Dear Peace Builder,
Rotary Clubs and organizations around the world are organizing events to commemorate International Day of Peace.
We, the Rotary Mega-Meeting Team invite you to a special meeting to launch peace month, where you will learn about special peace-building opportunities for you, your district and your club.
September 7, 2024
Topic - “Membership, Strategic Planning and the Rotary Action Plan“.
Peace Major Gift - Initiative Adviser 2023 to 2026
Topic - “Positive Peace, The road to conflict resolution and Peace building”
Chair - Rotary Action Group for Peace
Topic - "Cultivating a Culture of Peace"
I hope you have all received your September Rotary Magazine. The first article I read was “The meaning of family” by our Rotary International President Stephanie A. Urchick. Stepanie’s theme for this Rotary Year is The Magic of Rotary. I was especially connected to this as I had described the journey that led me to join Rotary as magical. Stephanie says, “The Magic of Rotary is belonging, and it’s a feeling that can appear when you least expect it.” If you haven’t read this article yet, seek it out. Her amazing connection to her Slovakian roots was made even richer through an experience on a Rotary visit through Europe. Stephanie concludes the article by saying, “As members of Rotary, we have a unique opportunity to share the same magic with each other and the world. I encourage you to consider how you can help spread that magic and ensure other members of your club – other members of our Rotary family – feel like they truly belong.” And I would add that as Rotary members we need to be inviting others to visit and join our club. Share our meeting information on your social media, wear your Rotary pin, tell people about the good work of Rotary.
Our speaker for our September 6th monthly meeting is our Interact President Teegan Davis. Teegan will be sharing her experience with the Rotary Youth Exchange. Teegan hosted Martina from Italy from June 16th - July 7th and then flew to Italy and spent three weeks with Martina’s family. I hope you can all be at the meeting to hear Teegan’s presentation. This will be her second one. She also presented at our June meeting about her Interact Club and experiences at the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards as a camper and a counselor.
Last spring Changemakers Rotary Club began sponsoring the Sun Prairie East High School Interact Club. I have attended several meetings including the packing of books for elementary children to take home at the end of the school year for their summer reading. Teegan and I recently got together at the local coffee shop and she shared her plans for the coming school year. Teegan has secured a spot for an informational table at the Sun Prairie Farmers’ market on Saturday, September 21st. She will have a game and if any of you could donate to buy candy for it, please let me know. Teegan is planning club activities to support the Ukrainian – Hungarian Budapest School that we and other District 6250 clubs are supporting.
Donations can be made at Choose the foundation tab. Next choose District 6250 Foundation. Click on DONATE NOW. Choose the Ukrainian-Hungarian Budapest School from the drop-down menu. Or send a check written to Rotary District 6250 Foundation, lnc. Memo Ukrainian – Hungarian Budapest School. Mail check to: Rotary District 6250 c/o Brian Watson, 4030 E. Stone Ridge Dr, Milton, WI 53563.
At our August executive board meeting, we voted to donate $500 to the Rotary Club of Kalibo Metro, the Philippines for the purchase of dental equipment. You also can contribute to this worthy cause by donating at the District 6250 Foundation.
Let’s make 2024-25 a magical year and share the sense of belonging.
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Date: Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 7:21 AM
Subject: Exciting Updates from the Ukrainian Refugee School Project in Budapest
Greetings from sunny Budapest!
I hope this message finds you well.
First and foremost, I want to share some powerful stories from the kids of the Ukrainian School we’re supporting in Budapest. The heartbreaking experiences of these children, whose lives have been profoundly impacted by the ongoing war, remind us why this project has been our focus for the past two years.
Thanks to your support, we’ve already made a meaningful impact on the lives of 200 children, bringing hope and delivering quality education to 130 Ukrainian refugee students (grades 5 to 11) and 60 enthusiast pre-schoolers.
The attached photos and video were taken during the end-of-year ceremony at our “small” Ukrainian School in Budapest:
During the 2023/2024 academic year, every one of these students passed their exams and tests, earning their Ukrainian certificates. Here are the key highlights:
- Student Well-being: Our students are happy, motivated, and most importantly, they feel safe.
- Academic Success: All students passed their exams, showing remarkable progress despite the challenges they face. Notably, four students finished the year with excellent grades, and many achieved outstanding results in academic competitions.
- Improved Language Skills: The children have made significant strides in both Hungarian and English.
- Collaborative Environment: A strong sense of community has developed among students and teachers, with teams working together towards shared goals.
Additionally, I’m delighted to announce that the documents for establishing the large Hungarian-Ukrainian Bilingual Primary and Secondary School have been accepted by Hungarian authorities. We’ve received the official registration number, and our new, larger school will be located at 1211 Budapest, II. Rákóczi Ferenc út 121-123.
Our Ukrainian school project has grown significantly over the past two years. From a modest initial budget of just $300, it now requires daily coordination and is expected to surpass a total budget of $500,000. To continue this work and truly capture the Magic of Rotary, we need your support.
I’m counting on your help and support to change lives of 700 Ukrainian refugee kids together. Please yes to this project and help us to make the large Ukrainian School a reality.
Enjoy Rotary!
Best regards,
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Service Above Self
La Crosse, WI 54601
United States of America