in Middleton is moving and has offered us not only their remaining library books but brand new American Girl books as well. Gary and I have looked over the library books and the large majority are perfect for sending abroad. We will also take pallets of the new American Girl books for a Waushara Co. Food Bank as well as some other groups that have come to our attention.
American Girl is providing boxes and palettes, etc. They will deliver our palettes directly to the warehouse. We would like to find out which one of the following dates (from 1-3pm) would work out best for each one of you who can participate. The dates are April 26, 27, 28 (Tues-Thu).  
Volunteer Opportunity: April 26 - 28 Book Packing LeRoy Kemnitz 2022-04-20 05:00:00Z 0

Volunteer Opportunity May 21 RYLA Rotarian Staff

Title:  RYLA Rotarian Staff
WhenSaturday, May 21st 
Where:   Upham Woods, Wisconsin Dells
Contact: Michelle McGrath -
Description:  I want to THANK you for your incredible service to your clubs and community!  We are so grateful to have you in our District!

As you may know, we are in the throes of selecting our staff for the upcoming RYLA event - which this year is only 1 DAY (something SUPER feasible for our Rotarians....especially for some of them that I always wanted to get involved in our program)  THIS IS YOU ;-)
We have a good list of high school and college age students for staff, however, would love a couple more Rotarians to join us for Saturday, May 21st at Upham Woods in the Dells.  Your commitment would be arriving on Saturday at 8:00 AM (or you can come the night before for the overnight)  Students arrive at 9:30 and leave at 6:00 PM.  That's it - PLUS you will have the most AMAZING, INSPIRING day!
Next year we will be back to a 3 day this is an INCREDIBLE opportunity to experience RYLA in a short piece!  
Thanks for thinking about this opportunity!  We would love to have you.  Please let me know if you have any questions about this opportunity or have anyone else you would like me to ask and include!

Volunteer Opportunity May 21 RYLA Rotarian Staff LeRoy Kemnitz 2022-04-20 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary’s Response to the 1918 Flu Pandemic

An estimated 500 million people worldwide became infected. Many cities closed theaters and cinemas, and placed restrictions on public gatherings. Rotary clubs adjusted their activities while also helping the sick.

This is how Rotary responded to the influenza pandemic that began in 1918 and came in three waves, lasting more than a year.

The Rotary Club of Berkeley, California, USA, meets in John Hinkel Park during the 1918 flu pandemic.

Photo by Edwin J. McCullagh, 1931-32 club president. Courtesy of the Rotary Club of Berkeley.

Rotary’s Response to the 1918 Flu Pandemic 2020-11-05 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary at the Start of the United Nations

Rotary and the United Nations have a shared history of working toward peace and addressing humanitarian issues around the world.

During World War II, Rotary informed and educated members about the formation of the United Nations and the importance of planning for peace. Materials such as the booklet “From Here On!” and articles in The Rotarian helped members understand the UN before it was formally established and follow its work after its charter. 

Many countries were fighting the war when the term “United Nations” was first used officially in the 1942 “Declaration by United Nations.” The 26 nations that signed it pledged to uphold the ideals expressed by the United States and the United Kingdom the previous year of the common principles “on which they based their hopes for a better future for the world.” 


Rotary at the Start of the United Nations 2020-11-05 06:00:00Z 0

History of Women in Rotary

Women are active participants in Rotary, serving their communities in increasing numbers and serving in leadership positions in Rotary. The 1989 Council on Legislation vote to admit women into Rotary clubs worldwide remains a watershed moment in the history of Rotary.
 “My fellow delegates, I would like to remind you that the world of 1989 is very different to the world of 1905. I sincerely believe that Rotary has to adapt itself to a changing world,” said Frank J. Devlyn, who would go on to become RI president in 2000-01. 
The vote followed the decades-long efforts of men and women from all over the Rotary world to allow the admission of women into Rotary clubs, and several close votes at previous Council meetings.
History of Women in Rotary 2020-11-05 06:00:00Z 0

Young Inventor Eco-Friendly Bricks Come Full Circle

Every hero has an origin story. “I was 10 years old when the entire journey started,” explains Binish Desai. It began with a cartoon called Captain Planet, an animated TV series from the 1990s about an environmentalist with superpowers. Desai can still recite the show’s refrain: Captain Planet, he’s our hero / Gonna take pollution down to zero! “That tagline stuck in my mind,” he says. “I wanted to do something to help Captain Planet.”

Young Inventor Eco-Friendly Bricks Come Full Circle 2020-11-05 06:00:00Z 0

First Club in Philippines Opens Door to Rotary in Asia

In early 1919, Rotarian Roger Pinneo of Seattle, Washington, USA, traveled to the Philippines to try to organize a Rotary club in Manila. Leon J. Lambert, a Manila business leader helped Pinneo establish the club. Several months later, on 1 June 1919, the Rotary Club of Manila was chartered and became the first Rotary club in Asia.

The club would be the only one in the country for more than 12 years. Eventually, Manila club members organized Rotary clubs in the Philippine cities of Cebu (1932) and Iloilo (1933). Iloilo club members then started a club in Bacolod (1937), and Rotary continued to expand across the country.

First Club in Philippines Opens Door to Rotary in Asia 2020-11-05 06:00:00Z 0